
public abstract class


extends ActivityTestCase//继承自ActivityTestCase

This class provides functional testing of a single activity. The activity under test will be created using the system infrastructure (by calling InstrumentationTestCase.launchActivity()) and you will then be able to manipulate your Activity directly.


该类提供单独的activity的功能测试.在测试项目下的该activity能够使用系统基类(调用: InstrumentationTestCase.launchActivity())并且你能够直接操作你自己的Activity的。

  • You can run any test method on the UI thread (see UiThreadTest).//你能够在UI thread上跑任何的测试方法
  • You can inject custom Intents into your Activity (see setActivityIntent(Intent)).//你能够在你的Activity注入自定义的Intents(该描述意味着允许跳转)

This class replaces ActivityInstrumentationTestCase, which is deprecated. New tests should be written using this base class.//该类替代ActivityInstrumentationTestCase, 该类现在不建议使用。新的测试集应该使用该基础类。

If you prefer an isolated unit test, see ActivityUnitTestCase.//如果你更喜欢一个独立的单元测试,请参见ActivityUnitTestCase



Public Constructors:

ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2(String pkg, Class<T> activityClass)

//This constructor was deprecated in API level 8. use ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2(Class) instead(在高于API level 8后,该构造方法被下方的方法取代了)

ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2(Class<T> activityClass)
//Creates an ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2.
Public Methods:
T getActivity()
Get the Activity under test, starting it if necessary.//获取在测试下的Activity,如果必要的话可以启动
void setActivityInitialTouchMode(boolean initialTouchMode)
Call this method before the first call to getActivity() to set the initial touch mode for the Activity under test.//在第一次调用 getActivity()方法前可以调用该方法去初始化测试下Activity的TOUCH模式
void setActivityIntent(Intent i)
Call this method before the first call to getActivity() to inject a customized Intent into the Activity under test.//在第一次调用 getActivity()方法前可以调用该方法去注入测试下Activity的自定义的INTENT
Protected Methods
void runTest()
Runs the current unit test.
void setUp()
Sets up the fixture, for example, open a network connection.
void tearDown()
Make sure all resources are cleaned up and garbage collected before moving on to the next test.


posted @ 2014-09-04 18:24  思考的犀牛  阅读(308)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报