【今日CV 视觉论文速览】19 Feb 2019

Tue, 19 Feb 2019
Totally 51 papers



📚单RGB图预测单层、多层深度图和极线虚拟特征图,用于三维场景重建,首先预测多个深度图,并基于深度图进行场景重建。同时基于CNN特征和极线特征变换,实现了虚拟视角的生成。(from 加州大学欧文分校)

📚HybridSN, 基于混合卷积的超光谱分类问题。(from Indian Statistical Institute)

📚基于上下文自编码器视觉显著性预测, (from 马斯特里赫特大学,荷兰)
dataset: MIT1003 [16] and CAT2000 [41] SALICON dataset

📚无监督-视觉特征学习综述,从动机、流程、术语开始,介绍了常用的架构和度量指标,并给出了一系列相关的数据集和现有方法。最后定量的比较了各个数据集和方法,最后总结了这一方向的未来发展。(from 纽约城市大学)

📚BigEarthNet, 用于遥感图像理解的大规模多标签数据集。(from 柏林技术大学)

📚R2\mathcal{R}^2-CNN,遥感图像中的快速微小目标检测。其中Tiny用于特征抽取、全局注意力模块随后用于减小假阳性。随后分类器用于对每个图像片进行预测是否存在目标,最后将检测器来用于快速处理。(from 浙大)

📚GANFIT用于高保真人脸重建的GAN拟合。利用GAN训练UV空间中强大的生成器,并利用原始三维形变模型来充分利用非线性优化从而寻找到最优的隐空间变量来重建人脸。(from 帝国理工)

📚机器人手术分割挑战赛,(from MIT等)

📚PointIT,基于三维实例分割的道路场景追踪方法。将LIdar点云转为球图像并得到mask,随后利用MobileNet来作为编码器,最后利用排序算法来实现追踪(from 香港科技大学)
相关三维检测方法:There are many popular 3D object detection models, such as Complex-Yolo [4], MV3D[5], VoxelNet [6] and PIXOR [7].

📚PIXOR,点云三维目标检测。通过对三维数据进行一定的转换表示,并利用单阶段的检测器PIXOR(ORiented 3D object detection from PIXel-wise neural network predictions),解码出三维目标检测结果。(from Uber 先进技术研究组)

Daily Computer Vision Papers

[1] Title: Multi-layer Depth and Epipolar Feature Transformers for 3D Scene Reconstruction
Authors:Daeyun Shin, Zhile Ren, Erik B. Sudderth, Charless C. Fowlkes
[2] Title: HybridSN: Exploring 3D-2D CNN Feature Hierarchy for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Authors:Swalpa Kumar Roy, Gopal Krishna, Shiv Ram Dubey, Bidyut B. Chaudhuri
[3] Title: Generative Adversarial Networks Synthesize Realistic OCT Images of the Retina
Authors:Stephen G. Odaibo, M.D., M.S. (Math), M.S. (Comp. Sci.)
[4] Title: Contextual Encoder-Decoder Network for Visual Saliency Prediction
Authors:Alexander Kroner, Mario Senden, Kurt Driessens, Rainer Goebel
[5] Title: Object Recognition under Multifarious Conditions: A Reliability Analysis and A Feature Similarity-based Performance Estimation
Authors:Dogancan Temel, Jinsol Lee, Ghassan AlRegib
[6] Title: Decomposing multispectral face images into diffuse and specular shading and biophysical parameters
Authors:Sarah Alotaibi, William A. P. Smith
[7] Title: LocalNorm: Robust Image Classification through Dynamically Regularized Normalization
Authors:Bojian Yin, Siebren Schaafsma, Henk Corporaal, H. Steven Scholte, Sander M. Bohte
[8] Title: Quantifying the effects of data augmentation and stain color normalization in convolutional neural networks for computational pathology
Authors:David Tellez, Geert Litjens, Peter Bandi, Wouter Bulten, John-Melle Bokhorst, Francesco Ciompi, Jeroen van der Laak
[9] Title: Persistent entropy: a scale-invariant topological statistic for analyzing cell arrangements
Authors:N. Atienza, L. M. Escudero, M. J. Jimenez, M. Soriano-Trigueros
[10] Title: SEGAN: Structure-Enhanced Generative Adversarial Network for Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction
Authors:Zhongnian Li, Tao Zhang, Daoqiang Zhang
[11] Title: 2017 Robotic Instrument Segmentation Challenge
Authors:Max Allan, Alex Shvets, Thomas Kurmann, Zichen Zhang, Rahul Duggal, Yun-Hsuan Su, Nicola Rieke, Iro Laina, Niveditha Kalavakonda, Sebastian Bodenstedt, Luis Herrera, Wenqi Li, Vladimir Iglovikov, Huoling Luo, Jian Yang, Danail Stoyanov, Lena Maier-Hein, Stefanie Speidel, Mahdi Azizian
[12] Title: Speeding up convolutional networks pruning with coarse ranking
Authors:Zi Wang, Chengcheng Li, Dali Wang, Xiangyang Wang, Hairong Qi
[13] Title: Periocular Recognition in the Wild with Orthogonal Combination of Local Binary Coded Pattern in Dual-stream Convolutional Neural Network
Authors:Leslie Ching Ow Tiong, Andrew Beng Jin Teoh, Yunli Lee
[14] Title: Single-shot Channel Pruning Based on Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
Authors:Chengcheng Li, Zi Wang, Xiangyang Wang, Hairong Qi
[15] Title: PointIT: A Fast Tracking Framework Based on 3D Instance Segmentation
Authors:Yuan Wang, Yang Yu, Ming Liu
[16] Title: Automatic Segmentation of Pulmonary Lobes Using a Progressive Dense V-Network
Authors:Abdullah-Al-Zubaer Imran, Ali Hatamizadeh, Shilpa P. Ananth, Xiaowei Ding, Demetri Terzopoulos, Nima Tajbakhsh
[17] Title: Accurate Segmentation of Dermoscopic Images based on Local Binary Pattern Clustering
Authors:Pedro M. M. Pereira, Rui Fonseca-Pinto, Rui Pedro Paiva, Luis M. N. Tavora, Pedro A. A. Assuncao, Sergio M. M. de Faria1
[18] Title: Semantically Interpretable and Controllable Filter Sets
Authors:Mohit Prabhushankar, Gukyeong Kwon, Dogancan Temel, Ghassan AlRegib
[19] Title: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation using Deep Networks with Cross-Grafted Stacks
Authors:Jinyong Hou, Xuejie Ding, Jeremiah D. Deng
[20] Title: PIXOR: Real-time 3D Object Detection from Point Clouds
Authors:Bin Yang, Wenjie Luo, Raquel Urtasun
[21] Title: Exploiting Unlabeled Data in CNNs by Self-supervised Learning to Rank
Authors:Xialei Liu, Joost van de Weijer, Andrew D. Bagdanov
[22] Title: Fully-Featured Attribute Transfer
Authors:De Xie, Muli Yang, Cheng Deng, Wei Liu, Dacheng Tao
[23] Title: Exploring Stereovision-Based 3-D Scene Reconstruction for Augmented Reality
Authors:Guang-Yu Nie, Yun Liu, Cong Wang, Yue Liu, Yongtian Wang
[24] Title: Detecting Colorized Images via Convolutional Neural Networks: Toward High Accuracy and Good Generalization
Authors:Weize Quan, Dong-Ming Yan, Kai Wang, Xiaopeng Zhang, Denis Pellerin
[25] Title: LapEPI-Net: A Laplacian Pyramid EPI structure for Learning-based Dense Light Field Reconstruction
Authors:Gaochang Wu, Yebin Liu, Lu Fang, Tianyou Chai
[26] Title: Fast Pedestrian Detection based on T-CENTRIST
Authors:Hongyin Ni, Bin Lia
[27] Title: Using Persistent Homology to Quantify a Diurnal Cycle in Hurricane Felix
Authors:Sarah Tymochko, Elizabeth Munch, Jason Dunion, Kristen Corbosiero, Ryan Torn
[28] Title: Online PCB Defect Detector On A New PCB Defect Dataset
Authors:Sanli Tang, Fan He, Xiaolin Huang, Jie Yang
[29] Title: Structured Group Local Sparse Tracker
Authors:Mohammadreza Javanmardi, Xiaojun Qi
[30] Title: Self-supervised Visual Feature Learning with Deep Neural Networks: A Survey
Authors:Longlong Jing, Yingli Tian
[31] Title: BigEarthNet: A Large-Scale Benchmark Archive For Remote Sensing Image Understanding
Authors:Gencer Sumbul, Marcela Charfuelan, Begüm Demir, Volker Markl
[32] Title: Atlas-based automated detection of swim bladder in Medaka embryo
Authors:Diane Genest (LIGM), Marc Léonard, Jean Cousty (LIGM), Noémie De Crozé (RCO), Hugues Talbot (LIGM)
[33] Title: Semi-supervised Learning on Graph with an Alternating Diffusion Process
Authors:Qilin Li, Senjian An, Ling Li, Wanquan Liu
[34] Title: DC-Al GAN: Pseudoprogression and True Tumor Progression of Glioblastoma multiform Image Classification Based On DCGAN and Alexnet
Authors:Meiyu Li
[35] Title: Deep Learning for Image Super-resolution: A Survey
Authors:Zhihao Wang, Jian Chen, Steven C.H. Hoi
[36] Title: Skin Lesion Segmentation and Classification with Deep Learning System
Authors:Devansh Bisla, Anna Choromanska, Jennifer A. Stein, David Polsky, Russell Berman
[37] Title: Min-Entropy Latent Model for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
Authors:Fang Wan, Pengxu Wei, Zhenjun Han, Jianbin Jiao, Qixiang Ye
[38] Title: R2\mathcal{R}^2-CNN: Fast Tiny Object Detection in Large-scale Remote Sensing Images
Authors:Jiangmiao Pang, Cong Li, Jianping Shi, Zhihai Xu, Huajun Feng
[39] Title: GANFIT: Generative Adversarial Network Fitting for High Fidelity 3D Face Reconstruction
Authors:Baris Gecer, Stylianos Ploumpis, Irene Kotsia, Stefanos Zafeiriou
[40] Title: DIViS: Domain Invariant Visual Servoing for Collision-Free Goal Reaching
Authors:Fereshteh Sadeghi
[41] Title: MetaGrasp: Data Efficient Grasping by Affordance Interpreter Network
Authors:Junhao Cai, Hui Cheng, Zhanpeng Zhang, Jingcheng Su
[42] Title: Structural Recurrent Neural Network for Traffic Speed Prediction
Authors:Youngjoo Kim, Peng Wang, Lyudmila Mihaylova
[43] Title: Automated Detection of Regions of Interest for Brain Perfusion MR Images
Authors:Svitlana M Alkhimova
[44] Title: Attention-Based Prototypical Learning Towards Interpretable, Confident and Robust Deep Neural Networks
Authors:Sercan O. Arik, Tomas Pfister
[45] Title: Deep Convolutional Sum-Product Networks for Probabilistic Image Representations
Authors:Jos van de Wolfshaar, Andrzej Pronobis
[46] Title: LISA: a MATLAB package for Longitudinal Image Sequence Analysis
Authors:Jang Ik Cho, Xiaofeng Wang, Yifan Xu, Jiayang Sun
[47] Title: Local Fourier Slice Photography
Authors:Christian Lessig
[48] Title: RES-SE-NET: Boosting Performance of Resnets by Enhancing Bridge-connections
Authors:Varshaneya V, Balasubramanian S, Darshan Gera
[49] Title: Reduce Noise in Computed Tomography Image using Adaptive Gaussian Filter
Authors:Rini Mayasari, Nono Heryana
[50] Title: DeepFault: Fault Localization for Deep Neural Networks
Authors:Hasan Ferit Eniser, Simos Gerasimou, Alper Sen
[51] Title: Mobile Artificial Intelligence Technology for Detecting Macula Edema and Subretinal Fluid on OCT Scans: Initial Results from the DATUM alpha Study
Authors:Stephen G. Odaibo, Mikelson MomPremier, Richard Y. Hwang, Salman J. Yousuf, Steven L. Williams, Joshua Grant

Papers from arxiv.org


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