MSF Team Model

Team Model
Role Cluster Goal Functional Areas & Responsibilities



Satisfied customers

• Drive marketing and public relations messages that have an impact on the target customer.
• Be highly differentiated so the solution stands out from the competition .
• Place the solution into distribution so that the target customer can easily acquire it.
• Provide support so that customers have a positive experience buying and using the solution.

Business Value
• Define and maintain the business justification for the project.
• Define and measure the business value realization and metrics.

Customer Advocate
• Drive a shared project and solution vision.
• Manage customer expectations and communications.

Product Planning
• Gather, analyze, and prioritize customer and business requirements.
• Perform market research, market demand, competitive intelligence/analysis.
• Determine business metrics and success criteria.
• Identify multi-version release plan.

Delivering the solution
within project constraints

Project Management
• Track and manage budget.
• Manage master project schedule.
• Drive risk management process.
• Facilitate communication and negotiation within the team.
• Track progress and managing project status reporting.
• Manage resource allocation

Solution Architecture
• Drive overall solution design.
• Manage the functional specification.
• Manage the solution scope and critical trade-off decisions.

Process Assurance
• Drive process quality assurance.
• Define and recommend improvements.

Administrative Services
• Implement the project management processes and support the team leads in using them.
• Provide a range of administrative services to support efficient team working.

Development Build to specification

Technology Consulting
• Serve the team as a technology consultant.
• Evaluate and validate technologies.
• Participate actively in the creation and review of the functional specification.
• Contribute to defining development standards for the organization.

Implementation architecture and design
• Map the Enterprise Architecture (EA) to the solution’s implementation architecture by providing solution-specific detail for application, data, and technology views of the architecture.
• Own and implement the logical and physical designs of the solution.

Application Development
• Code features to meet the design specifications.
• Conduct code reviews during development to share knowledge and experience.
• Carry out unit testing as defined in the test plan with the support of the test role.

Infrastructure Development
• Develop scripts for automated deployment.
• Develop deployment documentation.

Test Approve for release only
after all product quality
issues are identified and addressed

Test Planning
• Develop testing approach and plan.
• Participate in setting the quality bar.
• Develop test specification.

Test Engineering
• Develop and maintains automated test cases, tools, and scripts.
• Conduct tests to accurately determine the status of product development.
• Manage the build process.

Reporting and Tracking
• Provide the team with data related to product quality.
• Track all bugs and communicates issues to ensure their resolution before product release.

Enhanced user

• Drive accessibility concepts and requirements into design.

• Improve the quality and usability of the solution in international markets.

Technical Communications
• Design and develops documentation for support systems (Helpdesk manuals, KB articles, and more).
• Document Help/assistance.

• Develops and executes learning strategy (build/buy/deliver).

• Gather, analyze, and prioritize user requirements.
• Provide feedback and input to solution design.
• Develop usage scenarios and use cases.
• Act as the user advocate to the project team.

Graphic Design
• Drives user interface design.

Smooth deployment and
ongoing operations

• Enterprise infrastructure planning.
• Coordinate physical environment use and planning across geographies (data centers, labs, field offices).
• Provide the team with policies and procedures for consistent infrastructure management and standards.
• Provide infrastructure services to the MSF team (building servers, standard images, installing software).
• Manage hardware/software procurement for the team.
• Build test and staging environments that accurately mirror production environments.

• Provide primary liaison and customer service to the IT users.
• Support the business by managing the SLA with the customer and ensuring commitments are met.
• Provide incident and problem resolution; rapid response to user requests and logged incidents.
• Give feedback to development and design team.
• Develop failover and recovery procedures.

• Account and system setup controls; manage user accounts and permissions.
• Messaging, database, telecom operations; network operations.
• Systems administration, batch processing.
• Firewall management; security administration.
• Application services.
• Host integration services.
• Directory service operations.

Commercial Release Management
• Product registration codes; registration verification process.
• Licensing management.
• Packaging.
• Manage distribution channel.
• Print and electronic publication.


cales Up
1. By abstracting team roles as a set of functional responsibilities, rather than specific job descriptions. In this way, the responsibilities of each role are not tied to the limits of a single person. A role can be expanded into clusters of roles, each specializing in a more targeted set of responsibilities. One or more individuals can fill these more specialized roles.
2. Using feature teams(vertical) and function teams(horizontal) in various combinations to create any number of possible large team structures. Feature teams and function teams are described below.

Scales Down
Principles for Sharing Roles:
1. Development team members never share a role.
2. Do not to combine roles that have intrinsic conflicts of interest.

posted @ 2008-06-21 12:49  Warren Tang  阅读(573)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报