【spring boot】SpringBoot初学(8)– 简单整合redis


  到目前为止,把项目中需要用到的:properties读取、数据源配置、整合mybatis/JdbcTemplate、AOP、WebService、redis、filter、interceptor、定时器等,都简单的去用spring boot整合学习了一下。与学习之初对spring boot的理解并没有什么大的区别,只是大致知道怎么配置/注入想要的。


  1.1 redis服务端的下载及安装


  1.2 redis需要的jar

  1.3 redis的应用场景

    自己知道理解的就2个场景:1、缓存; 2、构建消息队列。 (参考:Redis作者谈Redis应用场景)


  2.1 redis的可用配置
# REDIS (RedisProperties)
spring.redis.cluster.max-redirects= # Maximum number of redirects to follow when executing commands across the cluster.
spring.redis.cluster.nodes= # Comma-separated list of "host:port" pairs to bootstrap from.
spring.redis.database=0 # Database index used by the connection factory.
spring.redis.url= # Connection URL, will override host, port and password (user will be ignored), e.g. redis://user:password@example.com:6379
spring.redis.host=localhost # Redis server host.
spring.redis.password= # Login password of the redis server.
spring.redis.ssl=false # Enable SSL support.
spring.redis.pool.max-active=8 # Max number of connections that can be allocated by the pool at a given time. Use a negative value for no limit.
spring.redis.pool.max-idle=8 # Max number of "idle" connections in the pool. Use a negative value to indicate an unlimited number of idle connections.
spring.redis.pool.max-wait=-1 # Maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) a connection allocation should block before throwing an exception when the pool is exhausted. Use a negative value to block indefinitely.
spring.redis.pool.min-idle=0 # Target for the minimum number of idle connections to maintain in the pool. This setting only has an effect if it is positive.
spring.redis.port=6379 # Redis server port.
spring.redis.sentinel.master= # Name of Redis server.
spring.redis.sentinel.nodes= # Comma-separated list of host:port pairs.
spring.redis.timeout=0 # Connection timeout in milliseconds.
  2.2 StringRedisTemplate的注入

    与JdbcTemplate一样,在spring boot中注入StringRedisTemplate是相当简单的事。这也是使用redis的核心之一。


@EnableCaching	//允许缓存 (此demo允许redis缓存)
public class RedisApplication {
	StringRedisTemplate template(RedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
		return new StringRedisTemplate(connectionFactory);

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		SpringApplication.run(RedisApplication.class, args);

  2,3 controller模拟

public class RedisController {
	private static final String STR_REDIS_KEY = "vergil";

	private StringRedisTemplate redisTemplate;
	private RedisCacheDao cacheDao;

	public String index() {
		return "redis/redis_index";

	public Map<String, Object> setString(String value) {
		redisTemplate.opsForValue().set(STR_REDIS_KEY, value);
		Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
		map.put("msg", "ok");
		return map;

	public Map<String, Object> getString() {
		String value = redisTemplate.opsForValue().get(STR_REDIS_KEY);
		Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
		map.put("value", value);
		map.put("msg", "ok");
		return map;

	public RedisCacheBean get(@RequestParam String id) {
		return cacheDao.get(id);

  2.4 view页面效果

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="./static/common/jquery-2.1.4.js"></script>
<title>spring boot redis</title>
<script type="text/javascript">

	function setString() {
			type : 'POST',
			url : '/setString',
			data : {"value":$("#value").val()},
			success : function(r) {
			error : function() {

	function getString() {
			type : 'POST',
			contentType : 'application/json',
			url : '/getString',
			success : function(r) {
			error : function() {
	function getCache() {
			type : 'POST',
			contentType : 'application/json',
			url : '/getCache?id='+$("#cacheId").val(),
			success : function(r) {
			error : function() {
	<h4>base redis</h4>
	<input type="text" id="value" />
	<input type="button" value="设置" onclick="setString()" /><br/>
	<input type="button" value="获取" onclick="getString()" /><br/>
	<p id="result"></p>
	<br />

	<h4>redis cache</h4>
	<input type="text" id="cacheId" /><br/>
	<input type="button" value="获取缓存" onclick="getCache()" /><br/>
	<p id="cacheResult"></p>





  2.5 redis开启缓存模式




public class RedisCacheDao {

	 * 模拟从数据库获取的数据
	@Cacheable(value = "redisCacheBean", key = "'.id.'+#id")
	public RedisCacheBean get(String id) {
		RedisCacheBean redisCacheBean = new RedisCacheBean(id, "name_"+id, new Date(), id.length() * 10);
		return redisCacheBean;
public class RedisCacheBean implements Serializable{
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
	public String id;
	public String name;
	public String date;
	public int quantity;

	public RedisCacheBean(String id, String name, Date date, int quantity) {
		this.id = id;
		this.name = name;
		this.date = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:sss").format(date);
		this.quantity = quantity;
	public String getId() {
		return id;
	public void setId(String id) {
		this.id = id;
	public String getName() {
		return name;
	public void setName(String name) {
		this.name = name;
	public String getDate() {
		return date;
	public void setDate(String date) {
		this.date = date;
	public int getQuantity() {
		return quantity;
	public void setQuantity(int quantity) {
		this.quantity = quantity;




  简单整合redis就这么点东西,没任何别的有深度的东西。所以spring boot的“约定优于配置”,简化了相当多的项目构建。

  另外,不光redis包括其他的java开源jar。如果你只是写一个demo,写一个“Hello World”真的不要太简单。就像用excel一样,上手会用很简单,但真要精通灵活相当之复杂。



posted @ 2017-03-28 00:31  淡丶无欲  阅读(667)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报