[很杂的杂项] Yes, Prime Minister长难句大赏(持续咕咕中)
Yes, even though they probably certainly know that you probabaly wouldn't, they don't certainly know that although you probably wouldn't, there's no probability that you certainly would.
But other than that, there's lot of things people want you to do and lots of things you should do and a number of things you CAN do but very few things you HAVE to do.
It is clear that the committee's agreed that your new policy is excellent but in view of sonme of the doubts being expressed, may I propose that after the careful consideration the view of the committee was while the proposal met with broad approval in principle, some of the principles were fundamental in principle and some of the considerations do complicated in finding balance in practice, so that in principle it was proposed that the sensible and prudent practice would bu to submit the proposal for more detailed consideration, stressingthe continuity of the proposal with existing principles and the principle of the principle arguments which the proposer proposes for approval in principle
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