

[INFO] -----------------------< cn.witsky:logback-demo >-----------------------
[INFO] Building logback-demo 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-dependency-plugin:3.1.1:tree (default-cli) @ logback-demo ---
[INFO] cn.witsky:logback-demo:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] +- org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web:jar:2.1.6.RELEASE:compile
[INFO] |  +- org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter:jar:2.1.6.RELEASE:compile
[INFO] |  |  +- org.springframework.boot:spring-boot:jar:2.1.6.RELEASE:compile
[INFO] |  |  +- org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-autoconfigure:jar:2.1.6.RELEASE:compile
[INFO] |  |  +- org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-logging:jar:2.1.6.RELEASE:compile
[INFO] |  |  |  +- ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:jar:1.2.3:compile
[INFO] |  |  |  |  +- ch.qos.logback:logback-core:jar:1.2.3:compile
[INFO] |  |  |  |  \- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.26:compile
[INFO] |  |  |  +- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-to-slf4j:jar:2.11.2:compile
[INFO] |  |  |  |  \- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api:jar:2.11.2:compile
[INFO] |  |  |  \- org.slf4j:jul-to-slf4j:jar:1.7.26:compile
[INFO] |  |  +- javax.annotation:javax.annotation-api:jar:1.3.2:compile
[INFO] |  |  +- org.springframework:spring-core:jar:5.1.8.RELEASE:compile
[INFO] |  |  |  \- org.springframework:spring-jcl:jar:5.1.8.RELEASE:compile
[INFO] |  |  \- org.yaml:snakeyaml:jar:1.23:runtime
[INFO] |  +- org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-json:jar:2.1.6.RELEASE:compile
[INFO] |  |  +- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:jar:2.9.9:compile
[INFO] |  |  |  +- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:jar:2.9.0:compile
[INFO] |  |  |  \- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:jar:2.9.9:compile
[INFO] |  |  +- com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype:jackson-datatype-jdk8:jar:2.9.9:compile
[INFO] |  |  +- com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype:jackson-datatype-jsr310:jar:2.9.9:compile
[INFO] |  |  \- com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-parameter-names:jar:2.9.9:compile
[INFO] |  +- org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-tomcat:jar:2.1.6.RELEASE:compile
[INFO] |  |  +- org.apache.tomcat.embed:tomcat-embed-core:jar:9.0.21:compile
[INFO] |  |  +- org.apache.tomcat.embed:tomcat-embed-el:jar:9.0.21:compile
[INFO] |  |  \- org.apache.tomcat.embed:tomcat-embed-websocket:jar:9.0.21:compile
[INFO] |  +- org.hibernate.validator:hibernate-validator:jar:6.0.17.Final:compile
[INFO] |  |  +- javax.validation:validation-api:jar:2.0.1.Final:compile
[INFO] |  |  +- org.jboss.logging:jboss-logging:jar:3.3.2.Final:compile
[INFO] |  |  \- com.fasterxml:classmate:jar:1.4.0:compile
[INFO] |  +- org.springframework:spring-web:jar:5.1.8.RELEASE:compile
[INFO] |  |  \- org.springframework:spring-beans:jar:5.1.8.RELEASE:compile
[INFO] |  \- org.springframework:spring-webmvc:jar:5.1.8.RELEASE:compile
[INFO] |     +- org.springframework:spring-aop:jar:5.1.8.RELEASE:compile
[INFO] |     +- org.springframework:spring-context:jar:5.1.8.RELEASE:compile
[INFO] |     \- org.springframework:spring-expression:jar:5.1.8.RELEASE:compile
[INFO] +- org.projectlombok:lombok:jar:1.18.8:compile (optional)
[INFO] +- com.alibaba:fastjson:jar:1.2.70:compile
[INFO] \- cn.hutool:hutool-core:jar:5.8.0.M4:compile
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  1.149 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2023-02-23T17:46:34+08:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


  • logback-classic
  • log4j-to-slf4j
  • jul-to-slf4j



public class SpringApplication {


    private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(SpringApplication.class);



* Convenience method to return a named logger.
* @param clazz containing Class from which a log name will be derived
public static Log getLog(Class<?> clazz) {
    return getLog(clazz.getName());

* Convenience method to return a named logger.
* @param name logical name of the <code>Log</code> instance to be returned
public static Log getLog(String name) {
    return LogAdapter.createLog(name);


* Create an actual {@link Log} instance for the selected API.
* @param name the logger name
public static Log createLog(String name) {
    switch (logApi) {
    case LOG4J:
        return Log4jAdapter.createLog(name);
    case SLF4J_LAL:
        return Slf4jAdapter.createLocationAwareLog(name);
    case SLF4J:
        return Slf4jAdapter.createLog(name);
        // Defensively use lazy-initializing adapter class here as well since the
        // java.logging module is not present by default on JDK 9. We are requiring
        // its presence if neither Log4j nor SLF4J is available; however, in the
        // case of Log4j or SLF4J, we are trying to prevent early initialization
        // of the JavaUtilLog adapter - e.g. by a JVM in debug mode - when eagerly
        // trying to parse the bytecode for all the cases of this switch clause.
        return JavaUtilAdapter.createLog(name);


// log4j-api-2.11.2.jar#org.apache.logging.log4j.spi.ExtendedLogger
private static final String LOG4J_SPI = "org.apache.logging.log4j.spi.ExtendedLogger";

// log4j-to-slf4j-2.11.2.jar#org.apache.logging.slf4j.SLF4JProvider
private static final String LOG4J_SLF4J_PROVIDER = "org.apache.logging.slf4j.SLF4JProvider";

// slf4j-api-1.7.26.jar#org.slf4j.spi.LocationAwareLogger
private static final String SLF4J_SPI = "org.slf4j.spi.LocationAwareLogger";

// slf4j-api-1.7.26.jar#org.slf4j.Logger
private static final String SLF4J_API = "org.slf4j.Logger";

private static final LogApi logApi;

static {
    if (isPresent(LOG4J_SPI)) {
        if (isPresent(LOG4J_SLF4J_PROVIDER) && isPresent(SLF4J_SPI)) {
            // log4j-to-slf4j bridge -> we'll rather go with the SLF4J SPI;
            // however, we still prefer Log4j over the plain SLF4J API since
            // the latter does not have location awareness support.
            // log4j-to-slf4j桥接->我们宁愿使用slf4j SPI;
			// 然而,我们仍然更喜欢Log4j而不是普通的SLF4J API,因为
			// 后者没有占位符支持。
            logApi = LogApi.SLF4J_LAL;
        else {
            // Use Log4j 2.x directly, including location awareness support
            logApi = LogApi.LOG4J;
    else if (isPresent(SLF4J_SPI)) {
        // Full SLF4J SPI including location awareness support
        logApi = LogApi.SLF4J_LAL;
    else if (isPresent(SLF4J_API)) {
        // Minimal SLF4J API without location awareness support
        logApi = LogApi.SLF4J;
    else {
        // java.util.logging as default
        logApi = LogApi.JUL;

private static boolean isPresent(String className) {
    try {
        Class.forName(className, false, LogAdapter.class.getClassLoader());
        return true;
    catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
        return false;

继续接case SLF4J_LAL:分支调用createLocationAwareLog()方法,这里做了两件事

  1. 是使用了slf4jLoggerFactory来构造Logger
  2. 是将Logger封装成Log


	private static class Slf4jAdapter {

		public static Log createLocationAwareLog(String name) {
			Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(name);
			return (logger instanceof LocationAwareLogger ?
					new Slf4jLocationAwareLog((LocationAwareLogger) logger) : new Slf4jLog<>(logger));

		public static Log createLog(String name) {
			return new Slf4jLog<>(LoggerFactory.getLogger(name));
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