适配器模式(Adapter Pattern)

适配器模式(Adapter Pattern)

他的功能是将一个类的接口变成客户端所期望的另一种接口,从而使得原本因接口不匹配而不能一起工作的类一起工作。简而言之,就是之前有一个功能,但是新的功能需要原有的功能的一些代码,我们不想新开发,所以就新建一个适配器,使得可以使用。类似,手机充电转接头的功能,我们手机充电器有很头,双头的三头的,我们可以使用一个转接头,把三头的,二头的都插入转接头,然后转接头进行电量的输入。功能:解决不同功能兼容性问题 通用写法:类适配、接口适配、对象适配

Class Adapter


public class AC220 {
    public int outputAC220(){
        int output=220;
        return output;
public interface DC5 {
    int output5();
public class PowerAdapter extends AC220 implements DC5 {
    public int output5() {
        int adapterInput=super.outputAC220();
        int adaptOutput=adapterInput/44;
        return adaptOutput;


To test

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DC5 powerAdapter=new PowerAdapter();

To explain

The Least Knowledge Principle would be against(bacause in PowerAdapter we can use methods of AC220)

Object adapter

public class PowerAdapter  implements DC5 {
    private AC220 ac220;
    public PowerAdapter(AC220 ac220) {
        this.ac220 = ac220;
    public int output5() {
        int adapterInput=ac220.outputAC220();
        int adaptOutput=adapterInput/44;
        return adaptOutput;

To explain

Actually,we just pass on object by construction,the problem of Least Knowledge Principle will be solved easily, but do we need create each adapter for each new classes?it is too complex to create adatper for each new classes ,so we use interface adapter to solve the problem

interface adapter

public class PowerAdapter implements DC {
    private AC220 ac220;

    public PowerAdapter(AC220 ac220) {
        this.ac220 = ac220;

    public int outPut5V() {
        // can be use
        return 5;

    public int outPut12V() {
        // can be use
        return  12;

    public int outPut24V() {
        // can be use
        return 24;
public interface DC {
    int outPut5V();
    int outPut12V();
    int outPut24V();

To Test

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DC powerAdapter=new PowerAdapter(new AC220());

To explain

apparently, Interface Adapter like a  proxy pattern,we pass on class named AC220  then to reconstruct method of class of  AC220 

A scene of  login to illustrate how to use Adapter Pattern

 that is our kernel class to process logic  of login

public class LoginService {
    // to do register
    protected ResultMeg register(String userName, String password) {
        System.out.println("succeed in  register" + userName + ":" + password);
        return null;

    // to do login
    protected ResultMeg login(String userName, String password) {
        System.out.println("succeed  in login" + userName + ":" + password);
        return null;

we need an adapter to redirect  all of third party login

  • we create an interface to restrict all thrid part login(IPassportForThird)
  • we extends LoginService ,which can use method of LoginService(actually,that is class that we shoud adapt)
  • because each  thrid part login have different logic,we haven't to write all logic in the same class named  LoginAdapterForThird,so we have to have a method named processLogin to distribute all requirement into each calsses

tips: the method named support is to verify rationality of classes

public class LoginAdapterForThird implements IPassportForThird {
    // login for  QQ
    public ResultMeg loginForQQ(String openId) {
        return processLogin(openId, LoginForQQAdapter.class);
    // login for WeChat
    public ResultMeg loginForWeChat(String openId) {
        return processLogin(openId, LoginForWeChatAdapter.class);

    // login for Token
    public ResultMeg loginForToken(String token) {
        return processLogin(token, LoginForTokenAdapter.class);

    // all third part login are distributed with this method
    private ResultMeg processLogin(String id, Class<? extends ILoginAdapter> clazz) {
        try {
            ILoginAdapter iLoginAdapter = clazz.newInstance();
            if (iLoginAdapter.support(iLoginAdapter)) {
                return iLoginAdapter.login(id, iLoginAdapter);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;

public interface  IPassportForThird {
    ResultMeg loginForQQ(String openId);
    ResultMeg loginForWeChat(String openId);
    ResultMeg loginForToken(String token);

Then each adapter have to has two methods one of is method named support the other is login,Two of them are  ruled by ILoginAdapter

public interface ILoginAdapter {
    boolean support(Object o);
    ResultMeg login(String id, Object adapter);

each adapter have to has logic of LoginService ,which means each adapter should extends LoginService implements ILoginAdapter,do we need to create an abstract class to write some common method and make each adapter extends AbstractAdapter?,we do!

public abstract class AbstractAdapter extends LoginService implements ILoginAdapter {
    ResultMeg loginForRegister(String userName, String password) {
        if (null == password) {
            password = "EMPTY_THIRD";
        super.register(userName, password);
        return super.login(userName, password);

each adapter like them

public class LoginForQQAdapter extends AbstractAdapter{
    public boolean support(Object o) {
        return o instanceof LoginForQQAdapter;

    public ResultMeg login(String id, Object adapter) {
        return super.loginForRegister(id,null);    }

public class LoginForTokenAdapter extends AbstractAdapter {
    public boolean support(Object o) {
        return o instanceof LoginForTokenAdapter;    }

    public ResultMeg login(String id, Object adapter) {
        return super.loginForRegister(id,null);    }
public class LoginForWeChatAdapter extends AbstractAdapter {
    public boolean support(Object o) {
        return o instanceof LoginForWeChatAdapter;
    public ResultMeg login(String id, Object adapter) {
        return super.loginForRegister(id,null);

To test(we can use LoginAdapterForThird  to get different method to login)

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LoginAdapterForThird loginAdapterForThird=new LoginAdapterForThird();

additional class

public class ResultMeg {
    String code;
    String message;


 How does  the adpater  use in source of code

 org.springframework.aop.framework.adapter.AdvisorAdapter(its classes that implementing it are all like what we wrote-(its supportsAdvice like our method named support,dosen't it)





  Sum up


  •  the classes can be reused,and do not need to be change
  •  raise expansibility of system as you see if you want add a new function just add a new adapter


  • raise complexity of system(we have to add many new adaoters)
  • raise difficulty of reading



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