XCRM: Marketing Campaigns and Customer support(市场营销和客户支持)Marketing Campaigns(市场营销)A Marketing Campaign has no relationships. However, a Lead and Opportunity may reference a Campaign:市场营销不靠关系。然而,一个Lead和Opportunity可能来自广告:[Test]public void CampaignRelationships() { RegisterDCILead(); RegisterDCICamp 阅读全文
2011年1月25日 #
XCRM: Leads and opportunities(XCRM销售线索和销售机会)A Lead is not directly linked to a Contact or Account. It can be converted into an Account, Contact or Opportunity later. I’ll just capture the fact that the Lead class exists and may have some basic info:一个销售线索不直接链接到联系人或客户。它能被转换成一个客户,联系人或之后的销售机会。我就抓住事实,存在 阅读全文
XCRM: Writing real-world CRM application(写一个正式的CRM应用程序)I'm starting to write a generic CRM application, to try the new domain component (DC) technology and decide what classes should be included in our Domain Component technology. This application should be suitable for small business and extendable 阅读全文