
Four preprocessor-specific operators are used in the context of the #define directive (see the following list for a summary of each). The stringizing, charizing, and token-pasting operators are discussed in the next three sections. For information on the defined operator, see The #if, #elif, #else, and #endif Directives.


Stringizing operator (#)

Causes the corresponding actual argument to be enclosed in double quotation marks

Charizing operator (#@)

Causes the corresponding argument to be enclosed in single quotation marks and to be treated as a character (Microsoft Specific)

Token-pasting operator (##)

Allows tokens used as actual arguments to be concatenated to form other tokens

defined operator

Simplifies the writing of compound expressions in certain macro directives



posted @ 2010-05-31 15:27  D_Arthas  阅读(199)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报