
sp_helptext proc_GetCanAddGroup

CREATE proc proc_GetCanAddGroup


@CatalogId int,--目录id

@GroupId int--权限id




with getall as


select c.*,g.Isinherit,g.e_state from ECM_CatalogTable c left join ECM_Grouping g on c.id=g.c_id where c.[State]=0


parent as


select * from getall g where g.id=@CatalogId 

union all

select g.* from getall g inner join parent p on g.id=p.ParentId 



getCatalogId as(

select id from parent where Isinherit=1 and e_state=0 group by id

union select id from parent where e_state=0 and id=@CatalogId        --union:并集,合并

select * from userrolegroup
select groupname as lookname,id as lookvalue from userrolegroup where id not in(

select g_id  from ECM_Bygroup where r_id in (

select id from ECM_Grouping where c_id in (select id from getCatalogId))

) and u_state=0


select groupname as lookname,id as lookvalue from userrolegroup where id in(

select g_id from ECM_Bygroup where r_id = @GroupId) and u_state=0



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