unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Panel1: TPanel; Button1: TButton; Memo2: TMemo; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure CreateKeyboard(myParent: TwinControl); //创建软键盘 procedure btnKeyClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnBackspaceClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.btnBackspaceClick(Sender: TObject); begin // 如果没有选择文本,则判断光标位置是否大于0 if Memo2.SelStart > 0 then begin // 如果光标位置大于0,则删除光标前一个字符 Memo2.SelStart := Memo2.SelStart - 1; Memo2.SelLength := 1; Memo2.SelText := ''; end; Memo2.SetFocus; Memo2.SelStart := Length(Memo2.Text); end; procedure TForm1.btnKeyClick(Sender: TObject); var // index: Integer; letter: string; begin Letter:=LowerCase((Sender as TButton).Caption); if letter='back' then begin //Button2.Click; btnBackspaceClick(nil); Exit; end; if letter='space' then letter:=' '; Memo2.Lines.Text:= Memo2.Lines.Text+ Letter; Memo2.SetFocus; Memo2.SelStart := Length(Memo2.Text); end; procedure TForm1.CreateKeyboard(myParent: TwinControl); //创建软键盘 var i, row, col: Integer; KeyMapping: array[0..37] of string; btnKey: array[0..37] of TButton; begin KeyMapping[0] := '1'; KeyMapping[1] := '2'; KeyMapping[2] := '3'; KeyMapping[3] := '4'; KeyMapping[4] := '5'; KeyMapping[5] := '6'; KeyMapping[6] := '7'; KeyMapping[7] := '8'; KeyMapping[8] := '9'; KeyMapping[9] := '0'; KeyMapping[10] := 'Q'; KeyMapping[11] := 'W'; KeyMapping[12] := 'E'; KeyMapping[13] := 'R'; KeyMapping[14] := 'T'; KeyMapping[15] := 'Y'; KeyMapping[16] := 'U'; KeyMapping[17] := 'I'; KeyMapping[18] := 'O'; KeyMapping[19] := 'P'; KeyMapping[20] := 'A'; KeyMapping[21] := 'S'; KeyMapping[22] := 'D'; KeyMapping[23] := 'F'; KeyMapping[24] := 'G'; KeyMapping[25] := 'H'; KeyMapping[26] := 'J'; KeyMapping[27] := 'K'; KeyMapping[28] := 'L'; KeyMapping[29] := 'Z'; KeyMapping[30] := 'X'; KeyMapping[31] := 'C'; KeyMapping[32] := 'V'; KeyMapping[33] := 'B'; KeyMapping[34] := 'N'; KeyMapping[35] := 'M'; KeyMapping[36] := 'SPACE'; KeyMapping[37] := 'BACK'; for i := 0 to 37 do begin btnKey[i] := TButton.Create(Self); btnKey[i].Parent := myParent; row := i div 10; col := i mod 10; if row = 0 then btnKey[i].Top := 7 else if row = 1 then btnKey[i].Top := 40 else if row = 2 then btnKey[i].Top := 73 else if row = 3 then btnKey[i].Top := 106; if row = 0 then begin if col < 9 then btnKey[i].Left := 10 + col * 33 else if col = 9 then btnKey[i].Left := 305; end else if row = 1 then begin if col < 9 then btnKey[i].Left := 23 + col * 33 else if col = 9 then btnKey[i].Left := 320; end else if row = 2 then begin if col = 0 then btnKey[i].Left := 40 else if col < 9 then btnKey[i].Left := 40 + col * 33 else if col = 9 then btnKey[i].Left := 335; end else if row = 3 then begin if col = 0 then btnKey[i].Left := 85 else if col < 9 then btnKey[i].Left := 85 + col * 33 else if col = 9 then btnKey[i].Left := 122; end; btnKey[i].Caption := KeyMapping[i]; btnKey[i].Width := 32; btnKey[i].Height := 32; if i=29 then //Z键 begin btnKey[i].Top:=106; btnKey[i].Left:=53; // btnKey[i].Width:=50; end; if i =36 then //空格键 begin btnKey[i].Width := 90; end; if i=37 then //退格键 begin btnKey[i].Top:=7; btnKey[i].Left:=338; btnKey[i].Width:=50; end; btnKey[i].OnClick := btnKeyClick; //按纽事件 end; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin CreateKeyboard(panel1); end; end.