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1.  EG3
关于嵌入式开发的站点,提供非常多关于嵌入式开发的资料。包括开发公司,技术文档,免费资源等等。版面包括busses & boards,embedded software,dsp,embedded systems,open source,rtos,embedded chips,system-on-a-chip 等等。
http://www.eg3.com/ - 外文
2.  The First Stop for the Latest ICs and Components
http://www.eeproductcenter.com/ - 外文
3.  Programmers Heaven - Assembler programming zone
http://www.programmersheaven.com/zone5/index.htm - 外文
4.  吐血推荐的关于ARM开发的网站,收集了非常多ARM开发工具,而且是免费的。
http://www.gnuarm.com/resources.html - 外文
5.  ARM的中文网站,官方网站
http://www.arm.com/chinese/ - 中文
6.  美国Cornell University课程ECE476所完成的项目。

http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/courses/ee476/FinalProjects/ - 外文
7.  Build Your Own Microcontroller Projects
This page provides schematic and software for hobbyists to practice "learn by doing", build a simple microcontroller projects at home. For those who would like to contribute projects, please prepare HTML files whatever you like to see but keep all files small and informative. I shall provide for others. DIY的好地方,强烈推荐.
http://www.kmitl.ac.th/~kswichit/ - 外文
8.  LPC2000 Tools from the LPC2000 Yahoo! Group 推荐
http://www.gnuarm.com/~lpc2000/body.html - 外文
9.  GNU ARM? toolchain for Cygwin, Linux and MacOS .推荐
这里是它的实用资源 http://www.gnuarm.com/resources.html
讨论组 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gnuarm/
文件下载 http://www.gnuarm.com/files.html
http://www.gnuarm.com/ - 外文
10.  ARMuC Wiki.大量的开发资料,强烈推荐
http://www.open-research.org.uk/ARMuC/ - 外文
11.  来自www.mikrocontroller.net大量实用链接
http://www.mikrocontroller.net/articles/Linksammlung - 外文
12.  LPC2000 information page featuring the Philips ARM microcontrollers
http://www.lpc2100.com/ - 外文
13.  ARMboot
ARMboot is an Open-Source firmware suite for ARM based platforms. ARMboot is heavily based on the sister-project PPCboot, which provides similar functionality on PowerPC based systems. ARMboot shall be a common, easy-to-use and easy-to-port boot platform
http://armboot.sourceforge.net/ - 外文
14.  周立功单片机
国内知名的民营企业,他主要是代理 PHILIPS 公司的 ARM微控制器与单片机,在该网站上可以下载大量的相关资料。推荐看看
http://www.zlgmcu.com - 中文
15.  ARMphetamine
ARMphetamine is a project to create a fast and accurate ARM processor emulator. A technique known as "dynamic recompilation" will be used so that the highest possible speed can be achieved for emulated code - ARM code programs are translated into native code as they are being emulated. The current development platform is Linux/x86
http://armphetamine.sourceforge.net/ - 外文
16.  Linux for all ARM based machines
http://www.arm.linux.org.uk/ - 外文
17.  Universal Bootloader
Universal Bootloader project provides firmware with full source code under GPL. Many CPU architectures are supported: PowerPC(MPC5xx, MPC8xx, MPC82xx, MPC7xx, MPC74xx, 4xx), ARM(ARM7, ARM9, StrongARM, Xscale), MIPS(4Kc,5Kc), x86, ...
http://sourceforge.net/projects/u-boot - 外文
18.  SkyEye Project
SkyEye是一个开源软件(opensource software)项目,中文名字是“天目”。SkyEye的目标是在通用的Linux和Windows平台实现一个模拟集成开发环境,模拟基于ARM的嵌入式计算机系统;可在SkyEye上运行ARM Linux,uclinux以及uC/OS-II等多种嵌入式操作系统,并对它们进行源码级的分析和测试
http://www.skyeye.org/index_cn.html - 外文
19.  uclinux-elf-tools
http://www.uclinux.org/pub/uClinux/uclinux-elf-tools/ - 外文
20.  MCUserver
http://www.mcu.cz/modules/news/ - 外文
21.  Embeder's Family--嵌入者之家

http://www.embeder.com/ - 中文
22.  ArmTime Technology
http://www.armtime.com/ - 中文
23.  GNU Toolchain for ARM Processors
http://www.codesourcery.com/gnu_toolchains/arm/ - 外文
24.  ARMLinux Resources
Here are links to various resources for ARMLinux. Mostly off-site but some are maintained here.
http://www.aleph1.co.uk/armlinux/resources.html - 外文
25.  www.ulrichradig.de
3,μClinux - mini Linux for the Philips's ARM LPC2294
http://www.ulrichradig.de/ - 外文
26.  boot
Booting on any device needs a boot-loader and some means to get the boot-loader installed in the first place. Here we look at the specifics for ARM architecture devices booting Linux, covering available boot-loaders and their capabilities, some general principles and mechanisms for uploading the Linux kernel and root filesystem, giving specific examples with Jflash-linux and Blob.
http://www.aleph1.co.uk/armlinux/docs/ARMbooting/t1.html - 外文
27.  武汉创维特嵌入式沙龙
http://www.cvtech.com.cn/ - 中文
28.  Debian GNU/Linux on ARM
On these pages you'll find information about the ongoing effort of porting Debian GNU/Linux to the ARM architecture which is often found in embedded systems
http://www.debian.org/ports/arm/ - 外文
29.  ARM Documentation 来自官方网站
http://www.arm.com/documentation/ - 外文
30.  ARM Devlopments
http://www.ap-systems.co.uk/index.htm - 外文
31.  RTLinux for StrongARM
http://www.imec.be/rtlinux/ - 外文
http://www.olimex.com/dev/index.html - 外文
33.  杭州莱顿科技有限公司
http://www.jzx51.com/index.htm - 中文
34.  嵌入式开源项目
是一个适合初学者学习嵌入式开发的技术网站,lumit 名称取自 let us make it together 这句话的首字母缩写。我们期待对嵌入式技术有兴趣的朋友能和我们一起学习、动手制作、相互探讨、共同进步。
lumit 也是一个软硬件资料可以完全免费下载的开源项目,目前主要目标是制作一个基于arm7tdmi s3c4510开发板的可以实用的u盘,未来我们希望还能做出 mp3、pda 甚至是 dc,dv 等。
http://www.lumit.org/ - 中文
35.  ARM时代
提供:ARM仿真器|ARM开发板|ARM技术 项目 方案 成型产品,还有一些ARM开发资料供下载
http://www.arm9e.com/ - 中文
36.  广州友善之臂的ARM资料下载
http://www.arm9.net/m4-download.asp - 中文
37.  Aeolus Development - Embedded Hardware and Software
http://www.aeolusdevelopment.com/ - 外文
38.  阿冰BLOG : ARM与嵌入式开发
http://ustcers.com/blogs/devzhao/articles/category/65.aspx - 中文
39.  中国单片机公共实验室.--可以看看.
http://www.bol-system.com/ - 中文
40.  52ARM微电通讯技术网
http://www.52arm.com/ - 中文
41.  思恒科技-DSP、ARM、FPGA等开发的电子综合网站
http://www.siheng.cn/ - 中文
42.  三星官方网站的ARM芯片资料下载
http://www.samsung.com/Products/Semiconductor/common/product_list.aspx?family_cd=LSI090101 - 外文
43.  西安建华科技实业有限公司
http://www.jhembed.com/ - 中文
44.  小章电子技术网 -很多实用电子资料下载。
http://www.zyjmcu.com/zlxz.htm - 中文
45.  ARM专栏
http://www.baite-group.com/chinese_simple/bbs/arm.htm - 中文
46.  Instruction set quick finder
his document describes, as completely as I am aware of, the ARM instruction set. If, however, you are only interested in the instructions relating to programming under RISC OS, you may prefer to read the shorter quick finder document...
http://www.heyrick.co.uk/assembler/qfinder.html - 中文
47.  ARM学习网 - 中文

posted on 2008-09-30 16:02  西窗伏龙  阅读(657)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报