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How This Book Is Structured


This book covers the thought process behind the CSLA .NET for Windows version 3.6 architecture. It

describes the construction of the framework that supports the architecture, and it demonstrates how

to create WPF, Web Forms, and WCF service applications based on business objects written using

the framework.

本书介绍了CSLA背后的思考过程。为Windows 3.6版的架构教师。它描述了框架,支持建筑施工,并演示了如何创建WPF中,Web窗体和WCF服务的基础上编写使用框架的业务对象的应用程序。

If you are reading this book to understand the process of designing and constructing a development

framework for the .NET platform, then you should read all chapters. If you are reading this book to

understand how to use the CSLA .NET framework and are less interested in how the framework itself

is designed and implemented, then you should read Chapters 1 through 5 and Chapters 17 through 21.


Chapter 1 introduces some of the concepts surrounding distributed architectures, including

logical and physical architectures, business objects, and distributed objects. Perhaps more importantly,

this chapter sets the stage, showing the thought process that results in the remainder of the book.

Chapter 2 takes the architecture described at the end of Chapter 1 and uses it as the starting

point for a code framework that enables the goals described earlier. By the end of the chapter, you’ll

have seen the design process for the objects that will be implemented in Chapters 6 through 16; but

before that, there’s some other business to attend to.



In Chapter 3, I discuss the basics of responsibility-driven object-oriented design. As an example,

this chapter lays out the requirements and design for a sample application.

Chapters 4 and 5 discuss how to use each of the primary base classes in the CSLA .NET framework

to create your own business objects. I discuss in detail the object-oriented stereotypes supported

by the CSLA .NET base classes, along with the code structure for editable and read-only objects, and

collections and name/value lists.



Chapters 6 through 16 are all about the construction of the CSLA .NET framework itself. If you’re

interested in the code behind property declarations, validation rules, authorization rules, n-level

undo, mobile object support, and object persistence, then these are the chapters for you. In addition,


they make use of some of the more advanced and interesting parts of the .NET Framework, including

data binding, serialization, reflection, dynamic method invocation, WCF, .NET security, Enterprise

Services, System.Transactions, strongly named assemblies, dynamically loaded assemblies, application

configuration files, and more.


Chapters 17 and 18 create the business objects for the application. These chapters illustrate how

you can use the framework to create a powerful set of business objects rapidly and easily for an application.

The end result is a set of objects that not only model business responsibilities, but also support

data binding, validation, authorization, n-level undo, and various physical configurations that can

optimize performance, scalability, security, and fault tolerance, as discussed in Chapter 1.

Chapter 19 demonstrates how to create a WPF interface to the business objects. Chapter 20 covers

the creation of an ASP.NET Web Forms interface with comparable functionality.

Chapter 21 shows how to build WCF services using business objects. This approach enables

service-oriented development by providing a programmatic interface to the business objects that

any web service or WCF client can call.


19章演示如何创建一个WPF接口业务对象。第20章涵盖了一个ASP.NET Web窗体具有同等功能的界面创建。


By the end, you’ll have a framework that supports object-oriented application design in a practical,

pragmatic manner. The framework implements a logical model that you can deploy in various

physical configurations to optimally support Windows, web, and XML service clients.


posted on 2009-10-30 15:30  Tonyyang  阅读(324)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报