ChineseLunisolarCalendar cnDate = new ChineseLunisolarCalendar();
Console.WriteLine("今天农历是:" + cnDate.GetYear(DateTime.Today).ToString() + "年" + cnDate.GetMonth(DateTime.Today).ToString() + "月" + cnDate.GetDayOfMonth(DateTime.Today).ToString()+"日");
CultureInfo c = new CultureInfo("zh-Hans"); //zh-Hans简体中文;zh-Hant繁体中文
Console.WriteLine("The CultureInfo is set to: {0}", c.DisplayName); //采用 .NET Framework 本地化版本的语言的区域性名称
Console.WriteLine("The parent culture is: {0}", c.Parent.DisplayName);
Console.WriteLine("The three letter ISO language name is: {0}", c.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName);
Console.WriteLine("The default calendar for this culture is: {0}\n\n", c.Calendar);
RegionInfo r2 = new RegionInfo("cn");
Console.WriteLine("The name of this region is: {0}", r2.Name);
Console.WriteLine("The NativeName of this region is: {0}", r2.NativeName);
Console.WriteLine("The ISO currency symbol for the region is: {0}", r2.ISOCurrencySymbol); //获取与国家/地区关联的由三个字符组成的 ISO 4217 货币符号
Console.WriteLine("this CurrentRegion: {0}", r2.CurrencyNativeName);