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Domain Components Basics(领域组件基础)

eXpressApp Framework > Concepts > Business Model Design > Domain Components > Domain Components Basics

Domain Components technology is designed to simplify data management and reusability by providing a much more flexible and abstracted approach to business object design. You can compose an application from reusable blocks, abstracted away from a particular persistence layer.

With Domain Components you define interfaces instead of regular business objects inherited from XPO classes. These interfaces will declare required properties or data fields. The way this data is to be processed ( Domain Logic) is then defined by creating special classes that determine how interface members behave when an object is constructed, when properties are changed, etc. Actual business classes are automatically implemented by XAF at runtime based on the provided logic and interfaces. You can package interfaces and domain logic in an assembly and use it as a domain library. If you then create a new XAF application, you can reference the domain library and reuse the domain components. Since interfaces support multiple inheritance, the required business objects can be combined into new domain components. With interfaces, you can make your domain model independent of implementation.


Benefits of the Domain Components Technology


Domain Components Technology is not by any means a replacement for the regular business classes approach to defining domain entities. The main advantage of the technology is the ability to create reusable domain libraries containing components that can be combined in any way. If you do not need the ability to create reusable components and combine them, most probably you will not need to use Domain Components. The following list describes the benefits of the Domain Components technology and should help you decide whether or not the approach is right for your task.

·         You can create reusable domain libraries.(可以建立可重用的域库)

Most probably, each new XAF application you develop is not unique. The most common objects, such as, Person, Phone, Address, etc. are always used. The Business Class Library provides you with a set of classes that you will need most frequently. But, implementing your own reusable library is not a simple task. With Domain Components you can easily package an assembly and reference it in your applications.

·         You can use multiple inheritance.(你可以用多继承)

Since Domain Components are represented by interfaces and not by classes, you can use multiple inheritance to combine several previously defined components into a new one. The new Domain Component will expose the properties of all its ancestors and utilize their Domain Logic. Of course you can add new properties and apply additional logic.

·         You do not need to inherit from Base Persistent Classes when implementing Domain Components.(实现一个域组件不用从基持久类继承)

Each regular business class is derived from one of the Base Persistent Classes in XAF. The behavior of these classes differs. For instance, a base class can either expose the auto-generated primary key property of an integer or Guid type or not.. The choice of the base class is made once a class is implemented. With the Domain Components, you can use a specific base class in each new scenario (see the ITypesInfo.AddEntityToGenerate method overload that takes the baseClass parameter). However, attributes applicable to regular business classes and their properties can also be used with Domain Components. And of course, the object implemented via Domain Components does not differ from the object implemented in a standard way from the end-user or application administrator point of view.



Definition of the Domain Components Interfaces (定义域组件接口)

The following snippet illustrates a typical Domain Component definition.







public interface IPerson {

    string LastName { get; set; }

    string FirstName { get; set; }

    string FullName { get; }

    void Copy(IPerson target);


<DomainComponent> _

Public Interface IPerson

    Property LastName() As String

    Property FirstName() As String

    ReadOnly Property FullName() As String

    Sub Copy(ByVal target As IPerson)

End Interface


As you can see in the code above, the interface decorated with the DomainComponentAttribute is considered to be a Domain Component. This interface must expose properties of the business class to be automatically generated when the application runs. You can use attributes applicable to regular business classes and their properties. For instance, you can decorate the LastName property with the RuleRequiredFieldAttribute and the class itself with the NavigationItemAttribute. Note the read-only FullName property and the Copy method. As these member values should be calculated, it is required to implement the Domain Logic, describing how to get these members' values.


Note (备注)

You can use the Domain Component v.10.2 template to simplify the definition of the Domain Component and its logic.

Implementation of the Domain Logic Classes(实现域逻辑类)

Each Domain Component can have one or more Domain Logics. Each Domain Logic is represented by a class. Generally, this class should be decorated with the DomainLogicAttribute, which indicates the Domain Component interface to which the target class belongs (the Domain Component interface type is defined by the attribute's DomainLogicAttribute.InterfaceType parameter). The Domain Logic class should expose methods named according to the following naming conventions.


Method Name(方法名称)



Executed when getting a target property value. A target property should be read-only. You can use this method to implement calculated properties.



Executed when a target property is initialized. A target property should not be read-only. You can use this method to specify the initial value of a property.



Executed after a target property is changed. A target property should not be read-only. You can use this method to implement dependent properties.



Executed when the target method is called. You can use this method to define the target method body.



Executed after an object is constructed. You can use this method instead of the previous one to initialize several properties at once.


Note (备注)

These methods should be public and should accept the object of the target interface type as the first parameter. PropertyName and MethodName should be substituted with the target members' names.

这些方式是公共的,接受目标接口类型对象作为第一个参数。PropertyName MethodName应该用目标成员的名称替代。

As you can see from the table above, method names can consist of the target property name and one of the following prefixes: AfterChange_, Get_ or Init_. Additionally, there is the AfterConstruction predefined method name. You can define additional methods that can be called from methods implementing the Domain Logic.

正如你从上面表看到的,方法名称有目标属性名称和AfterChange_, Get_ 或者 Init_前缀组成。另外,AfterConstruction是预定义方法名称。你可以定义其他能被实现领域逻辑方法调用的方法。

The following snippet illustrates Domain Logic class implementation.







public class PersonLogic {

    public static string Get_FullName(IPerson person) {

        return string.Format("{0} {1}", person.FirstName, person.LastName);


    public static void Copy(IPerson person, IPerson target) {

        if(target != null) {

            target.FirstName = person.FirstName;

            target.LastName = person.LastName;




<DomainLogic(GetType(IPerson))> _

Public Class PersonLogic

    Public Shared Function Get_FullName(ByVal person As IPerson) As String

        Return String.Format("{0} {1}", person.FirstName, person.LastName)

    End Function

    Public Shared Sub Copy(ByVal person As IPerson, ByVal target As IPerson)

        If target IsNot Nothing Then

            target.FirstName = person.FirstName

            target.LastName = person.LastName

        End If

    End Sub

End Class


You can also define a method, in a Domain Component, that will create Domain Component instances. For this purpose, the method must be parameterless, have the required return type and be decorated with the CreateInstanceAttribute.






public interface IAddressable {

    string PrimaryAddress { get; set; }

    string SecondaryAddress { get; set; }



public interface IPerson {

    IAddressable Address { get; set; }


    IAddressable CreateAddress();



public class PersonLogic {

    public static void AfterConstruction(IPerson person) {

        if(person.Address == null) {

            person.Address = person.CreateAddress();




<DomainComponent> _

Public Interface IAddressable

    Property PrimaryAddress() As String

    Property SecondaryAddress() As String

End Interface

<DomainComponent> _

Public Interface IPerson

    Property Address() As IAddressable

    <CreateInstance> _

    Function CreateAddress() As IAddressable

End Interface

<DomainLogic(GetType(IPerson))> _

Public Class PersonLogic

    Public Shared Sub AfterConstruction(ByVal person As IPerson)

        If person.Address Is Nothing Then

            person.Address = person.CreateAddress()

        End If

    End Sub

End Class



Note (备注)

If you have no access to the Domain Logic class sources, you can use the ITypesInfo.RegisterDomainLogic and ITypesInfo.UnregisterDomainLogic methods to manipulate the Domain Logic assignment.
如果你不访问领域逻辑类资源,你可以用ITypesInfo.RegisterDomainLogic ITypesInfo.UnregisterDomainLogic方法使领域自己工作。

Registering the Domain Components in the XAF Application(XAF应用程序中注册域组件)

To specify what classes should be generated, register required domain components with the application. Override the ModuleBase.Setup method and invoke the ITypesInfo.AddEntityToGenerate method in it:






using DevExpress.Persistent.BaseImpl;

// ...

public override void Setup(XafApplication application) {

    if (!XafTypesInfo.IsInitialized) {

        XafTypesInfo.Instance.AddEntityToGenerate("Person", typeof(IPerson), typeof(BaseObject));

        // ...




Imports DevExpress.Persistent.BaseImpl

' ...

Public Overrides Sub Setup(ByVal application As XafApplication)

    If (Not XafTypesInfo.IsInitialized) Then

        XafTypesInfo.Instance.AddEntityToGenerate("Person", GetType(IPerson), GetType(BaseObject))

        ' ...

    End If


End Sub


With the code above, the Person class derived from the BaseObject class will be generated. The generated class will expose properties and utilize the Domain Logic of the IPerson Domain Component.

Current Limitations(当前限制)

As the Domain Components technology is released as a preview in XAF v2010 vol 1, there are several issues and limitations. Domain Components cannot be used:

领域构件技术作为预览版发布在XAF v2010 vol1,有一些问题和局限。不能用领域构件:

However, these issues will be fixed as soon as possible. (不过,这些问题可能不久将被解决)

To see a full example on how to define Domain Components, specify the Domain Logic and register them in the XAF application; refer to the How to: Implement Domain Components topic.


Note (备注)

The XCRM demo installed with XAF is a customer relationship management application that uses the Domain Components technology and is composed completely of reusable blocks, abstracted away from a particular persistence layer. The application is located in the C:\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress 2010.2 Demos\eXpressApp Framework\XCRM folder by default. To see how various tasks can be implemented via Domain Components, take a look at the source code of this application.

XCRM演示同XAF一起安装,是一个自定义关系管理应用程序,用了领域构件技术,完全可重用的模块组成,从一个特定的持久层抽象出来。默认,这个应用程序在本地C:\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress 2010.2 Demos\eXpressApp Framework\XCRM文件夹。要了解实现各自任务通过领域构件,请看应用程序源代码。


posted on 2011-01-15 15:50  Tonyyang  阅读(1065)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报