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Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 Update 2 RC 英文版--离线完整安装ISO+简体中文语言包

名称:Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
版本:Ultimate 2013 Update 2 RC
安装Visual Studio 2013 简体中文语言包完毕,如果提示你"不兼容Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 RC、需要卸载该语言包或升级该语言包后才能正常使用Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 RC",请无视它,然后在Visual Studio--菜单栏(Menu Bar)--工具(Tools)--选项(Options)--环境(Setting)--区域设置(Locale)--语言(Language)--选择中文(简体)(zh-CN)--确定(Enter)

目前官网没有提供中文版下载,若需要中文版,请安装本文中提供的简体中文语言包(Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Language Pack - CN.iso),这里不提供繁体中文语言包,谢谢。
该软件也不提供任何产品密钥(Product Key)或任何破解(Cracked)以及任何注册机(Keygen),该版本仅供测试使用。

这是用于 Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 的候选发布版本(RC)。这些 Visual Studio 2013 的累积更新包括各种 Bug 修复和功能改进。可以在此处找到详细信息。
Visual Studio 2013 Update 持续为客户提供价值,并全年为主产品发行版本中的功能增加新功能。这些发行版本将紧跟市场上的核心软件开发潮流,确保开发人员和开发团队始终能够获得构建现代应用程序所需的最佳解决方案。
支持声明 此页面上提供的 Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 RC 产品已经发布。这意味着客户可以在生产环境中使用这些生成版本。这些仍然属于预发布版本,因此可能仍需修复一些 Bug 以便生成最终版本。支持从 Update 2 RC 升级到 Update 2 RTM。要升级到未来版本,客户必须首先从 Update 2 RC 升级到 Update 2 RTM。
如果您的计算机满足操作系统要求,但不满足 Windows Phone 仿真程序的硬件要求,则将安装并运行 Windows Phone 开发工具。但是,Windows Phone 8.0 和 8.1 仿真程序将无法工作,并且您必须使用设备部署或测试 Windows Phone 应用程序。

This is a release candidate (RC) for Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 with Update 2. These cumulative updates to Visual Studio 2013 include a variety of bug fixes and capability improvements. More details can be found here.

If you already have Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 installed and would like to install just the latest Visual Studio 2013 Updates, you can download it from here.

Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 is the state-of-the-art development solution that empowers teams of all sizes to design, create, and modernize scalable applications that span devices and services. A simplified development solution enables all roles involved in a software project to create the high-quality, mission-critical software your company depends on. Empower the team—including operations and trusted stakeholders—to continuously adapt to changes in shorter development cycles so that you can deliver consumer and business applications that exceed customers’ expectations.

Statement of Support: Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 with Update 2 is the full Visual Studio 2013 RTM product that also includes the Visual Studio Update 2 RC. If you currently have Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 installed and run this download, you will get the Visual Studio Update 2 RC only. If you do not currently have Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 installed and install this download, you will get Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 and the Visual Studio Update 2 RC. Visual Studio 2013 RTM Language Packs can be installed on top of these corresponding Update 2 products.

The Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 RC products offered on this page are “go-live”. This means that customers can use these builds in production environments. These are still pre-releases, so there may be some bugs that will be fixed for the final release. Upgrade from Update 2 RC to Update 2 RTM is supported. In order to upgrade to future releases, the customer must first upgrade from Update 2 RC to Update 2 RTM.

posted @   VAllen  阅读(1992)  评论(8编辑  收藏  举报
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