@echo off rem get current date and time for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=-/. " %%j in ('Date /T') do set FILENAME=srv_%%j%%k%%l for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=: " %%j in ('TIME /T') do set FILENAME=%FILENAME%-%%j%%k_%RANDOM%.ba_ rem get all service name sc query type= service state= all|findstr /r /C:"SERVICE_NAME:" >tmpsrv.txt echo Save Service Start State In %FILENAME% rem save service start state into batch file rem echo @echo off >"%FILENAME%" echo echo Restore The Service Start State Saved At %TIME% %DATE% form %USERDOMAIN% >>"%FILENAME%" echo pause >>"%FILENAME%" for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%j in (tmpsrv.txt) do ( sc qc %%j|findstr START_TYPE >tmpstype.txt for /f "tokens=4 delims=:_ " %%s in (tmpstype.txt) do echo sc config %%j start= %%s >>"%FILENAME%" ) echo exit >>"%FILENAME%" del tmpsrv.txt del tmpstype.txt
Windows XP SP3 Pro Chs
@echo off pause sc config Alerter start= DISABLED sc config ALG start= DEMAND sc config AppMgmt start= DEMAND sc config AudioSrv start= AUTO sc config BITS start= DEMAND sc config Browser start= AUTO sc config CiSvc start= DEMAND sc config ClipSrv start= DISABLED sc config COMSysApp start= DEMAND sc config CryptSvc start= AUTO sc config DcomLaunch start= AUTO sc config Dhcp start= AUTO sc config dmadmin start= DEMAND sc config dmserver start= AUTO sc config Dnscache start= AUTO sc config Dot3svc start= DEMAND sc config EapHost start= DEMAND sc config ERSvc start= AUTO sc config Eventlog start= AUTO sc config EventSystem start= DEMAND sc config FastUserSwitchingCompatibility start= DEMAND sc config helpsvc start= AUTO sc config HidServ start= AUTO sc config hkmsvc start= DEMAND sc config HTTPFilter start= DEMAND sc config ImapiService start= DEMAND sc config LanmanServer start= AUTO sc config lanmanworkstation start= AUTO sc config LmHosts start= AUTO sc config Messenger start= DISABLED sc config mnmsrvc start= DEMAND sc config MSDTC start= DEMAND sc config MSIServer start= DEMAND sc config napagent start= DEMAND sc config NetDDE start= DISABLED sc config NetDDEdsdm start= DISABLED sc config Netlogon start= DEMAND sc config Netman start= DEMAND sc config Nla start= DEMAND sc config NtLmSsp start= DEMAND sc config NtmsSvc start= DEMAND sc config PlugPlay start= AUTO sc config PolicyAgent start= AUTO sc config ProtectedStorage start= AUTO sc config RasAuto start= DEMAND sc config RasMan start= DEMAND sc config RDSessMgr start= DEMAND sc config RemoteAccess start= DISABLED sc config RemoteRegistry start= AUTO sc config RpcLocator start= DEMAND sc config RpcSs start= AUTO sc config RSVP start= DEMAND sc config SamSs start= AUTO sc config SCardSvr start= DEMAND sc config Schedule start= AUTO sc config seclogon start= AUTO sc config SENS start= AUTO sc config SharedAccess start= AUTO sc config ShellHWDetection start= AUTO sc config Spooler start= AUTO sc config srservice start= AUTO sc config SSDPSRV start= DEMAND sc config stisvc start= DEMAND sc config SwPrv start= DEMAND sc config SysmonLog start= DEMAND sc config TapiSrv start= DEMAND sc config TermService start= DEMAND sc config Themes start= AUTO sc config TlntSvr start= DISABLED sc config TrkWks start= AUTO sc config UMWdf start= AUTO sc config upnphost start= DEMAND sc config UPS start= DEMAND sc config VSS start= DEMAND sc config W32Time start= AUTO sc config WebClient start= AUTO sc config winmgmt start= AUTO sc config WmdmPmSN start= DEMAND sc config Wmi start= DEMAND sc config WmiApSrv start= DEMAND sc config wscsvc start= AUTO sc config wuauserv start= AUTO sc config WZCSVC start= AUTO sc config xmlprov start= DEMAND exit
Windows 7
Q 说: