We will try to create a binary tree such that for each node, the number of nodes in the left
subtree and the right subtree are equal, if possible
1 Insert into the tree the middle element of the array
2 Insert (into the left subtree) the left subarray elements
3 Insert (into the right subtree) the right subarray elements
4 Recurse
1 public static Node addToTree(int[] arr,int start,int end) 2 { 3 if(end < start) 4 return null; 5 int mid = (start + end)/2; 6 Node n = new Node(arr[mid]); 7 n.left = addToTree(arr,start,mid-1); 8 n.right = addToTree(arr,mid+1,end); 9 return n; 10 } 11 public static Node createMinBST(int[] array) 12 { 13 return addToTree(array,0,array.length - 1); 14 }
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