





仓颉编码_仓颉编码查询_40工具查询网 (4000879990.xin)



羊城杯的misc里用到了,Gronsfeld 是维吉尼亚的变种

Gronsfeld Cipher (online tool) | Boxentriq






UUencode加密/解密 - Bugku CTF





1,[UTCTF 2020]basics


1) 将二进制转为十进制,


 from Crypto.Util.number import *

a = '85 104 45 111 104 44 32 108 111 111 107 115 32 108 105 107 101 32 119 101 32 104 97 118 101 32 97 110 111 116 104 101 114 32 98 108 111 99 107 32 111 102 32 116 101 120 116 44 32 119 105 116 104 32 115 111 109 101 32 115 111 114 116 32 111 102 32 115 112 101 99 105 97 108 32 101 110 99 111 100 105 110 103 46 32 67 97 110 32 121 111 117 32 102 105 103 117 114 101 32 111 117 116 32 119 104 97 116 32 116 104 105 115 32 101 110 99 111 100 105 110 103 32 105 115 63 32 40 104 105 110 116 58 32 105 102 32 121 111 117 32 108 111 111 107 32 99 97 114 101 102 117 108 108 121 44 32 121 111 117 39 108 108 32 110 111 116 105 99 101 32 116 104 97 116 32 116 104 101 114 101 32 111 110 108 121 32 99 104 97 114 97 99 116 101 114 115 32 112 114 101 115 101 110 116 32 97 114 101 32 65 45 90 44 32 97 45 122 44 32 48 45 57 44 32 97 110 100 32 115 111 109 101 116 105 109 101 115 32 47 32 97 110 100 32 43 46 32 83 101 101 32 105 102 32 121 111 117 32 99 97 110 32 102 105 110 100 32 97 110 32 101 110 99 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print(a.replace(' ',','))
b = 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# b"Uh-oh, looks like we have another block of text, with some sort of special encoding. Can you figure out what this encoding is? (hint: if you look carefully, you'll notice that there only characters present are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and sometimes / and +. See if you can find an encoding that looks like this one.)\nTmV3IGNoYWxsZW5nZSEgQ2FuIHlvdSBmaWd1cmUgb3V0IHdoYXQncyBnb2luZyBvbiBoZXJlPyBJdCBsb29rcyBsaWtlIHRoZSBsZXR0ZXJzIGFyZSBzaGlmdGVkIGJ5IHNvbWUgY29uc3RhbnQuIChoaW50OiB5b3UgbWlnaHQgd2FudCB0byBzdGFydCBsb29raW5nIHVwIFJvbWFuIHBlb3BsZSkuCmt2YnNxcmQsIGl5ZSdibyBrdnd5Y2QgZHJvYm8hIFh5ZyBweWIgZHJvIHBzeGt2IChreG4gd2tpbG8gZHJvIHJrYm5vY2QuLi4pIHprYmQ6IGsgY2VsY2RzZGVkc3l4IG1zenJvYi4gU3ggZHJvIHB5dnZ5Z3N4cSBkb2hkLCBTJ2ZvIGRrdW94IHdpIHdvY2NrcW8ga3huIGJvenZrbW9uIG9mb2JpIGt2enJrbG9kc20gbXJrYmttZG9iIGdzZHIgayBteWJib2N6eXhub3htbyBkeSBrIG5zcHBvYm94ZCBtcmtia21kb2IgLSB1eHlneCBrYyBrIGNlbGNkc2RlZHN5eCBtc3pyb2IuIE1reCBpeWUgcHN4biBkcm8gcHN4a3YgcHZrcT8gcnN4ZDogR28gdXh5ZyBkcmtkIGRybyBwdmtxIHNjIHF5c3hxIGR5IGxvIHlwIGRybyBweWJ3a2QgZWRwdmtxey4uLn0gLSBncnNtciB3b2t4YyBkcmtkIHNwIGl5ZSBjb28gZHJrZCB6a2Rkb2J4LCBpeWUgdXh5ZyBncmtkIGRybyBteWJib2N6eXhub3htb2MgcHliIGUsIGQsIHAsIHYgaywga3huIHEga2JvLiBJeWUgbWt4IHpieWxrbHZpIGd5YnUgeWVkIGRybyBib3drc3hzeHEgbXJrYmttZG9iYyBsaSBib3p2a21zeHEgZHJvdyBreG4gc3hwb2Jic3hxIG15d3d5eCBneWJuYyBzeCBkcm8gT3hxdnNjciB2a3hxZWtxby4gS3h5ZHJvYiBxYm9rZCB3b2RyeW4gc2MgZHkgZWNvIHBib2Flb3htaSBreGt2aWNzYzogZ28gdXh5ZyBkcmtkICdvJyBjcnlnYyBleiB3eWNkIHlwZG94IHN4IGRybyBrdnpya2xvZCwgY3kgZHJrZCdjIHpieWxrbHZpIGRybyB3eWNkIG15d3d5eCBtcmtia21kb2Igc3ggZHJvIGRvaGQsIHB5dnZ5Z29uIGxpICdkJywga3huIGN5IHl4LiBZeG1vIGl5ZSB1eHlnIGsgcG9nIG1ya2JrbWRvYmMsIGl5ZSBta3ggc3hwb2IgZHJvIGJvY2QgeXAgZHJvIGd5Ym5jIGxrY29uIHl4IG15d3d5eCBneWJuYyBkcmtkIGNyeWcgZXogc3ggZHJvIE94cXZzY3Igdmt4cWVrcW8uCnJnaG54c2RmeXNkdGdodSEgcWdmIGlzYWsgY3RodHVpa2UgZGlrIHprbnRoaGt4IHJ4cWxkZ254c2xpcSByaXN5eWtobmsuIGlreGsgdHUgcyBjeXNuIGNneCBzeXkgcWdmeCBpc3hlIGtjY2d4ZHU6IGZkY3lzbntoMHZfZGk0ZHVfdmk0ZF90X3I0eXlfcnhxbGQwfS4gcWdmIHZ0eXkgY3RoZSBkaXNkIHMgeWdkIGdjIHJ4cWxkZ254c2xpcSB0dSBwZnVkIHpmdHlldGhuIGdjYyBkaXR1IHVneGQgZ2MgenN1dHIgYmhndnlrZW5rLCBzaGUgdGQgeGtzeXlxIHR1IGhnZCB1ZyB6c2Ugc2Nka3ggc3l5LiBpZ2xrIHFnZiBraHBncWtlIGRpayByaXN5eWtobmsh"



Vigenere Solver | guballa.de


alright, you're almost there! Now for the final (and maybe the hardest...) part: a substitution cipher. In the following text, I've taken my message and replaced every alphabetic character with a correspondence to a different character - known as a substitution cipher. Can you find the final flag? hint: We know that the flag is going to be of the format utflag{...} - which means that if you see that pattern, you know what the correspondences for u, t, f, l a, and g are. You can probably work out the remaining characters by replacing them and inferring common words in the English language. Another great method is to use frequency analysis: we know that 'e' shows up most often in the alphabet, so that's probably the most common character in the text, followed by 't', and so on. Once you know a few characters, you can infer the rest of the words based on common words that show up in the English language.
hwxdnitvoitjwxk! gwv yiqa sjxjkyau tya padjxxan hngbtwdnibyg hyiooaxda. yana jk i soid swn ioo gwvn yinu asswntk: vtsoid{x0l_ty4tk_ly4t_j_h4oo_hngbt0}. gwv ljoo sjxu tyit i owt ws hngbtwdnibyg jk fvkt pvjoujxd wss tyjk kwnt ws pikjh rxwloauda, ixu jt naioog jk xwt kw piu istan ioo. ywba gwv axfwgau tya hyiooaxda!


Substitution Solver | guballa.de




[HGAME 2022 week1]Matryoshka



Caesar:21; Vigenère:hgame




再观察一下,其实盲文密文只有三种形式组成,且都很像摩斯密码的组成(题目标签里有摩斯密码) ⠌  /       ⠨   .        ⠤   -

a = '46,66,42,75,66,45,46,6E,6D,4C,73,36,44,33,73,69,59,74,4C,36,58,32,70,34,69,4E,30,63,64,53,6C,79,6B,6D,39,72,51,4E,39,6F,4D,53,31,6A,6B,73,39,72,4B,32,52,36,6B,4C,38,68,6F,72,30,3D'


a = '46,66,42,75,66,45,46,6E,6D,4C,73,36,44,33,73,69,59,74,4C,36,58,32,70,34,69,4E,30,63,64,53,6C,79,6B,6D,39,72,51,4E,39,6F,4D,53,31,6A,6B,73,39,72,4B,32,52,36,6B,4C,38,68,6F,72,30,3D'
a = a.replace(',','')


b = '⠨⠨⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠤⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠤⠨⠨⠌⠨⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠤⠨⠨⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠨⠤⠤⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠨⠤⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠤⠨⠤⠌⠤⠨⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠤⠨⠨⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠤⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠤⠨⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠤⠨⠨⠌⠨⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠤⠤⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠨⠌⠨⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠨⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠤⠤⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠨⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠨⠤⠌⠤⠨⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠤⠨⠨⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠤⠤⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠌⠤⠨⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠤⠤⠨⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠤⠨⠨⠌⠨⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠤⠤⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠨⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠤⠤⠤⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠤⠨⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠨⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠨⠨⠨⠨⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠨⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠤⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠌⠤⠨⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠤⠤⠤⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠨⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠤⠤⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠤⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠨⠤⠤⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠤⠨⠤⠌⠤⠨⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠨⠨⠨⠨⠌⠨⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠤⠤⠤⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠤⠤⠤⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠨⠌⠨⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠨⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠨⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠨⠌⠨⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠤⠨⠤⠌⠤⠨⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠨⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠤⠨⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠨⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠨⠌⠨⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠤⠤⠤⠨⠨⠌⠤⠨⠨⠨⠨⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠤⠤⠨⠨⠤⠤⠌⠨⠨⠨⠨⠤⠌⠤⠨⠨⠨⠨'

FfBufEFnmLs6D3siYtL6X2p4iN0cdSlykm9rQN9oMS1jks9rK2R6kL8hor0=   , base64 解,不出,

提示给了凯撒 和 维吉尼亚,凯撒的话 = 会移动,所以先维吉尼亚解,再凯撒解,








posted @ 2023-07-12 16:18  Wbuildings  阅读(98)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报