codeforces 978C Letters

C. Letters
time limit per test
4 seconds
memory limit per test
256 megabytes
standard input
standard output

There are nn dormitories in Berland State University, they are numbered with integers from 11 to nn. Each dormitory consists of rooms, there are aiai rooms in ii-th dormitory. The rooms in ii-th dormitory are numbered from 11 to aiai.

A postman delivers letters. Sometimes there is no specific dormitory and room number in it on an envelope. Instead of it only a room number among all rooms of all nn dormitories is written on an envelope. In this case, assume that all the rooms are numbered from 11 to a1+a2++ana1+a2+⋯+an and the rooms of the first dormitory go first, the rooms of the second dormitory go after them and so on.

For example, in case n=2n=2, a1=3a1=3 and a2=5a2=5 an envelope can have any integer from 11 to 88 written on it. If the number 77 is written on an envelope, it means that the letter should be delivered to the room number 44 of the second dormitory.

For each of mm letters by the room number among all nn dormitories, determine the particular dormitory and the room number in a dormitory where this letter should be delivered.


The first line contains two integers nn and m(1n,m2105)(1≤n,m≤2⋅105) — the number of dormitories and the number of letters.

The second line contains a sequence a1,a2,,ana1,a2,…,an (1ai1010)(1≤ai≤1010), where aiai equals to the number of rooms in the ii-th dormitory. The third line contains a sequence b1,b2,,bmb1,b2,…,bm (1bja1+a2++an)(1≤bj≤a1+a2+⋯+an), where bjbj equals to the room number (among all rooms of all dormitories) for the jj-th letter. All bjbj are given in increasing order.


Print mm lines. For each letter print two integers ff and kk — the dormitory number f(1fn)(1≤f≤n) and the room number kk in this dormitory (1kaf)(1≤k≤af) to deliver the letter.

3 6
10 15 12
1 9 12 23 26 37
1 1
1 9
2 2
2 13
3 1
3 12
2 3
5 10000000000
5 6 9999999999
1 5
2 1
2 9999999994

In the first example letters should be delivered in the following order:

  • the first letter in room 11 of the first dormitory
  • the second letter in room 99 of the first dormitory
  • the third letter in room 22 of the second dormitory
  • the fourth letter in room 1313 of the second dormitory
  • the fifth letter in room 11 of the third dormitory
  • the sixth letter in room 1212 of the third dormitory


分析:很简单的模拟,但是数据量很大,a数组里面每个数都要是long long,而且如果直接遍历求解的话会T掉,我第一个想到的就是学长在寒假教过的二分查找,很长时间没写二分有点忘。。。改了几次才过了样例,然后交上去就过了

 1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
 2 using namespace std;
 3 #define fi first
 4 #define se second
 5 #define ll long long
 6 #define pb push_back
 7 const int N=2e5+5;
 8 ll a[N];
 9 ll b[N];
10 int main()
11 {
12     int n,m;
13     scanf("%d %d",&n,&m);
14     for (int i=1;i<=n;i++)
15     {
16         scanf("%I64d",&a[i]);
17         b[1]=a[1];
18         b[i]=b[i-1]+a[i];
19     }
20     int flag1,flag2;
21     while(m--)
22     {
23         int flag;
24         ll t;
25         scanf("%I64d",&t);
26         ll l=0,r=n;
27         while(l+1<r)
28         {
29             ll mid=(l+r)/2;
30             if(b[mid]>t)    flag=1;
31             if(b[mid]<=t)   flag=2;
32             if(flag==1) r=mid;
33             else if(flag==2)    l=mid;
34         }
35         if(t-b[l]==0)
36             printf("%I64d %I64d\n",l,a[l]);
37         else printf("%I64d %I64d\n",l+1,t-b[l]);
38     }
39 }


posted @ 2018-06-03 16:40  TheSilverMoon  阅读(745)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报