Message Code MESSAGEG.5==> There should only be definitions in the TOP include (ornested includes within it). This means that all kinds ofimplementation (CLASS... IMPLEMENTATION, not meaningful. isnot meaningful.Assuming that the error is caused by a function group then it means that the TOP incl 阅读全文
如何通过T-Code查找包含它的角色?网上查到如下方法:How to find the roles that contained the specificTransication?SUIM——>Roles——>By Transaction Assignment——>Input the T-Codeyou wanted to search.After a little time,The system will show the listthat contained the T-Code.但是我测试发现有时这个方法不可行,于是发现还可以用以下方式:PFCG-->Transa 阅读全文
Table Controls in ABAP ProgramsThe SAP HELP Address as Below:http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw2004s/helpdata/en/9f/dbac9f35c111d1829f0000e829fbfe/frameset.htm 阅读全文