For compatibility, using the code of UTF-8. Due to the code of VS using GBK2312, so must transfer the UTF-8 to mysql_query. I use the code of this: 1 阅读全文
Insert INTO 目标表(id,供应商名称,供应商地址) Select DISTINCTROW * FROM (Select 1 AS ID,"天鸣1" AS 供应商名称,"广东中山" AS 供应商地址 FROM MSysObjects UNION Select 2 AS ID,"天鸣2" A 阅读全文
为什么安装5.5:因为高版本的需要PAE设定但是老电脑不支持,偶又不想重新编译内核,so。。。 1. 安装之前需要把电脑格式化(我是整机安装Linux),否则会报not enough space left to create partition for /boot 错误。 2. 之后需要用Ultra 阅读全文