Gentle support row-level concurrency control, that is, it provides a means of ensuring data integrity when multiple processes may be accessing the same data (typical for web applications).
To add concurrency control to your solution you must decorate an integer field (member or property) with the Concurrency attribute (alongside the TableColumn attribute). This designates the field as a control column in which Gentle will store a revision number for the given row.
The revision counter is used as an additional criteria in the WHERE clause of any single-row update SQL statement against the table. Additionally, it is incremented by 1 on every update (both in-memory and in the database). This ensures that old data cannot be used to update a row.When you try to update a row using outdated data, Gentle throws a GentleException whose Error property will be set to Error.RecordChanged. You should wrap all updates to check for this specific error in your code. If you use the Persistent as base class, this can be done by creating your own base class and overriding the Update method.
You can use the Refresh method to recover from concurrency errors (available on Persistent, PersistenceBroker and Broker). This will update the current object with the database values, and potentially allow you to re-execute the update.
Note: The revision counter is not checked when deleting one or more rows