Codeforces Round #468 Div. 2题解
A. Friends Meeting
Two friends are on the coordinate axis Ox in points with integer coordinates. One of them is in the point x1 = a, another one is in the point x2 = b.
Each of the friends can move by one along the line in any direction unlimited number of times. When a friend moves, the tiredness of a friend changes according to the following rules: the first move increases the tiredness by 1, the second move increases the tiredness by 2, the third — by 3 and so on. For example, if a friend moves first to the left, then to the right (returning to the same point), and then again to the left his tiredness becomes equal to 1 + 2 + 3 = 6.
The friends want to meet in a integer point. Determine the minimum total tiredness they should gain, if they meet in the same point.
The first line contains a single integer a (1 ≤ a ≤ 1000) — the initial position of the first friend.
The second line contains a single integer b (1 ≤ b ≤ 1000) — the initial position of the second friend.
It is guaranteed that a ≠ b.
Print the minimum possible total tiredness if the friends meet in the same point.
In the first example the first friend should move by one to the right (then the meeting happens at point 4), or the second friend should move by one to the left (then the meeting happens at point 3). In both cases, the total tiredness becomes 1.
In the second example the first friend should move by one to the left, and the second friend should move by one to the right. Then they meet in the point 100, and the total tiredness becomes 1 + 1 = 2.
In the third example one of the optimal ways is the following. The first friend should move three times to the right, and the second friend — two times to the left. Thus the friends meet in the point 8, and the total tiredness becomes 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 = 9.
#include <cmath> #include <cstdio> using namespace std; int main() { int s=0,x1,x2,l,q,p=0; scanf("%d%d",&x1,&x2); l=abs(x1-x2); if (l%2!=0)p=1; for (q=1; q<=l/2; q++)s+=q; s*=2; s+=q*p; printf("%d\n",s); return 0; }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int rot,n,a,b; int main() { scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&a,&b); a+=(n-1); b+=(n-1); rot=log2(n); for(int i=1;i<rot;i++) { a/=2; b/=2; if(a==b){printf("%d",i); return 0;} } printf("Final!"); return 0; }
思路:stO ljj Orz
In Arcady's garden there grows a peculiar apple-tree that fruits one time per year. Its peculiarity can be explained in following way: there are n inflorescences, numbered from 1 to n. Inflorescence number 1 is situated near base of tree and any other inflorescence with number i (i > 1) is situated at the top of branch, which bottom is pi-th inflorescence and pi < i.
Once tree starts fruiting, there appears exactly one apple in each inflorescence. The same moment as apples appear, they start to roll down along branches to the very base of tree. Each second all apples, except ones in first inflorescence simultaneously roll down one branch closer to tree base, e.g. apple in a-th inflorescence gets to pa-th inflorescence. Apples that end up in first inflorescence are gathered by Arcady in exactly the same moment. Second peculiarity of this tree is that once two apples are in same inflorescence they annihilate. This happens with each pair of apples, e.g. if there are 5 apples in same inflorescence in same time, only one will not be annihilated and if there are 8 apples, all apples will be annihilated. Thus, there can be no more than one apple in each inflorescence in each moment of time.
Help Arcady with counting number of apples he will be able to collect from first inflorescence during one harvest.
First line of input contains single integer number n (2 ≤ n ≤ 100 000) — number of inflorescences.
Second line of input contains sequence of n - 1 integer numbers p2, p3, ..., pn (1 ≤ pi < i), where pi is number of inflorescence into which the apple from i-th inflorescence rolls down.
Single line of output should contain one integer number: amount of apples that Arcady will be able to collect from first inflorescence during one harvest.
1 1
1 2 2 2
1 1 1 4 4 3 2 2 2 10 8 9 9 9 10 10 4
In first example Arcady will be able to collect only one apple, initially situated in 1st inflorescence. In next second apples from 2nd and 3rd inflorescences will roll down and annihilate, and Arcady won't be able to collect them.
In the second example Arcady will be able to collect 3 apples. First one is one initially situated in first inflorescence. In a second apple from 2nd inflorescence will roll down to 1st (Arcady will collect it) and apples from 3rd, 4th, 5th inflorescences will roll down to 2nd. Two of them will annihilate and one not annihilated will roll down from 2-nd inflorescence to 1st one in the next second and Arcady will collect it.
题目大意:给你一棵树,树上每个节点都有一个苹果。你在树根处,每一秒钟可以摘一个苹果,摘完苹果后,上一层的苹果会滚动到它的父亲结点,但是一个结点最多允许有一个苹果,如果一个结点的苹果个数为x,则在滚动后这个节点剩下$x\bmod 2$个苹果。问你能得到多少个苹果。
#include<cstdio> using namespace std; const int maxn=100000*2+10; struct Edge{int u,v;}edge[maxn]; int head[maxn],cnt; inline void add(int u,int v){edge[++cnt].u=head[u],edge[cnt].v=v,head[u]=cnt;} int n,v,maxdep,ans; int vis[maxn],depth[maxn]; void dfs(int pos,int dep) { if(dep>maxdep)maxdep=dep; depth[dep]++; for(int i=head[pos];i;i=edge[i].u) { int v=edge[i].v; if(!vis[v]) { vis[v]=1; dfs(v,dep+1); } } } int main() { scanf("%d",&n); for(int i=2;i<=n;i++) { scanf("%d",&v); add(v,i); } dfs(1,1); for(int i=1;i<=maxdep;i++) if(depth[i]&1)++ans; printf("%d\n",ans); return 0; }
至于怎么维护这个LIS的问题,直接$O(n\log n)$的方法,二分或者用树状数组/线段树查询区间$[1,i-1]$的区间最大值即可。
(终于知道什么叫做Confusing Problem了,highly misleading的题面qwq)
So other people have been saying that they've seen this problem before, but I haven't, so I'll try to explain it as if you haven't seen it before either.
First thing's first, we notice that if a point is not in all segments, that is equivalent to saying that you can find two segments that are disjoint (draw a picture, you will see why this is true).
Next thing, we notice that if the number of segments decreases and then increases, there must be a pair of disjoint intervals (that is, Sasha is sure Teodor isn't lying). Let's look at sample test 2 to see what I mean. If you were to query the number of segments at each point going from left to right, you would get 1 2 2 1 2 2. Because at points 3, 4, and 5, the queries are 2, 1, and 2, that is, they go down and then up, so we know that there is some interval that ends at 3 and some other interval that starts at 5, so we have two disjoint intervals, and Sasha is sure there is a point that is not in all intervals. HOWEVER, if we were to only query points 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6, Sasha's knowledge of the above array would be 1 2 2 _ 2 2. If the blank was filled in with a 2, he still could not tell whether Teodor was lying. If you play around with the numbers more, you'll see that this is the case for any non-increasing sequence, non-decreasing sequence, and unimodal sequence. For example, other arrays like [1 _ _ 3 _ 5 6], [8 _ 2 2 _ 1], or [1 2 4 _ 6 _ _ 2 1] would not give Sasha enough information to tell whether Teodor is lying.
Thus, we can reformulate the question as follows: what is the longest unimodal subsequence of the array a, where a is the array such that ai is the number of intervals at index i.
This is easily solvable if you know $O(n\log n)$ LIS algorithm, since we just find LIS at each index, and LDS at each index, and test each possible point to be the peak, which will be linear, making the whole thing $O(n\log n)$. Also, constructing the array a is easily done in linear time, since we know all the segments in advance, so we can just increment left endpoints, decrement 1 past right endpoints, and calculate partial sums to get a.