【今日CS 视觉论文速览】14 Dec 2018

Fri, 14 Dec 2018
Totally 30 papers



  • 宽通道注意力网络,实现遥感图像超分辨。充分利用了通道间的信息和CNNs的表示能力,并处理了激活函数对信息流的损耗。(from 中科院)

  • 基于强度点云的目标检测系统 (from 腾讯和港中文)

  • 文字检测和识别方面的综述论文,介绍了目前的多个公开数据集(详见文章第四页)和标准的字符检测流程。包括文字定位和检测、文字分割、文字识别与端到端的识别。(from 大阪府立大学)

  • 利用偏振热成像图生成高质量人脸 (from 新泽西大学等)

  • 高斯深度置信网络Gaussian Process Deep Belief Networks,通过不确定度传播实现的平滑生成模型。结合了平滑特性与低维度隐含空间表示,在估计时能够把握不确定度,同时在训练时能像通常的神经网络一样训练,并可以从很少的数据中学习。具有大规模的拓展能力。(from 巴斯大学布里斯托大学)

Daily Computer Vision Papers

[1] Title: FA-RPN: Floating Region Proposals for Face Detection
Authors:Mahyar Najibi, Bharat Singh, Larry S. Davis
[2] Title: Scene Recomposition by Learning-based ICP
Authors:Hamid Izadinia, Steven M. Seitz
[3] Title: Benchmark Dataset for Automatic Damaged Building Detection from Post-Hurricane Remotely Sensed Imagery
Authors:Sean Andrew Chen, Andrew Escay, Christopher Haberland, Tessa Schneider, Valentina Staneva, Youngjun Choe
[4] Title: The Pros and Cons: Rank-aware Temporal Attention for Skill Determination in Long Videos
Authors:Hazel Doughty, Walterio Mayol-Cuevas, Dima Damen
[5] Title: Combining Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series via RNN for object-based land cover classification
Authors:Dino Ienco, Raffaele Gaetano, Roberto Interdonato Kenji Ose, Dinh Ho Tong Minh
[6] Title: Deep Face Image Retrieval: a Comparative Study with Dictionary Learning
Authors:Ahmad S. Tarawneh, Ahmad B. A. Hassanat, Ceyhun Celik, Dmitry Chetverikov, M. Sohel Rahman, Chaman Verma
[7] Title: Vector Image Generation by Learning Parametric Layer Decomposition
Authors:Othman Sbai, Camille Couprie, Mathieu Aubry
[8] Title: Human Motion Prediction via Spatio-Temporal Inpainting
Authors:Alejandro Hernandez Ruiz, Juergen Gall, Francesc Moreno-Noguer
[9] Title: Using Motion and Internal Supervision in Object Recognition
Authors:Daniel Harari
[10] Title: Discovering and Generating Hard Examples for Training a Red Tide Detector
Authors:Hyungtae Lee, Heesung Kwon, Wonkook Kim
[11] Title: DLOW: Domain Flow for Adaptation and Generalization
Authors:Rui Gong, Wen Li, Yuhua Chen, Luc Van Gool
[12] Title: Wider Channel Attention Network for Remote Sensing Image Super-resolution
Authors:Jun Gu, Guangluan Xu, Yue Zhang, Xian Sun, Ran Wen, Lei Wang
[13] Title: Omni-directional Feature Learning for Person Re-identification
Authors:Di Wu, Hong-Wei Yang, De-Shuang Huang
[14] Title: When Semi-Supervised Learning Meets Transfer Learning: Training Strategies, Models and Datasets
Authors:Hong-Yu Zhou, Avital Oliver, Jianxin Wu, Yefeng Zheng
[15] Title: FDFNet : A Secure Cancelable Deep Finger Dorsal Template Generation Network Secured via. Bio-Hashing
Authors:Avantika Singh, Ashish Arora, Shreya Hasmukh Patel, Gaurav Jaswal, Aditya Nigam
[16] Title: IRLAS: Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Architecture Search
Authors:Minghao Guo, Zhao Zhong, Wei Wu, Dahua Lin, Junjie Yan
[17] Title: IPOD: Intensive Point-based Object Detector for Point Cloud
Authors:Zetong Yang, Yanan Sun, Shu Liu, Xiaoyong Shen, Jiaya Jia
[18] Title: ELASTIC: Improving CNNs with Instance Specific Scaling Policies
Authors:Huiyu Wang, Aniruddha Kembhavi, Ali Farhadi, Alan Yuille, Mohammad Rastegari
[19] Title: Dynamic Fusion with Intra- and Inter- Modality Attention Flow for Visual Question Answering
Authors:Gao Peng, Hongsheng Li, Haoxuan You, Zhengkai Jiang, Pan Lu, Steven Hoi, Xiaogang Wang
[20] Title: MetaStyle: Three-Way Trade-Off Among Speed, Flexibility, and Quality in Neural Style Transfer
Authors:Chi Zhang, Yixin Zhu, Song-Chun Zhu
[21] Title: Nrityantar: Pose oblivious Indian classical dance sequence classification system
Authors:Vinay Kaushik, Prerana Mukherjee, Brejesh Lall
[22] Title: Advances of Scene Text Datasets
Authors:Masakazu Iwamura
[23] Title: Design Pseudo Ground Truth with Motion Cue for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
Authors:Ye Wang, Jongmoo Choi, Yueru Chen, Qin Huang, Siyang Li, Ming-Sui Lee, C.-C. Jay Kuo
[24] Title: Power of Tempospatially Unified Spectral Density for Perceptual Video Quality Assessment
Authors:Mohammed A. Aabed, Gukyeong Kwon, Ghassan AlRegib
[25] Title: Synthesis of High-Quality Visible Faces from Polarimetric Thermal Faces using Generative Adversarial Networks
Authors:He Zhang, Benjamin S. Riggan, Shuowen Hu, Nathaniel J. Short, Vishal M.Patel
[26] Title: DeepTract: A Probabilistic Deep Learning Framework for White Matter Fiber Tractography
Authors:Itay Benou, Tammy Riklin-Raviv
[27] Title: Stochastic Image Deformation in Frequency Domain and Parameter Estimation using Moment Evolutions
Authors:Line Kühnel, Alexis Arnaudon, Tom Fletcher, Stefan Sommer
[28] Title: Gaussian Process Deep Belief Networks: A Smooth Generative Model of Shape with Uncertainty Propagation
Authors:Alessandro Di Martino, Erik Bodin, Carl Henrik Ek, Neill D.F. Campbell
[29] Title: Geometrical Stem Detection from Image Data for Precision Agriculture
Authors:F. Langer, L. Mandtler, A. Milioto, E. Palazzolo, C. Stachniss
[30] Title: Learning to Learn from Noisy Labeled Data
Authors:Junnan Li, Yongkang Wong, Qi Zhao, Mohan Kankanhalli

Papers from arxiv.org


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