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2022-09-14 20:49阅读: 994评论: 0推荐: 0






  1. 右击开始图标,点击[Windows终端(管理员)]
  2. 输入命令“net user administrator /active:yes”
  3. 点击开始图标,点击当前用户圆形图标,点击[注销]
  4. 在登录页面选择"Administrator",按照提示完全初始化操作
  5. 右击开始图标,按[运行],输入“regedit”回车,依次展开[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList]
  6. 展开ProfileList文件夹,点击较长的序列,通过右侧的“ProfileImagePath”值确认是不是该项
  7. 修改“ProfileImagePath”的值为"C:/Users/xxx"(xxx为自己写的一个英文名)
  8. 去文件资源管理器中(就是打开此电脑)修改原来的目录名为注册表中修改的英文目录名(如果提示文件夹被占用无法修改可以用IObit Unlocker软件解锁文件夹)
  9. 注销Administrator账户,登录原来的账户,可以在终端中输入(按1步打开终端)“net user administrator /active:no”关闭管理员账户



版权声明:本作品采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎 2.5 中国大陆许可协议进行许可。

posted @   TomZz  阅读(994)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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  1. 1 Different World Alan Walker,K-391,CORSAK胡梦周,Sofia Carson
  2. 2 Wild Wild Web John The Whistler
  3. 3 In the End Linkin Park
  4. 4 Leave Out All The Rest Linkin Park
Wild Wild Web - John The Whistler
00:00 / 00:00
An audio error has occurred, player will skip forward in 2 seconds.

It's a wild wild web when you feel lost inside

the wild wild web where there's nothing to hide

on the wild wild web please tell me where I'll find

virtual reality of your smile

It's a changing world that we're living today

It's a changing world that we're living today

If you need a girl there's a very new way

If you need a girl there's a very new way

You're chatting all alone on the web

You're chatting all alone on the web

declaring all your love on the net

It's a wild wild web when you feel lost inside

the wild wild web where there's nothing to hide

on the wild wild web please tell me where I'll find

virtual reality of your smile

From my bottom I prefer the old fashion way

From my bottom I prefer the old fashion way

When to flirt with a girl you just go for a date

When to flirt with a girl you just go for a date

but all I gotta view is your mail

but all I gotta view is your mail

so stay connected just don't run away

It's a wild wild web when you feel lost inside

the wild wild web where there's nothing to hide

on the wild wild web please tell me where I'll find

virtual reality of your smile

It's a wild wild web when you feel lost inside

It's a wild wild web when you feel lost inside

the wild wild web where there's nothing to hide

on the wild wild web please tell me where I'll find

virtual reality of your smile

Now I hope that some day we will be meeting for real

And we talk and we laugh having some Indian meal

And we talk and we laugh having some Indian meal

I hope that good time at last

I hope that good time at last

cause Gs I found are most just too fast

It's a wild wild web when you feel lost inside

the wild wild