在开始我们的function 之前, 我们应该理解两个知识点:
函数表达式 Function Expression:
var test = function() {};
函数申明 Function Declaration:
function test() {};
Callback Function
注意: 我们是传入的值(function), arrayCalc 在运行的时候运行function. 而不是在一开始call function.
<script> var year = [1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994]; // callback function function arrayCalc(arr, fn) { var arrReult = []; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { arrReult.push(fn(arr[i])); } return arrReult; } function calculateAge(el) { return 2018 - el; } // due to we are not to call the function, we only need pass in the value. // So we only need calculateAge not calculateAge() // This is called callback function console.log(arrayCalc(year, calculateAge)); // [28, 27, 26, 25, 24] </script>
Functions Returning Functions
<script> function interviewQuestion(job) { if (job === 'designer') { return function (name) { console.log(name + ', can you pls explain what UX design is?'); } } else { return function (name) { console.log('hello ' + name + ', what can ' + job + ' do?'); } } }; // call function var designerQuestion = interviewQuestion('designer'); console.log(designerQuestion); // designerQuestion will get a function and we need pass value in for this function. designerQuestion('John'); // call function // because first part interviewQuestion('teacher') returns function // we can directly write second input value follow it. interviewQuestion('teacher')('Chris'); </script>
Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFE) 立即执行的函数表达式
IIFE: Immediately Invoked Function Expression,意为立即调用的函数表达式,也就是说,声明函数的同时立即调用这个函数。
function foo(){ var a = 10; console.log(a); } foo();
(function foo(){ var a = 10; console.log(a); })();
IIFE 的用处
如果只是为了立即执行一个函数,显然IIFE所带来的好处有限。实际上,IIFE的出现是为了弥补JS在scope方面的缺陷:JS只有全局作用域(global scope)、函数作用域(function scope),从ES6开始才有块级作用域(block scope)。对比现在流行的其他面向对象的语言可以看出,JS在访问控制这方面是多么的脆弱!那么如何实现作用域的隔离呢?在JS中,只有function,只有function,只有function才能实现作用域隔离,因此如果要将一段代码中的变量、函数等的定义隔离出来,只能将这段代码封装到一个函数中。
IIFE一般是不需要function name, 如果必须要起一个, 可以使用IIFE. IIFE 也可以带多个参数.
var a = 2; (function IIFE(global){ var a = 3; console.log(a); // 3 console.log(global.a); // 2 })(window); console.log(a); // 2
IIFE 例子:
var myModule = (function module(){ var someThing = "123"; var otherThing = [1,2,3]; function doSomeThing(){ console.log(someThing); } function doOtherThing(){ console.log(otherThing); } return { doSomeThing:doSomeThing, doOtherThing:doOtherThing } })(); myModule.doSomeThing(); myModule.doOtherThing();