

1. Sobel算子:
2. Prewitt算子:
3. Canny算子:
4. Laplacian算子:
5. Scharr算子:
6. Susan算子:
7. LoG (Laplacian of Gaussian)算子:
8. Roberts Operator算子:
9. Hough算子:
10. Marr-Hildreth算子:
11. Gradient算子:
12. LoG with Threshold算子:
13. Frei-Chen算子:
14. Integral Image算子:
15. Laplacian of Gaussian with Threshold算子:
16. Roberts算子:
17. Canny with Hysteresis Threshold算子:
18. Marr-Hildreth with Threshold算子:
19. Canny with Non-Maximum Suppression算子:
20. Adaptive Threshold算子:
21. Scharr with Threshold算子:
22. Gradient with Threshold算子:
23. LSD (Line Segment Detector)算子:
24. Morphological算子:
25. Harris算子:
26. Frangi算子:
27. Prewitt with Threshold算子:
28. Improved Canny算子:
29. Laplacian with Enhanced算子:
30. Sobel with Threshold算子:
31. Laplacian with Non-Maximum Suppression算子:
32. Improved Sobel算子:
33. Canny with Non-Maximum Suppression and Hysteresis Threshold算子:
34. Laplacian with Hysteresis Threshold算子:
35. Roberts with Threshold算子:
36. Scharr with Gradient Calculation算子:
37. Canny with Fast Threshold算子:
38. Sobel with Gradient Calculation算子:
39. Laplacian with Fast Threshold算子:
40. LoG with Non-Maximum Suppression算子:
41. Gradient with Non-Maximum Suppression算子:
42. Scharr with Non-Maximum Suppression算子:
43. Gradient with Non-Maximum Suppression and Hysteresis Threshold算子:
44. Log with Non-Maximum Suppression and Hysteresis Threshold算子:
45. Improved Sobel with Fast Threshold算子:
46. Frangi with Non-Maximum Suppression算子:
47. LSD with Hough算子:
48. Gradient with Hysteresis Threshold算子:
49. Canny with Non-Maximum Suppression and Fast Threshold算子:
50. Sobel with Non-Maximum Suppression算子:

posted @ 2023-07-17 10:42  专注视觉  阅读(15)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报