[VS Code] 使用EF Core命令报错. Your target project 'XXX' doesn't match your migrations assembly 'XXX'.



Your target project 'FurionApi.Web.Entry' doesn't match your migrations assembly 'FurionApi.Database.Migrations'. Either change your target project or change your migrations assembly.
Change your migrations assembly by using DbContextOptionsBuilder. E.g. options.UseSqlServer(connection, b => b.MigrationsAssembly("FurionApi.Web.Entry")). By default, the migrations assembly is the assembly containing the DbContext.
Change your target project to the migrations project by using the Package Manager Console's Default project drop-down list, or by executing "dotnet ef" from the directory containing the migrations project.



1.进入迁移项目所在位置 : cd 迁移项目

2.终端命令: dotnet ef --startup-project 启动项目 migrations add 迁移名称

3.终端命令:dotnet ef --startup-project 启动项目 database update






 提示:启动项目需要安装 Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools





posted @ 2023-02-13 10:19  WikiChen  阅读(646)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报