Using CMD to create Android automation environment

  1. Install Appium server,      install path:     
  2. Install the Node JS, install      path:
  3. Open the Appium server
  4. Start the Appium server
  5. Install the Java JDK, install      path:
  6. Install the Android SDK,      install path:     
  7. Add environment variables for      Java and Android SDK
  8. Create Android emulator
  9. Start emulator
  10. Install the PowerApp sdk
  11. Run PowerApp test cases


We can execute the below CMD to create the above step:

The step 1,2,5,6, we can copy the files and install it.

The step 3, CMD: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\Appium.exe"  

The step 4: CMD: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node_modules\.bin\appium.cmd” -a -p 4723

The step 7: we can change the registry value, see the below screen shot:

The step 8: CMD: android create avd -n EmulatorName -t 7 -b default/x86    (details, please refer to:

The step 9: CMD: emulator -avd avdName   (go to the Android SDK tools path firstly)

The step 10: CMD: adb install ***.sdk


posted @ 2016-09-29 14:11  TomLiuxin  阅读(210)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报