delphi 摩斯密码 加密解密 支持中文
unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Edit1: TEdit; Memo1: TMemo; Button1: TButton; Edit2: TEdit; Button2: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} function ifincludehz(strtxt: string): boolean; //判断是否含有汉字 var i: integer; begin //先判断要截取的字符串最后一个字节的类型 //如果为汉字的第一个字节则减(加)一位 result := false; for i := 0 to length(strtxt) do begin if ByteType(strtxt, i) = mbLeadByte then begin result := true; break; end; end; end; function UnicodeToChinese(sStr: string): string; var i: Integer; index: Integer; temp, top, last: string; begin index := 1; while index >= 0 do begin index := Pos('\u', sStr) - 1; if index < 0 then //非 unicode编码不转换 ,自动过滤 begin last := sStr; Result := Result + last; Exit; end; top := Copy(sStr, 1, index); // 取出 编码字符前的 非 unic 编码的字符,如数字 temp := Copy(sStr, index + 1, 6); // 取出编码,包括 \u,如\u4e3f Delete(temp, 1, 2); Delete(sStr, 1, index + 6); Result := Result + top + WideChar(StrToInt('$' + temp)); end; end; function ChineseToUniCode(sStr: string): string; //汉字的 UniCode 编码范围是: $4E00..$9FA5 var w:Word; hz:WideString; i:Integer; s:string; begin hz:=sStr; for i:=1 to Length(hz) do begin w := Ord(hz[i]); s:=IntToHex(w, 4); Result := Result +'\u'+ LowerCase(s); end; end; function BinToHexEachOther(ValueA : string; Action : Boolean) : string; //把二进制串转换成十六进制串或相反 var ValueArray1 : Array [0..15] of string[4]; ValueArray2 : Array [0..15] of char; i : shortint; begin //数组初始化 ValueArray1[0] := '0000'; ValueArray1[1] := '0001'; ValueArray1[2] := '0010'; ValueArray1[3] := '0011'; ValueArray1[4] := '0100'; ValueArray1[5] := '0101'; ValueArray1[6] := '0110'; ValueArray1[7] := '0111'; ValueArray1[8] := '1000'; ValueArray1[9] := '1001'; ValueArray1[10] := '1010'; ValueArray1[11] := '1011'; ValueArray1[12] := '1100'; ValueArray1[13] := '1101'; ValueArray1[14] := '1110'; ValueArray1[15] := '1111'; for i := 0 to 15 do if i >= 10 then ValueArray2[i] := chr(65 + (i - 10)) else ValueArray2[i] := inttostr(i)[1]; Result := ''; if Action then begin //二进制串转换成十六进制串 if (Length(ValueA) MOD 4 <> 0) then ValueA := stringofchar('0',Length(ValueA) MOD 4) + ValueA; while (Length(ValueA) >= 4) do begin for i := 0 to 15 do if Copy(ValueA,1,4) = ValueArray1[i] then Result := Result + ValueArray2[i]; ValueA := Copy(ValueA,5,Length(ValueA) - 4); end; end else begin //十六进制串转换成二进制串 while (Length(ValueA) >= 1) do begin for i := 0 to 15 do if Copy(ValueA,1,1) = ValueArray2[i] then Result := Result + ValueArray1[i]; ValueA := Copy(ValueA,2,Length(ValueA) - 1); end; end; end; function HexCharToInt(HexToken : char):Integer; begin Result:=0; if (HexToken>#47) and (HexToken<#58) then { chars 0....9 } Result:=Ord(HexToken)-48 else if (HexToken>#64) and (HexToken<#71) then { chars A....F } Result:=Ord(HexToken)-65 + 10; end; Function ConvertStrToBin(Value : string):string;//把字符串转化为二进制数 var tempHex : string[2]; i : integer; begin Result := ''; if trim(Value) = '' then Exit; tempHex := ''; for i := 1 to Length(Value) do begin tempHex := IntToHex(Ord(Value[i]),2);//每个字符转成两位十六进制数 Result := Result + BinToHexEachOther(tempHex,False);//十六进制转成二进制 end; end; Function ConvertBinToStr(Value : string):string; //把二进制数据转化为字符串 Var tempHex : string; i, tempInt : integer; begin Result := ''; if trim(Value) = '' then Exit; tempHex := BinToHexEachOther(Value,true);//二进制转成十六进制 i := 0; Repeat begin i := i + 1; tempInt := HexCharToInt(tempHex[i]); i := i + 1; tempInt := tempInt * 16 + HexCharToInt(tempHex[i]); //以上将两位十六进制数转变为一个十进制数 Result := Result + chr(TempInt); //转成ASCII码 end; Until i >= length(tempHex) end; function MorseEncode(str: string): string; const oldarr: array[0..55] of string = ('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z', '1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0', '.',':',',',';','?','=', '''','/','!','-','_','"','(',')','$','&','@','+',' ','\'); newarr: array[0..55] of string = ('.-','-...','-.-.','-..','.','..-.','--.','....','..','.---','-.-','.-..','--','-.','---','.--.','--.-','.-.','...','-','..-','...-','.--','-..-','-.--','--..', '.----','..---','...--','....-','.....','-....','--...','---..','----.','-----', '.-.-.-','---...','--..--','-.-.-.','..--..','-...-','.----.','-..-.','-.-.--','-....-','..--.-','.-..-.','-.--.','-.--.-','...-..-','.-...','.--.-.','.-.-.',' ','-.---..'); var strin: string; size: Integer; value: string; i,j: Integer; begin strin := UpperCase(str); value := ''; for i := 1 to Length(str) do begin size := -1; for j := 0 to High(oldarr) do begin if strin[i] = oldarr[j] then begin size := j; Break; end; end; if size >= 0 then value := value + newarr[size] + ' ' else value := value + strin[i]; end; Result := Trim(value); end; function MorseDecode(Code: string): string; const oldarr: array[0..55] of string = ('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z', '1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0', '.',':',',',';','?','=', '''','/','!','-','_','"','(',')','$','&','@','+',' ','\'); newarr: array[0..55] of string = ('.-','-...','-.-.','-..','.','..-.','--.','....','..','.---','-.-','.-..','--','-.','---','.--.','--.-','.-.','...','-','..-','...-','.--','-..-','-.--','--..', '.----','..---','...--','....-','.....','-....','--...','---..','----.','-----', '.-.-.-','---...','--..--','-.-.-.','..--..','-...-','.----.','-..-.','-.-.--','-....-','..--.-','.-..-.','-.--.','-.--.-','...-..-','.-...','.--.-.','.-.-.',' ','-.---..'); var strarr: TStringList; size: Integer; value: string; i,j: Integer; begin strarr := TStringList.Create; strarr.Delimiter := ' '; strarr.DelimitedText := Code; value := ''; for i := 0 to strarr.Count-1 do begin size := -1; for j := 0 to High(newarr) do begin if strarr[i] = newarr[j] then begin size := j; Break; end; end; if size >= 0 then value := value + oldarr[size] else value := value + strarr[i]; end; strarr.Free; Result := LowerCase(value); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if ifincludehz(Edit1.Text) then Memo1.Text:=MorseEncode(ConvertStrToBin(edit1.Text)) else Memo1.Text:=MorseEncode(edit1.Text); end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin if ifincludehz(Edit1.Text) then Edit2.Text:=ConvertBinToStr(MorseDecode(Memo1.Text)) else Edit2.Text:=MorseDecode(Memo1.Text); end; end.