A few words at the beginning

This is my first blog post in many years, and I want to continue writing things in this new blog, which is called Weird Wired Things (Is the name weird?).


First of all, what does the name mean? I think this blog platform is mainly for software engineers to share something interesting and helpful to others. I am a hardware guy, also a software guy, and in many years, I seldom wrote things about my work, which is not a good habit. In fact, I like sharing. I read a lot of Wikipedia stuff and great articles written by many kind experts in hardware and software engineering. Sharing makes technology not a cold thing, so I hope I could be part of that sharing community. Well, what is hardware? That is a question frequently asked by friends and families of hardware engineers. In as few as possible words, my answer is that hardwares are wired electronic components, which are wired things, and for most people they are also weird things. The hardware is like the human body (complex interconnected structures), and the software is like to-do lists in human brains. Like humans have brains to help them do logic things and move their body, many hardwares have the similar thing – software. As the name implies, this blog is mainly about hardware things, but also including the software running in the hardware.


Secondly, I will try to write posts in following principles:

  1. Only write things meaningful and helpful to others (don’t waste time of others).
  2. Try to write in high efficiency.
  3. Don’t try to hide my ignorance in something. A good question itself often means a lot.
  4. Welcome to all the positive and negative comments of others.


That’s all. Thanks for reading :)

posted @ 2016-09-27 11:48  #Haiyang  阅读(151)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报