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 Delta Replication Module   for Devexpress eXpressApp Framework






XafDelta 功能特点:


Provides a system of asynchronous heterogeneous replication for WinForms and ASP.NET XAF applications. Supports domain components.
Allows you to build and load images of the database (snapshots) for selected replication nodes.
Supports broadcast and targeted package routing
Provides configuration system for rules of replication and snapshots
Has a flexible built-in encryption and packaging service
Supports package state tickets
Have a built-in replication message storage
Have a built-in message delivery service. Supports WCF, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FILE protocols (*)
The package includes WCF service and ASP.NET web site, which implements an replication message storage (*)
The maximum size of replication package - 2 GB
Collaboration with Audit Trail Module does not allowed



posted on 2012-01-09 13:30  Tonyyang  阅读(662)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报