

呵呵,我惹怒了XXXXX [此处匿名]了,他开始跟我翻脸了。我的目标是将他的KeyTool Explorer基于Swing(收费:http://www.lazgosoftware.com/kse/index.html)转换成一个基于SWT的Eclipse的插件(free),并且,我已经开发了另一个XML签名插件,并正打算开发一个加密插件,我将我已经做好的东西,就几个Screenshot发给他,他愤怒地说我缺乏想象力,抄袭他的东西并打算对我采取行动。 
下面是他的回复全文,我惹怒他的主要原因是我劝他放弃KeyStore 2.4这个收费的东西,重新回到开源行列:(


I have given you advice as you requested to the best of my ability and
really have no more time for this exercise.  My patience has been exhausted.
 Whether you chose to follow this advice is up to you - bear in mind I have
doing this for a lot longer than you.

If my code is not correctly licensed as I have stated (ie GPL) or you use
the KeyTool GUI name that I have copyright over then I will take steps (I
can see you are using it in your screenshots).  Specifically any sites that
you host SecureX on will receive a compliant and will, I have no doubt
remove your project.  While you obviously do not take open source licenses
and copyright seriously (or even, based on what you have written, understand
them), believe me they will.  Not everyone is as ignorant to the issues
surrounding the production of open source as you plainly are.

You keep telling me that your work will challenge mine.  David, it really
will not.  Your work is amateurish and your prediction of 90% coverage of
features is an over-exaggeartion.  If you were any good at this you wouldn't
need to use my code at all.  There is not a single innovation in any of the
screen shots - you have simply copied my screens in SWT.  You display a
complete lack of imagination.

I will not be rejoining any open source projects for KeyTool GUI or any
other projects.  Why on earth would I want to give my work away for nothing?
 I think that I have done enough already by writing KeyTool GUI in the
first place.

Don't write to me again - I won't even bother to read any more of the
rubbish you have to say.  I simply have better things to do.

I will not be rejoining any open source projects for KeyTool GUI or any
other projects.  Why on earth would I want to give my work away for nothing?

他最后带有极其自大的话激励我继续抄袭他,我决定,只要他在keystore 2.4开发一个功能,我立刻抄袭

posted @ 2006-02-20 21:56  一根神棍研古今  阅读(692)  评论(7编辑  收藏  举报
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