My advice to young people - Donald Knuth [video]
I took a note of what knuth said in the video.
1. Don't disbelief that because something is trandy, something is good. I probably go the other extreme, if I find too many people adopt an idea, I probably think it is wrong.
If my work is too popular, I probably think I have to change it. Of course, It seems too ridiculous.
I see the other side too often where people do things against their own instinct because they think the community wants they do in that way.
2. If you go with what you really think is important, then with high chance, it is really important in the long run. So usually when I am writing a book, publishing a book,
it is different from the books that has been done before, not because somebody say please write such a book or somebody has already done that.
So follow you own instinct is better than follow their heart.
3. I have to see something to the point surround it, and totally understand it before I can write anything about it.
That is the way I work, I don't want to write about high level thing until I fully understand low level things. Other people could have complete extreme, I know.
4. If you don't know something really solid, then you will never have confidence.
5. Read a lot of material.