

1、CMSIS(ARM®Cortex微控制器软件接口标准,Cortex™ microcontroller software interface standard)是ARM公司主持制订的一个标准,是 Cortex-M 处理器系列的与供应商无关的硬件抽象层。 使用 CMSIS,可以为处理器和外设实现一致且简单的软件接口,从而简化软件的重用、缩短微控制器新开发人员的学习过程,并缩短新设备的上市时间。

2、ST的STM32的库从3.0开始兼容SMSIS,名字也变为STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library(STM32F10xxx标准外设库)。之前的版本名字叫STM32F10xxx firmware library(STM32F10xxx固件库)。

3、STM32F10xxx firmware library:It is a collection of routines, data structures and macros that covers the features of all peripherals. It includes drivers and a set of examples for all the standard device peripherals.

     STM32F10xxx firmware library提供了一系列覆盖所有外设特性的函数,数据结构和宏定义,库里面包含了驱动和所有标准外设的例程。

4、STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library(STM32F10xxx标准外设库)STM32F10xxx firmware library的基础上有如下升级:兼容CMSIS,源文件以Doxygen的格式提供。

5、建立新项目的时候,可以以STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library里面的Template为模板,加以配置,来开始新项目。

6、但由于STM32F10xxx standard peripheral library的通用性,必然带来一些性能的下降,所以在性能要求严格的场合,可使用直接访问寄存器的方法进行外设的配置、访问。

Since the Standard Peripherals Library is generic and covers all peripheral functionalities, the size and/or execution speed of the application code may not be optimized. For many applications, the library may be used as is. However, for applications having tough constraints in terms of code size and/or execution speed, the library drivers should be used as a reference on how to configure the peripheral and tailor them to specific application requirements.


posted @ 2012-09-05 09:20  果壳中的宇宙  阅读(1139)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报