OpenCv 013---图像的翻转
1 前备知识
2 所用到的主要OpenCv API
/** @brief Flips a 2D array around vertical, horizontal, or both axes.
@param src input array.
@param dst output array of the same size and type as src.
@param flipCode a flag to specify how to flip the array; 0 means
flipping around the x-axis and positive value (for example, 1) means
flipping around y-axis. Negative value (for example, -1) means flipping
around both axes.
@sa transpose , repeat , completeSymm
CV_EXPORTS_W void flip(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int flipCode);
3 程序代码
#include<opencv2\opencv.hpp> #include<iostream> using namespace std; using namespace cv; int main(int argc, char** argv) { Mat src = imread("G:\\CVworkstudy\\program_wwx\\研习社140课时\\ZhaiZhigang140\\lena.jpg"); if (src.empty()) { cout << "Could not load image..." << endl; return false; } namedWindow("srcImg"); imshow("srcImg", src); Mat flipX, flipY, flipXY; //延X轴镜像翻转 flip(src, flipX, 0); //延Y轴镜像翻转 flip(src, flipY, 1); //延XY方向镜像翻转(对角翻转) flip(src, flipXY, -1); //结果显示 imshow("flipXDst", flipX); imshow("flipYDst", flipY); imshow("flipXYDst", flipXY); waitKey(0); return 0; }
4 运行结果
5 扩展及注意事项
One day,I will say
"I did it"