Docker 安装 宝塔面板


  • 目录
mkdir BT && cd BT
  • 创建容器
docker run -i -t -d --name baota \
--net=host \
--restart always \
-v ~/BT/www:/www \
-v ~/:/home/$USER ubuntu:20.04 bash


docker exec -it baota bash
  • 安装
apt-get update && apt-get install -y wget && wget -O && bash


  • 亚洲 6

Please select the geographic area in which you live. Subsequent configuration questions will narrow this down by
presenting a list of cities, representing the time zones in which they are located.

  1. Africa   3. Antarctica  5. Arctic  7. Atlantic  9. Indian    11. SystemV  13. Etc
  2. America  4. Australia   6. Asia    8. Europe    10. Pacific  12. US
Geographic area: 6
  • 位置 70
  6. Aqtobe    21. Damascus     36. Jayapura     51. Makassar      66. Riyadh         81. Ujung_Pandang
  7. Ashgabat  22. Dhaka        37. Jerusalem    52. Manila        67. Sakhalin       82. Ulaanbaatar
  8. Atyrau    23. Dili         38. Kabul        53. Muscat        68. Samarkand      83. Urumqi
  9. Baghdad   24. Dubai        39. Kamchatka    54. Nicosia       69. Seoul          84. Ust-Nera
  10. Bahrain  25. Dushanbe     40. Karachi      55. Novokuznetsk  70. Shanghai       85. Vientiane
  11. Baku     26. Famagusta    41. Kashgar      56. Novosibirsk   71. Singapore      86. Vladivostok
  12. Bangkok  27. Gaza         42. Kathmandu    57. Omsk          72. Srednekolymsk  87. Yakutsk
  13. Barnaul  28. Harbin       43. Khandyga     58. Oral          73. Taipei         88. Yangon
  14. Beirut   29. Hebron       44. Kolkata      59. Phnom_Penh    74. Tashkent       89. Yekaterinburg
  15. Bishkek  30. Ho_Chi_Minh  45. Krasnoyarsk  60. Pontianak     75. Tbilisi        90. Yerevan
Time zone: 70



posted @ 2022-07-14 22:10  VineFiner  阅读(248)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报