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2022-07-25 17:31阅读: 38评论: 0推荐: 0


WebDesign out of WebDevelopment

Web Design Ingridients

  1. Typography
  2. Colors
  3. Images
  4. Icons
  5. Shadows
  6. Border-radius
  7. Whitespace
  8. Visual Hierarchy
  9. User Experience
  10. Components/Layout

Website Personalities

  1. Serious/Elegant
  2. Minimalist/Simple
  3. Plain/Neutral
  4. Bold/Confident
  5. Calm/Peaceful
  6. Startup/Upbeat
  7. Playful/Fun


Making written language legible, readble and appealing when displayed


  • good for long text
  • traditional/classic


  • modern look
  • clean and simple
  • easier to choose for beginner designer
    Serif Vs Sans-serif

Recommed Serif fonts

  • Merriweather
  • Aleo
  • Playfair Display
  • Cormorant
  • Cardo
  • Lora

Recommed Sans-serif fonts

  • Inter
  • Open Sans
  • Roboto
  • Montserrat
  • Work Sans
  • Lato


  • Try to use less typefaces per page
  • normal text: 16px-32px
  • long text: 20px or ever bigger
  • healines: 50px+ and bold(600+)
  • don't use a font weight under 400(regular)
  • use less than 75 characters per line
  • line height: normal text: 1.5-2; big text: below 1.5

    smaller or longer text need more line height

  • decrease letter spacing in headlines, if it looks unnatural
  • all caps for short titles, small and bold and increase letter-spacing
  • don't justify text
  • don't center text


  • Google Fonts
  • Font Squirrel



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posted @   TomZz  阅读(38)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
  1. 1 Different World Alan Walker,K-391,CORSAK胡梦周,Sofia Carson
  2. 2 Wild Wild Web John The Whistler
  3. 3 In the End Linkin Park
  4. 4 Leave Out All The Rest Linkin Park
Wild Wild Web - John The Whistler
00:00 / 00:00
An audio error has occurred, player will skip forward in 2 seconds.

It's a wild wild web when you feel lost inside

the wild wild web where there's nothing to hide

on the wild wild web please tell me where I'll find

virtual reality of your smile

It's a changing world that we're living today

It's a changing world that we're living today

If you need a girl there's a very new way

If you need a girl there's a very new way

You're chatting all alone on the web

You're chatting all alone on the web

declaring all your love on the net

It's a wild wild web when you feel lost inside

the wild wild web where there's nothing to hide

on the wild wild web please tell me where I'll find

virtual reality of your smile

From my bottom I prefer the old fashion way

From my bottom I prefer the old fashion way

When to flirt with a girl you just go for a date

When to flirt with a girl you just go for a date

but all I gotta view is your mail

but all I gotta view is your mail

so stay connected just don't run away

It's a wild wild web when you feel lost inside

the wild wild web where there's nothing to hide

on the wild wild web please tell me where I'll find

virtual reality of your smile

It's a wild wild web when you feel lost inside

It's a wild wild web when you feel lost inside

the wild wild web where there's nothing to hide

on the wild wild web please tell me where I'll find

virtual reality of your smile

Now I hope that some day we will be meeting for real

And we talk and we laugh having some Indian meal

And we talk and we laugh having some Indian meal

I hope that good time at last

I hope that good time at last

cause Gs I found are most just too fast

It's a wild wild web when you feel lost inside

the wild wild