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eXpressApp Framework > Concepts > Application Model > Business Model in the Application Model

With the eXpressApp Framework, only the business model has to be implemented when building a business application. Views for each business class from the business model will be generated automatically. For this purpose, special nodes are created in the Application Model: IModelBOModel, IModelDetailView, IModelListView. This topic explains how the information from the business model is used to generate these nodes. This can be helpful when you analyze or edit the Application Model.

使用eXpressApp Framework当建立一个业务应用程序,只需要实现业务模型。每个业务模型的业务类的视图将被自动生成。为此制定节点在应用程序模型: IModelBOModel, IModelDetailView, IModelListView内建立。这个主题解释如何由业务模型生成这些节点。

The following diagram demonstrates information flow from the business model through the Application Model:



By default, Lookup List Views contain a single column which corresponds to the property specified by the IModelClass.DefaultProperty property of the IModelClass node.




The Layout Groups and Items are generated according to specific rules. Property Editors for particular data types are related to particular Layout Groups. This relation is explained in the following table:


Property Type

Layout Group


Individual Layout Group, if a Detail View contains a single XPCollection Property Editor.
Tabbed Group, if a Detail View contains several XPCollection Property Editors.

Value types and enumeration

Individual Layout Group, called SimpleEditors. If there are more than four Property Editors in the current Detail View, they are located in two columns.

All remaning types

Individual Layout Group, called SizableEditors.


The Property Editors for the base class properties are distributed between individual Layout Groups as well.

Property Type

Layout Group


个体布局组,如果一个详细视图包含一个XPCollection属性编辑。标签组,如果一个详细视图包含级个l XPCollection属性编辑。

Value types and enumeration

个体布局组, SimpleEditors. 如果有四个以上的属性在目前的详细信息视图编辑器,它们存在于两列。

All remaning types

个体布局组, 调用SizableEditors.




posted on 2011-01-10 14:32  Tonyyang  阅读(408)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报