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Either / Or(False dichotomy)


Reduce complex issues to black and white when they could be gray

Present only two options as being possible when there may be many available.





“I can tell that you enjoy English class since you are so good at speaking English.”

If you want our country to be safe, we must increase military spending.

I thought you were a good person, but you weren’t at church today.(美国人会去做某事就是一种general rules,这个不算,你只是认为去教堂就是好人,不去教堂就是不好人)


At STU, you are either a student or a teacher.


Slippery Slope(Ad continuum)


Claims that one step will lead to negative results, which will in turn cause more negative results, which will in turn cause even more negative results






If someone tries marijuana (大麻), he will become addicted and then will try more serious drugs like cocaine and heroin. Then he/she will become addicted to those and eventually die of a drug overdose or AIDS from dirty needles.

If I don’t eat lunch then I might faint on the way to class. When I faint I might hurt my arm. My arm might get infected and I will have to get it cut off.

If I get good grades in university, then I will get a good job after graduation. Then I will have a house and car so that I can marry a pretty girl. My parents will be proud of me and life will be good.

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you.

If you don't do your homework, you'll fail the class, then you won't graduate from school, or get a good job. You’ll become poor and homeless.


Ad Hominem

Definition: Attacks the opponent rather than the opponent’s position on the issue.

Attacks the character of a person, not the argument.


The editor of Sports. Sports. Go! Magazine says that Lebron James is a wonderful role-model because of James’ stance on important social issues. This seems right for the editor to say because they both have had multiple children out of wedlock.

You're clearly just too young to understand

"This is a female issue. As a man, how can you have an opinion about this?"



Faulty Analogy

Definition: Attempt to relate situations that are NOT really similar or that aren’t similar in relevant ways.


XXX is just like


Children reading badly written books are like children eating candy — it will rot their brains and cause only harm to their mental health.

It has been scientifically proven that people need to drink a certain amount of water every day to keep healthy. Water is a liquid and so is beer. Therefore people should be able to substitute beer for water, drinking as much beer each day as doctors recommend people drink water, in order to keep healthy.

Guns are like hammers — they’re both tools with metal parts that could be used to kill someone. And yet it would be ridiculous to restrict the purchase of hammers — so restrictions on purchasing guns are equally ridiculous.


Post Hoc(False Cause)

Definition: Claims that something that happened later must have been caused by something that happened earlier.



Relation ≠ Cause


Friday morning you forget to brush your teeth. Friday afternoon you receive a very high score on your English exam. You decide that every time you take an English exam, you won't brush your teeth!

Instant noodles are bad for your health. There was a guy who ate instant noodles every day and then he died.

rooster crows ≠ sunrise

Roosters crow all the time, and for many reasons!

I sneezed at the same time the power went off. My sneeze did something to make the power go off.

The temperature has dropped this morning, and I also have a headache. The cold weather must be causing my headache.

  • 、they hear other roosters crowing
  • to show that a certain place in the barnyard is their turf
  • to try and assert their authority over another rooster, etc.


Definition: Misrepresents a position in order to make it weak or unwanted and then argues against that inaccurate position. Makes your argument more stronger and appreciated.





People who want to teach sex education in our schools are telling our children it is OK to have sex at an early age with any and everyone.


School officials want to open a McDonald’s in 789 building, to offer more options to students. These officials are determined to ruin the health of all STU students.

Biology teacher begins teaching evolution by stating that all things evolve. Student says she just can't accept that humans came from bugs.

Parent: “No dessert until you finish your chicken and vegetables!” Child: “You only love me when I eat.”(我爱不爱你和你吃不吃饭没有关系,不要偷换概念)

  • Misrepresentation
  • Argues against an inaccurate position
  • This statement misrepresents the school officials’ reason for opening the McDonald.
  • It creates the false argument that they want to ruin the health of all student
  • Maybe, they want to give students more choices


Sweeping Generalization


Applies a general rule or statement without considering possible exceptions.




Cars are made in Germany. Toyota is a car. Toyota is made in Germany.

Some people who own guns are murderers. Therefore, all gun-owners are murderers.

You get what you pay for. Therefore, it is better to spend$200 on that t-shirt at that boutique shop, than buy the same one at Marshall's for $29. (这个不是appeal to celebrity因为首先这个不算名言,名言的话肯定会加引号,这只是一种general rules)



Student: Where are you going for the National Holiday?

American Teacher: I’m just going to stay home and relax.

Student: Wow! That’s not very American of you!

A sweeping generalization because…

  • the student assumes that all Americans overseas like to travel every chance they get and don’t like to stay home (generally true), so thinks this American is also like that.

Hasty Generalization


The fallacy of small samples

Taking a fact about a small sample and applying it to a general group.




While at USC, I met 3 students from India. All 3 of them were vegetarians. I can’t believe everyone from Asia is a vegetarian!

Kevin's grandparents do not know how to use a computer. Kevin thinks that all older people must be computer illiterate.

Christine had a terrible experience with a boyfriend. She decides that all boys are mean.

it takes information about a few Indian students and applies it to all Asian people. The sample of students met is too small to make a statement about all Asians. It’s possible that some Asians eat meat.

Appeal to X

Appeal to Popularity


Suggests that something must be true because many people believe it or agree with it.




Everyone says that it's okay to lie as long as you don't get caught.

Appeal to Celebrity


Implies that a product, candidate, cause, or idea is good because a popular celebrity endorses it.




If Beyoncé says Pepsi is the best, then Pepsi is the best drink there is!

Tom Cruise says on TV that Billy Boy Butter is the best tasting butter there is. Tom Cruise is awesome in Mission Impossible! Therefore, Billy Boy Butter is the best tasting butter there is!

Appeal to Tradition/Past/Antiquity


Something is right or true because it is old.





Gay marriage is wrong because marriage has always been between a man and a woman.

No one in this family has ever been divorced; therefore, you need to work out your marital problems. We don't get divorced!

Appeal to Novelty/Newness


Claims that something is right because it’s new or newer than something else.





Every iPhone commercial for a new version of the product argues that it is superior to the previous version.

The latest version of a specific running shoe will make you faster.

posted @ 2020-04-13 10:48  WalterJ726  阅读(541)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报