Blog of Terry

.NET Framework 4.0 Overview -- 学习笔记

从.NET1.0 到1.1,从.NET1.1到2.0,再到3.0、3.5,直至现在的4.0,Micronsoft更新版本的脚步似乎是愈来愈快了,3.0还没用热,3.5还没来得及看,现在又得追逐4.0的脚步了,Micronsoft是铁了心不让我们有一分的懈怠,没办法,这就是程序员的命啊。。。

先看看.NET Framework 4.0跟以前版本的对比图:


从图中可以看出.net 4.0 不像.net 2.0到3.0 那样简单的功能增加(这也可能是 “Layer Cake”的由来),而是对核心也做了重新设计,希望这些改动能对提高程序员的开发效率和程序的性能大有裨益,期待ing...

1. Base Class Library Improvements:

Managed Extensibility Framework

  • Easy declaration/consumption of extensibility points
  • Monitoring for new runtime extensions(Watching a specific directory for new extensions)



Additional core data structures(增加了两个核心数据类型)

  • Numerics (BigInteger & ComplexNumber)
  • Tuple, SortedSet


I/O Improvements(I/O性能提升)

  • Memory-Mapped Files(内存映像文件)
  • Unified Cancellation model(统一的取消模型,不知道什么意思^_^:)



2. 语言上的改进

C# 4.0 / Visual Basic “10” (呵呵,都VB10了)

  • Named/Optional Parameters(指定/可选参数) 
  • Dynamic Scoping(动态范围)
  • Statement Lambdas(?)
  • Multiline Lambdas(?)
  • Auto-Implemented Properties(自动执行的属性)
  • Collection Initializers
  • Generic Variance(?)
  • Extension Properties(扩展属性)
3. Parallel Computing(平行运算)
Task Parallel Library (TPL)
  • Imperative Task Parallelism
  • Work-Stealing Algorithm for maximum efficiency
  • Higher-level abstraction (no more Thread knowledge necessary)
Parallel Linq (PLINQ)
  • Declarative Data Parallelism (focus on the *what*, not the *how*)
  • Simple Parallelism via Linq-To-Objects
Coordination Data Structures (CDS)
  • Common structures to help with parallelism tasks
4. Windows Presentation Foundation
  • Client Profile
  • Business focused controls
  • Silverlight Synergy 
  • Win7 Advances (Multitouch, etc)
5. ADO.NET 4.0
  • Entity Framework v2
  • Persistent Ignorance
  • Code-First Development
  • TDD-Support
  • Foreign-Key Support
  • Lazy Loading
6. ASP.NET4.0
  • Separation of Concerns, Testability
  • High control over market up
6.2 ASP.NET Dynamic Data support for MVC
  • Easily Create Custom controls and views based on data base
6.3 ASP.NET better CSS and ID
6.4 Distributed Caching for .NET
6.5 Session State Provider for ASP.NET
6.7 Flexible, Several Different Caching Models(三个灵活的缓存模型,值得期待)
  • Partitioned
  • Replicated
  • Local
7. Distributed Applications
7.1 Windows Communication Foundation
  • RESTful enhancements
  • Messaging enhancements
  • Correlation enhancements
  • Seemless integration with Workflow Services 
7.2 Windows Workflow Foundation
  • Significant improvements in performance and scalability(这升是个令人振奋的消息)
  • New workflow flow-control models and pre-built activities(又增加了几个新的activites)
  • Enhancements in workflow modeling
  • Updated visual designer
7.3 WF + WCF = BFF
  • High performance runtime for WF Services
  • Messaging activities for WF Services
8. More Web Goodies… 
8.1 ADO.NET Data Services
  • REST based exposure of relational data
  • Ability to go “offline”(难道说是断开连接取数据?不会吧?值得研究)
8.2 ASP.NET AJAX(Ajax的功能更强了)
  • Javascript UI Templates and Databinding
  • AJAX Control Toolkit Enhancements (Client-side controls)
  • DOM selection, manipulation and animation
  • Addition of JQuery




posted on 2008-11-21 00:46  wd_Terry  阅读(1413)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
