
 1 #include <iostream>
 2 using namespace std;
 3 struct Node
 4 {
 5     int m_nValue;
 6     Node* m_pLeft;
 7     Node* m_pRight;
 8 };
 9 void CreateTree(Node*& t);
10 void MakeTree(Node*& t,int x,Node* r1,Node* r2);
11 void Print(Node* t);
12 void Mirror(Node* t);
13 int main()
14 {
15     Node* t5,*t6,*t7,*t8,*t9,*t10,*t11,*x,*y;
16     t5=t6=t7=t8=t9=t10=t11=x=y=NULL;
17     MakeTree(t5,5,x,y); MakeTree(t7,7,x,y); MakeTree(t9,9,x,y); MakeTree(t11,11,x,y);
18     MakeTree(t6,6,t5,t7);   MakeTree(t10,10,t9,t11);
19     MakeTree(t8,8,t6,t10);
20     Print(t8);
21     cout<<endl;
22     Mirror(t8);
23     Print(t8);
24     return 0;
25 }
26 void MakeTree(Node*& t,int x,Node* r1,Node* r2)
27 {
28     t=new Node();
29     t->m_nValue=x;
30     t->m_pLeft=r1;
31     t->m_pRight=r2;
32     r1=r2=NULL;
33 }
34 void CreateTree(Node*& t)
35 {
36     int val;
37     cin>>val;
38     if(val==0)
39         t=NULL;
40     else
41     {
42         t=new Node();
43         t->m_nValue=val;
44         t->m_pLeft=NULL;
45         t->m_pRight=NULL;
46         CreateTree(t->m_pLeft);
47         CreateTree(t->m_pRight);
48     }
49 }
50 void Print(Node* t)
51 {
52     if(t==NULL)
53         return;
54     cout<<t->m_nValue<<" ";
55     Print(t->m_pLeft);
56     Print(t->m_pRight);
57 }
58 void Mirror(Node* t)
59 {
60     if(!t) return;
61     if(!t->m_pLeft&&!t->m_pRight)
62         return;
63     Node* temp=t->m_pLeft;
64     t->m_pLeft=t->m_pRight;
65     t->m_pRight=temp;
66     if(t->m_pLeft)
67         Mirror(t->m_pLeft);
68     if(t->m_pRight)
69         Mirror(t->m_pRight);
70 }
View Code



    1    2    3    4
    5    6    7    8
    9    10  11  12
    13  14  15  16
 1 #include <iostream>
 2 using namespace std;
 3 void Print(int arr[][4],int rows,int columns);
 4 void Print_Circle(int arr[][4],int rows,int columns,int stat);
 5 int main()
 6 {
 7     int arr[][4]={{1,2,3,4},{5,6,7,8},{9,10,11,12},{13,14,15,16}};
 8     int m=4,n=4;
 9     Print(arr,m,n);
10     return 0;
11 }
12 void Print(int arr[][4],int rows,int columns)
13 {
14     if(rows<=0||columns<=0||!arr) return;
15     int start=0;
16     while(rows>2*start&&columns>2*start)
17     {
18         Print_Circle(arr,rows,columns,start);
19         start++;
20     }
21 }
22 void Print_Circle(int arr[][4],int rows,int columns,int start)//已知起始坐标(start,start),关键是对角坐标。
23 {
24     int endX=columns-start-1,    endY=rows-start-1;
25     //从左到右:第一行:
26     for(int i=start;i<=endX;i++)
27         cout<<arr[start][i]<<" ";
28     //从上到下:一列(考虑图中第三种特殊情况,只有第一行)
29     if(start<endY)//满足这个条件才打印
30     {
31         for(int i=start+1;i<=endY;i++)
32             cout<<arr[i][endY]<<" ";
33     }
34     //从右至左:第二行(考虑图中第2种特殊情况,只有第一行和第一列)
35     if(start<endX&&start<endY)
36     {
37         for(int i=endX-1;i>=start;i--)
38             cout<<arr[endY][i]<<" ";
39     }
40     //从下到上:最后一列(考虑图中第一种特殊情况,只有两行一列)
41     if(start<endY-1&&start<endX)
42     {
43         for(int i=endY-1;i>=start+1;i--)
44             cout<<arr[i][start]<<" ";
45     }
47 }
View Code



 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include <stack>
 3 using namespace std;
 4 class Stack
 5 {
 6 private:
 7     stack<int> s;
 8     stack<int> min;
 9 public:
10     Stack(){};
11     ~Stack(){};
12     void Push(int val);
13     void Pop();
14     int Min();
15 };
16 void Stack::Push(int val)
17 {
18     s.push(val);
19     if(min.empty()||min.top()>=val)
20         min.push(val);
21     else
22     {
23         int temp=min.top();
24         min.push(temp);
25     }
26 }
27 void Stack::Pop()
28 {
29     if(!s.empty()&&!min.empty())
30     {
31         s.pop();
32         min.pop();
33     }
34 }
35 int Stack::Min()
36 {
37     if(!min.empty())
38         return min.top();
39 }
40 int main()
41 {
42     Stack ss;
43     ss.Push(3);
44     cout<<"Min: "<<ss.Min()<<endl;
45     ss.Push(4);
46     cout<<"Min: "<<ss.Min()<<endl;
47     ss.Push(2);
48     cout<<"Min: "<<ss.Min()<<endl;
49     ss.Push(1);
50     cout<<"Min: "<<ss.Min()<<endl;
51     ss.Pop();
52     cout<<"Min: "<<ss.Min()<<endl;
53     ss.Pop();
54     cout<<"Min: "<<ss.Min()<<endl;
55     ss.Push(0);
56     cout<<"Min: "<<ss.Min()<<endl;
57     return 0;
58 }
View Code


 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include <stack>
 3 using namespace std;
 4 bool IsPopOrder(int* arr1,int* arr2,int len);
 5 int main()
 6 {
 7     int arr1[5]={1,2,3,4,5};
 8     int arr2[5]={4,5,3,2,1};
 9     int arr3[5]={4,3,5,1,2};
10     int len=5;
11     bool f1=IsPopOrder(arr1,arr2,len);
12     bool f2=IsPopOrder(arr1,arr3,len);
13     if(f1)
14         cout<<"arr2 is PopOrder of arr1!"<<endl;
15     else
16         cout<<"arr2 is not PopOrder of arr1!"<<endl;
17     if(f2)
18         cout<<"arr3 is PopOrder of arr1!"<<endl;
19     else
20         cout<<"arr3 is not PopOrder of arr1!"<<endl;
21     return 0;
22 }
23 bool IsPopOrder(int* arr1,int* arr2,int len)
24 {
25     bool flag=false;
26     if(arr1&&arr2&&len>0)
27     {
28         stack<int> s;
29         int i=0,j=0;
30         while(j<len)
31         {
32             if(s.empty()||s.top()!=arr2[j])//这里需要注意或这个关系的顺序。空的栈是不能进行top操作的,会导致运行出错
33             {
34                 if(i==len)//如果全部入栈后,栈顶元素与出栈元素依旧不相等,那肯定是不对的
35                     break;
36                 s.push(arr1[i]);
37                 i++;
38             }
39             else
40             {
41                 s.pop();
42                 j++;
43             }
44         }
45         if(s.empty()&&j==len)
46             flag=true;
47     }
48     return flag;
49 }
View Code


    循环体:   在队列中,打印队首结点=根结点(同时出队),然后左右子树结点分别进队~(没有子结点就跳过)
 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include <queue>
 3 using namespace std;
 4 struct Node
 5 {
 6     int m_nValue;
 7     Node* m_pLeft;
 8     Node* m_pRight;
 9 };
10 void CreateTree(Node*& t);
11 void MakeTree(Node*& t,int x,Node* r1,Node* r2);
12 void Print(Node* t);
13 void PrintLevel(Node* t);
14 int main()
15 {
16     Node* t5,*t6,*t7,*t8,*t9,*t10,*t11,*x,*y;
17     t5=t6=t7=t8=t9=t10=t11=x=y=NULL;
18     MakeTree(t5,5,x,y); MakeTree(t7,7,x,y); MakeTree(t9,9,x,y); MakeTree(t11,11,x,y);
19     MakeTree(t6,6,t5,t7);   MakeTree(t10,10,t9,t11);
20     MakeTree(t8,8,t6,t10);
21 //    Print(t8);
22     PrintLevel(t8);
23     return 0;
24 }
25 void MakeTree(Node*& t,int x,Node* r1,Node* r2)
26 {
27     t=new Node();
28     t->m_nValue=x;
29     t->m_pLeft=r1;
30     t->m_pRight=r2;
31     r1=r2=NULL;
32 }
33 void CreateTree(Node*& t)
34 {
35     int val;
36     cin>>val;
37     if(val==0)
38         t=NULL;
39     else
40     {
41         t=new Node();
42         t->m_nValue=val;
43         t->m_pLeft=NULL;
44         t->m_pRight=NULL;
45         CreateTree(t->m_pLeft);
46         CreateTree(t->m_pRight);
47     }
48 }
49 void Print(Node* t)
50 {
51     if(t==NULL)
52         return;
53     cout<<t->m_nValue<<" ";
54     Print(t->m_pLeft);
55     Print(t->m_pRight);
56 }
57 void PrintLevel(Node* t)
58 {
59     if(!t) return;
60     queue<Node*> q;
61     q.push(t);
62     while(q.size())
63     {
64         Node* temp=q.front();
65         cout<<temp->m_nValue<<" ";
66         q.pop();
67         if(temp->m_pLeft)
68             q.push(temp->m_pLeft);
69         if(temp->m_pRight)
70             q.push(temp->m_pRight);
71     }
72 }
View Code


 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include <stack>
 3 using namespace std;
 4 bool IsPostOrder(int* arr,int len);
 5 int main()
 6 {
 7     int arr1[7]={5,7,6,9,11,10,8};
 8     int arr2[4]={7,4,6,5};
 9     bool f1=IsPostOrder(arr1,7);
10     bool f2=IsPostOrder(arr2,4);
11     if(f1) cout<<"arr1 is."<<endl;
12     else cout<<"arr1 is not."<<endl;
13     if(f2) cout<<"arr2 is."<<endl;
14     else cout<<"arr2 is not."<<endl;
15     return 0;
16 }
17 bool IsPostOrder(int* arr,int len)
18 {
19     if(!arr||len<=0)
20         return false;
21     int root=arr[len-1];
22     int i;
23     //从头开始遍历数组的话,结点值小于根结点的必然属于左子树
24     for(i=0;i<len-1;i++)
25     {
26         if(arr[i]>root)
27             break;
28     }
29     int j;
30     for(j=i;j<len-1;j++)
31     {
32         if(arr[j]<root)//右子树中不能有比根结点小的值,一旦出现,必然不是二叉搜索树~
33             return false;
34     }
35     //判断左子树是不是:
36     bool left=true;
37     if(i>0)//使用大于号,因为如果为0,返回的是false,而空树是可以接受的,而默认是true。
38         left=IsPostOrder(arr,i);
39     //判断右子树是不是:
40     bool right=true;
41     if(len-i-1>0)
42         right=IsPostOrder(arr+i,len-i-1);
43     return left&&right;
44 }
View Code







 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include <queue>
 3 using namespace std;
 4 struct Node
 5 {
 6     int m_nValue;
 7     Node* m_pLeft;
 8     Node* m_pRight;
 9 };
10 void CreateTree(Node*& t);
11 void MakeTree(Node*& t,int x,Node* r1,Node* r2);
12 void Print(Node* t);
13 void Path(Node* t,int n);
14 void FindPath(Node* t,int n,vector<Node*> path,int cursum);
15 int main()
16 {
17     Node* t4,*t5,*t7,*t10,*t12,*x,*y;
18     t4=t5=t7=t10=t12=x=y=NULL;
19     MakeTree(t4,4,x,y); MakeTree(t7,7,x,y);
20     MakeTree(t5,5,t4,t7);   MakeTree(t12,12,x,y);
21     MakeTree(t10,10,t5,t12);
22     Path(t10,22);
23     return 0;
24 }
25 void MakeTree(Node*& t,int x,Node* r1,Node* r2)
26 {
27     t=new Node();
28     t->m_nValue=x;
29     t->m_pLeft=r1;
30     t->m_pRight=r2;
31     r1=r2=NULL;
32 }
33 void CreateTree(Node*& t)
34 {
35     int val;
36     cin>>val;
37     if(val==0)
38         t=NULL;
39     else
40     {
41         t=new Node();
42         t->m_nValue=val;
43         t->m_pLeft=NULL;
44         t->m_pRight=NULL;
45         CreateTree(t->m_pLeft);
46         CreateTree(t->m_pRight);
47     }
48 }
49 void Print(Node* t)
50 {
51     if(t==NULL)
52         return;
53     cout<<t->m_nValue<<" ";
54     Print(t->m_pLeft);
55     Print(t->m_pRight);
56 }
57 void Path(Node* t,int n)
58 {
59     if(!t) return;
60     vector<Node*> path;
61     int cursum=0;
62     FindPath(t,n,path,cursum);
63 }
64 void FindPath(Node* t,int n,vector<Node*> path,int cursum)
65 {
66     cursum+=t->m_nValue;
67     path.push_back(t);
68     bool IsLeaf=((t->m_pLeft==NULL)&&(t->m_pRight==NULL));
69     if(IsLeaf&&cursum==n)
70     {
71         cout<<"A path is found: "<<endl;
72         vector<Node*>::iterator iter=path.begin();
73         for(;iter!=path.end();iter++)
74             cout<<(*iter)->m_nValue<<" ";
75         cout<<endl;
76     }
77     if(t->m_pLeft)
78         FindPath(t->m_pLeft,n,path,cursum);
79     if(t->m_pRight)
80         FindPath(t->m_pRight,n,path,cursum);
81     path.pop_back();
82 }
View Code


    请实现函数ComplexListNode* Clone*(ComplexListNode*  pHead),复制一个复杂链表。在复杂链表中,每个结点除了有一个m_pNext指针指向下一个结点外,还有一个m_pSibling指向链表中任意结点或者NULL。
struct ComplexListNode*
    int                            m_nValue;
    ComplexListNode*  m_pNext;
    ComplexListNode*  m_pSibling;
  1 #include <iostream>
  2 using namespace std;
  3 struct ComplexListNode
  4 {
  5     int m_nValue;
  6     ComplexListNode* m_pNext;
  7     ComplexListNode* m_pSibling;
  8 };
  9 void CreateList(ComplexListNode** head);
 10 void SetSibling(ComplexListNode* head);
 11 ComplexListNode* Find(ComplexListNode* head,int val);//定位值为val结点,用于设置Sibling、
 12 void Print(ComplexListNode* head);
 13 ComplexListNode* Clone(ComplexListNode* head);
 14 ComplexListNode* Split(ComplexListNode* head);//将复制后的长链表拆分为两个相同的链表,一个为原链表,一个为复制的链表
 15 int main()
 16 {
 17     ComplexListNode* head=NULL;
 18     CreateList(&head);
 19     ComplexListNode* CloneHead=Clone(head);
 20     Print(CloneHead);
 21     return 0;
 22 }
 24 void CreateList(ComplexListNode** head)
 25 {
 26     int val;
 27     while(cin>>val)
 28     {
 29         ComplexListNode* temp=new ComplexListNode();
 30         temp->m_nValue=val;
 31         temp->m_pNext=temp->m_pSibling=NULL;
 32         if(*head==NULL)
 33             *head=temp;
 34         else
 35         {
 36             ComplexListNode* p=*head;
 37             while(p->m_pNext)
 38                 p=p->m_pNext;
 39             p->m_pNext=temp;
 40         }
 41     }
 42     SetSibling(*head);
 43 }
 44 void SetSibling(ComplexListNode* head)//照着书上的例子设计。
 45 {
 46     if(!head) return;
 47     ComplexListNode* p;
 48     p=head;
 49     p->m_pSibling=Find(head,3);
 50     p=p->m_pNext;
 51     p->m_pSibling=Find(head,5);
 52     p=p->m_pNext;
 53     p->m_pSibling=NULL;
 54     p=p->m_pNext;
 55     p->m_pSibling=Find(head,2);
 56     p=p->m_pNext;
 57     p->m_pSibling=NULL;
 58 }
 59 ComplexListNode* Find(ComplexListNode* head,int val)
 60 {
 61     if(!head) return NULL;
 62     ComplexListNode* p=head;
 63     while(p)
 64     {
 65         if(p->m_nValue==val)
 66             break;
 67         p=p->m_pNext;
 68     }
 69     return p;
 70 }
 71 void Print(ComplexListNode* head)
 72 {
 73     if(!head) return;
 74     ComplexListNode* p=head;
 75     while(p)
 76     {
 77         cout<<p->m_nValue<<" ";
 78         p=p->m_pNext;
 79     }
 80     cout<<endl;
 81     p=head;
 82     while(p)
 83     {
 84         bool flag;
 85         if(p->m_pSibling) flag=true;
 86         else flag=false;
 87         if(flag)
 88             cout<<p->m_nValue<<" 的Sibling:"<<p->m_pSibling->m_nValue<<endl;
 89         else
 90             cout<<p->m_nValue<<" 的Sibling是NULL."<<endl;
 91         p=p->m_pNext;
 92     }
 93 }
 94 ComplexListNode* Clone(ComplexListNode* head)
 95 {
 96     if(!head) return NULL;
 97     ComplexListNode* p=head;
 98     while(p)
 99     {
100         ComplexListNode* pNext=p->m_pNext;
101         ComplexListNode* temp=new ComplexListNode();
102         temp->m_nValue=p->m_nValue;
103         p->m_pNext=temp;
104         temp->m_pNext=pNext;
105         p=pNext;
106     }
107     p=head;
108     while(p)
109     {
110         if(p->m_pSibling)
111             p->m_pNext->m_pSibling=p->m_pSibling->m_pNext;
112         else
113             p->m_pNext->m_pSibling=NULL;
114         p=p->m_pNext->m_pNext;
115     }
116     ComplexListNode* CloneHead=Split(head);
117     return CloneHead;
118 }
119 ComplexListNode* Split(ComplexListNode* head)
120 {
121     ComplexListNode* CloneHead=NULL;
122     ComplexListNode* p=head;
123     ComplexListNode* pClone=NULL;
124     if(p)
125     {
126         CloneHead=p->m_pNext;
127         pClone=CloneHead;
128         p->m_pNext=pClone->m_pNext;
129         p=p->m_pNext;
130     }
131     while(p)
132     {
133         pClone->m_pNext=p->m_pNext;
134         pClone=pClone->m_pNext;
135         p->m_pNext=pClone->m_pNext;
136         p=p->m_pNext;
137     }
138     return CloneHead;
139 }
View Code


 1 #include <iostream>
 2 using namespace std;
 3 struct Node
 4 {
 5     int m_nValue;
 6     Node* m_pLeft;
 7     Node* m_pRight;
 8 };
 9 void CreateTree(Node*& t);
10 void MakeTree(Node*& t,int x,Node* r1,Node* r2);
11 void Print(Node* t);
12 Node* Convert(Node* r);
13 void ConvertNode(Node* t,Node** pLast);
14 int main()
15 {
16     Node* t4,*t6,*t8,*t10,*t12,*t14,*t16,*x,*y;
17     t4=t6=t8=t10=t12=t14=t16==x=y=NULL;
18     MakeTree(t4,4,x,y); MakeTree(t8,8,x,y); MakeTree(t12,12,x,y);   MakeTree(t16,16,x,y);
19     MakeTree(t6,6,t4,t8);   MakeTree(t14,14,t12,t16);
20     MakeTree(t10,10,t6,t14);
22     return 0;
23 }
24 void MakeTree(Node*& t,int x,Node* r1,Node* r2)
25 {
26     t=new Node();
27     t->m_nValue=x;
28     t->m_pLeft=r1;
29     t->m_pRight=r2;
30     r1=r2=NULL;
31 }
32 void CreateTree(Node*& t)
33 {
34     int val;
35     cin>>val;
36     if(val==0)
37         t=NULL;
38     else
39     {
40         t=new Node();
41         t->m_nValue=val;
42         t->m_pLeft=NULL;
43         t->m_pRight=NULL;
44         CreateTree(t->m_pLeft);
45         CreateTree(t->m_pRight);
46     }
47 }
48 void Print(Node* t)
49 {
50     if(t==NULL)
51         return;
52     cout<<t->m_nValue<<" ";
53     Print(t->m_pLeft);
54     Print(t->m_pRight);
55 }
56 Node* Convert(Node* r)
57 {
58     Node* pLast=NULL;
59     ConvertNode(r,&pLast);
60     Node* head=pLast;
61     while(head&&head->m_pLeft)
62         head=head->m_pLeft;
63     return head;
64 }
65 void ConvertNode(Node* t,Node** pLast)
66 {
67     if(!t) return;
68     Node* pCur=t;
69     if(t->m_pLeft)
70         ConvertNode(t->m_pLeft,pLast);
71     pCur->m_pLeft=*pLast;
72     if(*pLast)
73         *pLast->m_pRight=pCur;
74     *pLast=pCur;
75     if(t->m_pRight)
76         ConvertNode(t->m_pRight,pLast);
77 }
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