网络监听:Tcpdump + Wireshark分析TCP协议
- tcpdump是什么?
用简单的话来定义tcpdump,就是:dump the traffic on a network,根据使用者的定义对网络上的数据包进行截获的包分析工具。 tcpdump可以将网络中传送的数据包的“头”完全截获下来提供分析。它支持针对网络层、协议、主机、网络或端口的过滤,并提供and、or、not等逻辑语句来帮助你去掉无用的信息。
https://www.cnblogs.com/ggjucheng/archive/2012/01/14/2322659.html - 开启tcpdump 网络监听
sudo tcpdump -Al host www.baidu.com 5 -v -w /tmp/baidu1.txt
-w 表示将监听的内容保存到本地,保存tmp目录下baidu1.txt文件
host 要监听的主机
port 要监听的端口
Al A:以ascii的方式显示数据包,抓取web数据时很有用;l:使用标准格式进行输出 - 使用curl命令发送请求
curl http://www.baidu.com
- 使用wireshark打开baidu1.txt文件
ps:windows系统需要下载windump: https://www.winpcap.org/windump/
curl用法指南 https://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2019/09/curl-reference.html
- chrome中的copy as curl
- 通过参数指定wd的编码
curl -G url https://www.baidu.com --data-urlencode "wd:霍格沃兹测试学院"
curl --help
-G 将参数携带在url里边
--data -urlcode 将参数进行编码
-s 静默输出
-o 将输出内容保存到本地
-v 打印详细发送的日志
-d 发送post请求时,携带的数据体
-I 打印头信息
-X 设置代理
Usage: curl [options...] <url> Options: (H) means HTTP/HTTPS only, (F) means FTP only --anyauth Pick "any" authentication method (H) -a, --append Append to target file when uploading (F/SFTP) --basic Use HTTP Basic Authentication (H) --cacert FILE CA certificate to verify peer against (SSL) --capath DIR CA directory to verify peer against (SSL) -E, --cert CERT[:PASSWD] Client certificate file and password (SSL) --cert-type TYPE Certificate file type (DER/PEM/ENG) (SSL) --ciphers LIST SSL ciphers to use (SSL) --compressed Request compressed response (using deflate or gzip) -K, --config FILE Specify which config file to read --connect-timeout SECONDS Maximum time allowed for connection -C, --continue-at OFFSET Resumed transfer offset -b, --cookie STRING/FILE String or file to read cookies from (H) -c, --cookie-jar FILE Write cookies to this file after operation (H) --create-dirs Create necessary local directory hierarchy --crlf Convert LF to CRLF in upload --crlfile FILE Get a CRL list in PEM format from the given file -d, --data DATA HTTP POST data (H) --data-ascii DATA HTTP POST ASCII data (H) --data-binary DATA HTTP POST binary data (H) --data-urlencode DATA HTTP POST data url encoded (H) --delegation STRING GSS-API delegation permission --digest Use HTTP Digest Authentication (H) --disable-eprt Inhibit using EPRT or LPRT (F) --disable-epsv Inhibit using EPSV (F) -D, --dump-header FILE Write the headers to this file --egd-file FILE EGD socket path for random data (SSL) --engine ENGINGE Crypto engine (SSL). "--engine list" for list -f, --fail Fail silently (no output at all) on HTTP errors (H) -F, --form CONTENT Specify HTTP multipart POST data (H) --form-string STRING Specify HTTP multipart POST data (H) --ftp-account DATA Account data string (F) --ftp-alternative-to-user COMMAND String to replace "USER [name]" (F) --ftp-create-dirs Create the remote dirs if not present (F) --ftp-method [MULTICWD/NOCWD/SINGLECWD] Control CWD usage (F) --ftp-pasv Use PASV/EPSV instead of PORT (F) -P, --ftp-port ADR Use PORT with given address instead of PASV (F) --ftp-skip-pasv-ip Skip the IP address for PASV (F) --ftp-pret Send PRET before PASV (for drftpd) (F) --ftp-ssl-ccc Send CCC after authenticating (F) --ftp-ssl-ccc-mode ACTIVE/PASSIVE Set CCC mode (F) --ftp-ssl-control Require SSL/TLS for ftp login, clear for transfer (F) -G, --get Send the -d data with a HTTP GET (H) -g, --globoff Disable URL sequences and ranges using {} and [] -H, --header LINE Custom header to pass to server (H) -I, --head Show document info only -h, --help This help text --hostpubmd5 MD5 Hex encoded MD5 string of the host public key. (SSH) -0, --http1.0 Use HTTP 1.0 (H) --ignore-content-length Ignore the HTTP Content-Length header -i, --include Include protocol headers in the output (H/F) -k, --insecure Allow connections to SSL sites without certs (H) --interface INTERFACE Specify network interface/address to use -4, --ipv4 Resolve name to IPv4 address -6, --ipv6 Resolve name to IPv6 address -j, --junk-session-cookies Ignore session cookies read from file (H) --keepalive-time SECONDS Interval between keepalive probes --key KEY Private key file name (SSL/SSH) --key-type TYPE Private key file type (DER/PEM/ENG) (SSL) --krb LEVEL Enable Kerberos with specified security level (F) --libcurl FILE Dump libcurl equivalent code of this command line --limit-rate RATE Limit transfer speed to this rate -l, --list-only List only names of an FTP directory (F) --local-port RANGE Force use of these local port numbers -L, --location Follow redirects (H) --location-trusted like --location and send auth to other hosts (H) -M, --manual Display the full manual --mail-from FROM Mail from this address --mail-rcpt TO Mail to this receiver(s) --mail-auth AUTH Originator address of the original email --max-filesize BYTES Maximum file size to download (H/F) --max-redirs NUM Maximum number of redirects allowed (H) -m, --max-time SECONDS Maximum time allowed for the transfer --metalink Process given URLs as metalink XML file --negotiate Use HTTP Negotiate Authentication (H) -n, --netrc Must read .netrc for user name and password --netrc-optional Use either .netrc or URL; overrides -n --netrc-file FILE Set up the netrc filename to use -N, --no-buffer Disable buffering of the output stream --no-keepalive Disable keepalive use on the connection --no-sessionid Disable SSL session-ID reusing (SSL) --noproxy List of hosts which do not use proxy --ntlm Use HTTP NTLM authentication (H) -o, --output FILE Write output to <file> instead of stdout --pass PASS Pass phrase for the private key (SSL/SSH) --post301 Do not switch to GET after following a 301 redirect (H) --post302 Do not switch to GET after following a 302 redirect (H) --post303 Do not switch to GET after following a 303 redirect (H) -#, --progress-bar Display transfer progress as a progress bar --proto PROTOCOLS Enable/disable specified protocols --proto-redir PROTOCOLS Enable/disable specified protocols on redirect -x, --proxy [PROTOCOL://]HOST[:PORT] Use proxy on given port --proxy-anyauth Pick "any" proxy authentication method (H) --proxy-basic Use Basic authentication on the proxy (H) --proxy-digest Use Digest authentication on the proxy (H) --proxy-negotiate Use Negotiate authentication on the proxy (H) --proxy-ntlm Use NTLM authentication on the proxy (H) -U, --proxy-user USER[:PASSWORD] Proxy user and password --proxy1.0 HOST[:PORT] Use HTTP/1.0 proxy on given port -p, --proxytunnel Operate through a HTTP proxy tunnel (using CONNECT) --pubkey KEY Public key file name (SSH) -Q, --quote CMD Send command(s) to server before transfer (F/SFTP) --random-file FILE File for reading random data from (SSL) -r, --range RANGE Retrieve only the bytes within a range --raw Do HTTP "raw", without any transfer decoding (H) -e, --referer Referer URL (H) -J, --remote-header-name Use the header-provided filename (H) -O, --remote-name Write output to a file named as the remote file --remote-name-all Use the remote file name for all URLs -R, --remote-time Set the remote file's time on the local output -X, --request COMMAND Specify request command to use --resolve HOST:PORT:ADDRESS Force resolve of HOST:PORT to ADDRESS --retry NUM Retry request NUM times if transient problems occur --retry-delay SECONDS When retrying, wait this many seconds between each --retry-max-time SECONDS Retry only within this period -S, --show-error Show error. With -s, make curl show errors when they occur -s, --silent Silent mode. Don't output anything --socks4 HOST[:PORT] SOCKS4 proxy on given host + port --socks4a HOST[:PORT] SOCKS4a proxy on given host + port --socks5 HOST[:PORT] SOCKS5 proxy on given host + port --socks5-basic Enable username/password auth for SOCKS5 proxies --socks5-gssapi Enable GSS-API auth for SOCKS5 proxies --socks5-hostname HOST[:PORT] SOCKS5 proxy, pass host name to proxy --socks5-gssapi-service NAME SOCKS5 proxy service name for gssapi --socks5-gssapi-nec Compatibility with NEC SOCKS5 server -Y, --speed-limit RATE Stop transfers below speed-limit for 'speed-time' secs -y, --speed-time SECONDS Time for trig speed-limit abort. Defaults to 30 --ssl Try SSL/TLS (FTP, IMAP, POP3, SMTP) --ssl-reqd Require SSL/TLS (FTP, IMAP, POP3, SMTP) -2, --sslv2 Use SSLv2 (SSL) -3, --sslv3 Use SSLv3 (SSL) --ssl-allow-beast Allow security flaw to improve interop (SSL) --stderr FILE Where to redirect stderr. - means stdout --tcp-nodelay Use the TCP_NODELAY option -t, --telnet-option OPT=VAL Set telnet option --tftp-blksize VALUE Set TFTP BLKSIZE option (must be >512) -z, --time-cond TIME Transfer based on a time condition -1, --tlsv1 Use => TLSv1 (SSL) --tlsv1.0 Use TLSv1.0 (SSL) --tlsv1.1 Use TLSv1.1 (SSL) --tlsv1.2 Use TLSv1.2 (SSL) --trace FILE Write a debug trace to the given file --trace-ascii FILE Like --trace but without the hex output --trace-time Add time stamps to trace/verbose output --tr-encoding Request compressed transfer encoding (H) -T, --upload-file FILE Transfer FILE to destination --url URL URL to work with -B, --use-ascii Use ASCII/text transfer -u, --user USER[:PASSWORD] Server user and password --tlsuser USER TLS username --tlspassword STRING TLS password --tlsauthtype STRING TLS authentication type (default SRP) --unix-socket FILE Connect through this UNIX domain socket -A, --user-agent STRING User-Agent to send to server (H) -v, --verbose Make the operation more talkative -V, --version Show version number and quit -w, --write-out FORMAT What to output after completion --xattr Store metadata in extended file attributes -q If used as the first parameter disables .curlrc
- nc
nc www.baidu.com 80 -v
GET / HTTP/1.0
Host: www.baidu.com
- telnet(windows系统使用)
telnet www.baidu.com 80
GET / HTTP/1.0
Host: www.baidu.com
- curl 最常使⽤的http请求⼯具
- postman 综合性的http协议测试⼯具
搭建demo server环境,使用以下代码
from flask import Flask, session, request, Request, make_response
app = Flask(__name__)
request: Request
app.secret_key = "key"
app.route("/request", methods=['POST', 'GET'])
def hello():
query = request.args
post = request.form
return f"query: {query}\n" \
f"post: {post}"
def session_handle():
for k, v in request.args.items():
session[k] = v
resp = make_response({k: v for k, v in session.items()})
for k, v in request.args.items():
resp.set_cookie(f"cookie_{k}", v)
return resp
set FLASK_APP=D:\Test\python\hogwarts_TD\demo\flaskdemo.py
flask run
curl -s ‘ 4’ -v &>/tmp/get
curl -s ‘ 4’ -d “a=3&b=4” -v &>/tmp/post
❖ http的method字段不同
❖ post可以附加body,可以⽀持form、json、xml、binary等各种数据格式
❖ ⾏业通⽤的规范
❖ ⽆状态变化的建议使⽤get请求
❖ 数据的写⼊与状态修改建议⽤post
❖ cookie:浏览器接受服务器的Set-Cookie指令,并把cookie保存到电脑上,每
❖ session:数据存储到服务端,只把关联数据的⼀个加密串放到cookie中标记
❖ 凭借认证信息获取token,或者通过后台配置好token
❖ 在相关请求中使⽤token,多数是以query参数的形态提供
❖ https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/department/create?
❖ token是⼀个⽤户请求时附带的请求字段,⽤于验证⾝份与权限
❖ session可以基于cookie,也可以基于query参数,⽤于关联⽤户相关数据
❖ 跨端应⽤的时候,⽐如android原⽣系统不⽀持cookie
❖ 需要⽤token识别⽤户
❖ 需要⽤把sessionid保存到http请求中的header或者query字段中
URL 链接中 井号#、问号?、连接符& 分别有什么作用?
井号#:表示网页中的一个位置,被称之为锚点,常用于某个网页间不同位置的跳转,简单的说就是在一个网页中,URL 不变的情况下,通过添加“#buy”的字符在 URL 最后可以跳转到当前网页中已经定义好的锚点(id=“buy”)位置;
同样#的改变也会增加浏览器的历史记录,也就是说我们可以通过“后退”按钮回到上一个位置,而熟悉网页开发的朋友们可能也会用于 ajax 的一些操作中,以此来实现不同的访问状态和改变页面访问内容,从而也可以实现那种无刷新载入的效果。
例如:https://zhan.leiue.com/fanly-mip.html#buy (访问该链接就可以直接跳转到 Fanly MIP 主题页面的购买位置哦)
例如 WordPress 的动态链接就是/?p=ID,其中的 p 就表示 post 文章,ID 就表示文章的 ID,从而可以通过文章的 ID 来访问不同的文章。
例如:https://i.leiue.com/avatar/?size=100 (访问该链接就可以获得泪雪用户中心默认的用户头像,并且其 size 就是图像像素大小,所以就会是一个 100px 的头像显示)
连接符&:既然被叫做是链接符号,那就是连接的作用,也可以说是不同参数的间隔符,一般与问号结合使用,一个动态 URL 链接中以问号开始第一个参数,同&连接符来串联多个参数和值。
例如:https://i.leiue.com/avatar/?size=100&time=20171120 (还是以泪雪个人中心的头像举例,因为头像是有缓存功能的,如果用户修改了头像后,访问原来的地址可能就会存在头像未修改的情况,那么我们在保证要获得 100px 大小的头像并且要刷新缓存就可以使用连接符&多添加一个任意的参数,以此来获取最新的头像)
Map Remote
Map Local
raw=$(cat /tmp/stock.json)
raw=$(echo $raw |jq '.data.items+=.data.items'| jq '.data.items_size+=.data.items_size' )
raw=$(cat /d/Test/hogwarts/接口测试/stock.json)