
1 非谓语动词作状语


2 不定式作状语

(1)不定式作目的状语(to ,in order to(为了) ,so as to (这样))


  • 我是来看你的---i came here to see you.
  • 为了能赶上第一班公车,他起的很早---in order to catch the first bus,he got up very early.
  • 他弯下腰去捡笔---he bent down so as to pick up the pen.


  一般都是主系表结构,且表语是人的情绪。举例:见到你我很开心---i am glad to see you.


  • to  这位年轻人非常愿意帮助我---this young man is very pleasure to help me.
  • so..as to/such...as to(太...以至于...

    你能行行好借我点钱吗---could you please be so kind as to lend me some money.

    你能行行好借我点钱吗---could you please be such kind man as to lend me some money.

  • only to(有点惊讶,译为“结果却是”)  我要开门,却发现门是锁住了---i am going to open the door only to find it was locked inside.
  • too...to(太...以至于不能...)  他太年轻了以至于不能上学---he is too young to go to school.
  • enough...to(足够的)  他很勇敢,敢在晚上一个人出门---he is brave enough to go out alone at night.

3 分词作状语


  1. 用分词作状语时,要首先判断是主动还是被动
  2. 当表示有明显的先后顺序且是主动的时候,用“having done”;当表示有明显的先后顺序且是被动的时候,用“having been done”。
  3. 否定直接在分词前加“not”


  • 用了很长时间之后,这本书显得很旧---used it for a long time,the book looked very old.
  • 用这本书的时候,我发现它很有用---using this book , i found it was very useful.

  第二句也可以这样表述:when using this book , i found it was very useful.这是因为分词既可以用作时间状语,也可以用作其他状语,加上连接词能更加具体一点,上边两种表述都是正确的。


  • 没有地方去,那个人就在街上闲逛---having no place to go ,that man wandered on the street.


  • 多给点时间,他就能做的更好---given more time , he can do it better.


  • 那么努力工作,他还是失败了---working so hard , he failed.


  • 他回家很晚,让他的爸爸很生气---he got home late making his father angry.


  • 他看着窗外,好像在思考---he is looking through window,as if thinking.(不加上连词还能理解成伴随状语,加上就具体了


  • 他进来了,后面跟着他的女儿---he came in followed by his daught.
  • 老师跟着学生进来了---the teacher came in following students.


posted @ 2019-04-01 21:35  珠峰上吹泡泡  阅读(4302)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报