--============================================== --查看可能缺失的索引 SELECT mig.* ,migs.* ,mid.* FROM sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats AS migs INNER JOIN sys.dm_db_missing_index_groups AS mig ON (migs.group_handle = mig.index_group_handle) INNER JOIN sys.dm_db_missing_index_details AS mid ON (mig.index_handle = mid.index_handle)
--查看索引碎片 --'DETAILED'选项会导致扫描全表,慎用 SELECT OBJECT_NAME (ips.[object_id]) AS 'Object Name', AS 'Index Name', ROUND (ips.avg_fragmentation_in_percent, 2) AS 'Fragmentation', ips.page_count AS 'Pages', ROUND (ips.avg_page_space_used_in_percent, 2) AS 'Page Density' FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (DB_ID ('SQLskillsDB'), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'DETAILED') ips CROSS APPLY sys.indexes si WHERE si.object_id = ips.object_id AND si.index_id = ips.index_id AND ips.index_level = 0 -- only the leaf level AND ips.avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 10; -- filter on fragmentation GO
--=============================================== --查看索引结构 ;WITH T1 AS ( SELECT IC.* , AS ColumnName FROM sys.index_columns IC INNER JOIN sys.columns C ON IC.object_id = C.object_id AND IC.column_id = C.column_id ) SELECT --DB_ID() AS DatabaseID, DB_NAME() AS DatabaseName , SCHEMA_NAME(TB.schema_id) AS SchemaName , AS TableName , --IX.index_id AS IndexId, ISNULL(, '') AS IndexName , IX.type_desc AS IndexType , ISNULL(IXK.ix_index_column_name, '') AS IndexKey , ISNULL(IXK.ix_index_include_column_name, '') AS IndexIncludeColumn , ISNULL(IX.filter_definition, '') AS FilerDefinition , IX.is_primary_key AS IsPrimaryKey , IX.is_unique AS IsUnique , IX.is_disabled AS IsDisabled , IX.fill_factor AS FileFactor , IX.has_filter AS HasFiler , IX.ignore_dup_key AS IgnoreDuplicateKey , AS DataSpace , ISNULL(, '') AS PartitionScheme , ISNULL(IXC.ColumnName, '') AS PartitionKey , IX.allow_page_locks AS AllowPageLocks , IX.allow_row_locks AS AllowRowLocks , IX.is_padded AS IsPadded FROM sys.tables TB INNER JOIN sys.indexes IX ON TB.object_id = IX.object_id INNER JOIN sys.data_spaces DS ON DS.data_space_id = IX.data_space_id LEFT JOIN sys.partition_schemes PS ON IX.data_space_id = PS.data_space_id LEFT JOIN T1 AS IXC ON IX.object_id = IXC.object_id AND IX.index_id = IXC.index_id AND IXC.partition_ordinal = 1 OUTER APPLY ( SELECT ix_index_column_name = STUFF(REPLACE(REPLACE(( SELECT CASE WHEN T1.is_descending_key = 1 THEN T1.ColumnName+ ' desc' ELSE T1.ColumnName END AS column_name FROM T1 WHERE IX.object_id = T1.object_id AND IX.index_id = T1.index_id AND T1.is_included_column = 0 ORDER BY index_column_id FOR XML AUTO),'<T1 column_name="',','), '"/>', ''),1, 1, '') , ix_index_include_column_name = STUFF(REPLACE(REPLACE(( SELECT T1.ColumnName AS column_name FROM T1 WHERE IX.object_id = T1.object_id AND IX.index_id = T1.index_id AND T1.is_included_column = 1 ORDER BY index_column_id FOR XML AUTO),'<T1 column_name="',','), '"/>', ''),1, 1, '') ) AS IXK --WHERE't_coupon' ORDER BY TableName,IndexKey,IndexIncludeColumn
--========================================== --查看索引的使用情况 --索引在重建或删除新建时sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats中相关的数据会被清除 --索引在重整是不会清除sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats的数据 SELECT DB_NAME(ixu.database_id) DataBase_Name, OBJECT_NAME(ixu.object_id) Table_Name, Index_Name , ( SELECT MAX(s.rows) FROM sysindexes s WHERE = ixu.object_id ) AS Table_Rows , STATS_DATE(ixu.object_id, ixu.index_id) AS statistic_time, ixu.user_updates, ixu.last_user_seek, ixu.user_seeks, ixu.last_user_scan, ixu.user_scans, ixu.last_user_lookup, ixu.user_lookups, ixu.user_updates/(ISNULL(ixu.user_seeks,0) +ISNULL(ixu.user_scans,0)+1) AS UseRate FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats ixu INNER JOIN sys.indexes ix ON ixu.object_id = ix.object_id AND ixu.index_id = ix.index_id INNER JOIN sys.objects ob ON ixu.object_id = ob.object_id WHERE ob.type = 'U' AND ob.is_ms_shipped = 0 AND ixu.database_id=DB_ID() --AND ix.object_id=OBJECT_ID('TableName')