
1 状语从句介绍

1.1 九大状语从句

1.2 九大状语从句的连词

1.3 状语从句的时态

2 时间状语从句

2.1 when while as




(1)他逛商场时看到他了---i saw him when / while / as he was shopping.===when / while / as he was shopping,i saw him.(从句提前需要加逗号)(主短从长

(2)我睡觉的时候他在看电视---he was watching TV while i was sleeping.(主长从长

(3)他进来时我正在吃饭---i was eating when/as he came in.(主长从短

(4)我看到他时他就跑了---he ran away when/as i saw him.(主短从短:一般用as

(5)我到机场的时候,飞机已经起飞了---when i arrived at airport,the airplane had taken off.(动作有先后,只能用when;arrive是不及物动词,后接小地点用at,大地点用in

(6)他焦虑的时候都会抽烟---he smokes when he gets anxious.(表习惯用when)

(7)趁人打铁---strike while iron is hot.(表趁机,用while)

(8)当他是小孩的时候,他喜欢打篮球---when/as a child,he liked playing basketball.(when/as + 名词--->构成省略;前提:主句从句的主语必须一致

(9)当学习英语的时候,他真的很享受---when/while studying english,he really enjoys it.(when/while + 分词--->构成省略;前提:主句从句的主语必须一致


(1)as 除了表示“当什么什么时候”的意思,还表示“边...边...

  • 这小孩边走边唱---the kid sang as he walked.

(2)as 除了表示“当什么什么时候”的意思,还表示“随着

  • 随着时间的流逝,我们都知道了很多---as time went by,we learned a lot of things.

(3)while 除了表示“当什么什么时候”的意思,还表示“两者之间作对比

  • 我喜欢喝咖啡而他却喜欢喝茶---i like coffee while he likes tea.

(4)while 除了表示“当什么什么时候”的意思,还表示“虽然

  • 虽然我承认他不完美,但我喜欢这个人---while i admit that he is not perfect,i really like this person.


  • sb was doing sth/was about to do sth when....

2.2 whenever 



  • whenever you come,we will welcome you.(welcome:这里是动词的用法,表示“欢迎”
  • whenever you come,you are always welcome.(welcome:这里是形容词的用法,表示“受欢迎的”

2.3 before  after



(1)说话之前要动脑---think before you speak.

(2)他完成作业后就走了---he left after he finished his homework.




  • 我还没有来得及说他就冲出了厕所---he rushed the room before i could said anything.


  • 赶紧做以免你忘了---do it quickly before you forget.

(4)it will (not)be + 一段时间 + before(表示“(不)需要一段时间才能”)

  • 你得花3天才能看完这部电影---it will be three days before you finish his movie.(主将从现

(5)it was (not)+ 一段时间 +before(表示“一段时间后才...”)

  • 十年后人们才知道真相---it was ten years before people realized the truth.

(6)时间段 + pass/go by + before sb know/realize...(表示“一段时间后才...”)

  • 过了一年我们才知道---a year went by/passed before we realized the truth.

2.4 since once

  since 表示“自从”,主句肯定现在完成时,从句肯定一般过去时;once表示“一旦”。


(1)自从你走后,我一直待在北京---i have beeb in beijing since you left.(since这里是连词

(2)自从2002年以后我就再也没有见过他---i have never seen him since the year of two thousand and two.(since这里是介词

2.5 until till

  until till 都表示“直到”的意思,都可以作连词或者介词。


(1)我一直工作到他回来---i worked until/till he came back.(连词

(2)我得学到明年---i need to learn until/till the next year.(介词

(3)他爸爸回来他才睡---he did not sleep until/till his father came back.(否定句;连词

(4)我昨天才知道这件事---i knew this thing until/till yesterday.(否定句;介词



  • 他爸爸回来他才睡---not until his father came back did he sleep.(主句主语与时表词换位置


  • 他爸爸回来他才睡---it was not until his father came back that he slept.


  • 我一直工作到他回来---until he came back,i worked.

2.6 as soon as --->no sooner than



  • he called me as soon as he got home.
  • he called me the moment / the minute / the instant / the second he got home.(这四个不是连词,但这里可以连接两个句子,表示“一瞬间”)
  • he called me immediately / instantly / directly he got home.(这三个不是连词,但这里可以连接两个句子,表示“直接/瞬间/直接”)
  • he called me on his getting home.


  • hardly / scarcely...when
  • no sooner...than


  • i had hardly / scarcely got home when the phone rang.
  • hardly / scarcely had i got home when the phone rang.(倒装形式:主句主语与时表词换位置;与上述表达等价
  • i had no sooner got home than the phone rang.
  • no sooner had i got home than the phone rang.(倒装形式:主句主语与时表词换位置;与上述表达等价

2.7 every time--->the first/second/third/last time


(1)每一次我有困难他就会来帮我---every time / each time i am in troble,he comes to help me.

(2)下次来的时候记得带上你的儿子---remember to take your son with you next time you come.(主将从现)

(3)任何时候你想来就来---you are welcome any time / all the time you want to come.

(4)他回来的时候,天已经黑了---it had got dark by the time he came back.(by the time表示“到...时间”;主句用过去完成时

(4)我第一次见他的时候,他还是个小孩---he was a kid the first time i saw him.

3 地点状语从句

where        wherever(不管什么地方)     any where(任何地方)


(1)我的书在我原来放的地方找到了---i found my book where i put it.

(2)我们应该去需要我们的地方---we should go where we are needed.

(3)不管你在哪,我都会在这等你---where /any where you are , i will be here waiting for you.

注:补充一个句型“where there be ... , there be...”表示“有...的地方就有...

举例:有水的地方就有船---where there is water,there is a boat.

4 原因状语从句

4.1 because  for

  because 与 for 都表示“因为”,用法几乎一样,because可以放在句首,for不能放在句首。


  • i did not come yesterday because / for i was ill.
  • because i was ill,i did not come yesterday.

4.2 because  as


举例:因为昨天天气太冷了,我就呆在家里了---as the weather is too cold yesterday i stayed at home.

4.3 since

  since 表示“既然”。

举例:既然大家都到了,那我们就开始吧---since everybody is here,let's start.

4.4 seeing that


举例:他看到她不高兴了,就不说话了---seeing that she was unhappy,he stopped talking.

4.5 now that


举例:现在既然你把所有的东西都准备好了,我们可以开始了---now that you get everything ready , we can start.

4.6 considering that


举例:考虑到他不会回来了,我就把门锁了---considering that he would not come back , i locked the door.

4.7 given that



在他们没有什么工作经验的情况下,他们已经做得不错了---given that they have no much working experience,they have done a good job.

5 方式状语从句

as(像)  the way(以...方式)  as if(好像)  as though(好像)


(1)按照我教你的画一只猫---draw a cat as / the way i taught you.

(2)他说英语好像外国人---he speaks english as if /as though he were foreigner.(虚拟语气)

(3)他把行李拿来好像今天不会走了---he brought the luggage as if /as though he will not leave today.

6 条件状语从句


(1)如果你不快点,我们就会错过飞机---if you do not hurry (up) ,we will miss the airplane.


(2)可能的话,明天来---if (it is) possible ,come here tomorrow.(主 + 系 + 表 且从句主语是it,可以省略 it be

(3)除非我们定最早的航班,不然我们不能按时到哪---unless we book the earliest flight,we can't get there on time.

(4)只要你有颗热爱生活的心,每天都有惊喜---as long as you love life , everyday is a surprise.

(5)他会来,条件是没有人要他喝酒---he will come on condition that noone asks him to drink.


  • suppose/supposing (that) he is willing to take you abroad ,will you go ?(正常语气
  • suppose/supposing (that) he were to take you abroad ,will you go ?(虚拟语气

(7)万一你有困难,打给我---call me in case you are in trouble.

7 比较状语从句

  都是修饰形容词或者副词。其中(not)as...as 表示“和...一样”,否定的时候,前边的as可以用so代替,表示“不如...一样”;the same as 表示“和...一模一样”;比较级 + than 表示“比...更...”;the + 比较级...the + 比较级 表示“越...越...”.。




  • he is as tall as she is.(前一个as是副词,表示“一样”;后一个as是连词
  • he is as tall as her.(前一个as是副词,表示“一样”;后一个as是介词

(2)他不如她高---he is not as/so tall as she is.

(3)他和她工作一样努力---he works as hard as he works/does.

(4)你的车跟我的一样---your car is the same as mine.(as是介词

(5)这块表跟我丢的一样---this watch is the same as i lost.(as是连词

(6)电脑比电视更有意思---computer is more interesting than TV(than 是介词

(7)他比他吃的多---he eats more than him=he eats more than he eats = he eats more than he does。(后两个than是连词

(8)你学的越多越想学---the more you learn the more you want to learn.

(9)你学的越努力进步就会越大---the harder you learn the more progress you will make.(实际是两个句子,只是谓语后面的提前了


  • their house is three times bigger than ours.
  • thier house is as four times big as ours.

8 让步状语从句

  though,although,as,while表示“虽然”;even if , even though 表示“即使,就算”;no matter + 疑问词 = 疑问词 + ever 表示“不管,不论”;wether表示“不管,不论”。

8.1 though although

  1. though 多用于口语;引导的从句可前可后;可以倒装也可以不倒装;除了做连词,还可以作副词。
  2. although 多用于书面语,稍微正式一点;引导的从句只能放在前边。
  3. 两个经常与“yet,still,nevertheless”连用。



  • though/although he is rich,nevertheless he is not happy.
  • rich though he is ,he is not happy.(倒装)
  • he is not happy,he is rich though.(though作副词)

8.2 while

  while 表示“虽然”的意思,不太常用。

虽然他很富有,然而他不快乐---while he is rich , he is not happy.

8.3 as



(1)虽然他很富有,然而他不快乐---rich as he is , he is not happy.(表语提前

(2)虽然他工作很努力,但他没有取得任何进步---hard as he works , he did not  make any progress.(状语提前

(3)尽管他承诺他会来,他还是没来---that he will come as he promised , he did not come yet.(宾语提前


  • think as he tried hard to , he did not remenber anything.(动词提前
  • hard as he tried to think , he did not remember anything.(状语提前

8.4 even if  even though


举例:即使他知道,他也不会告诉你---even if / even though he knows , he will not tell you.(正常用法)

8.5 no matter + 疑问词 = 疑问词 + ever

举例:不管别人说什么,做你想做的---enen if / even though he knew , he would not tell you.

8.6 wether

举例:不管你喜欢不喜欢,你都的做---wether you like it (or not), you need to do it.

9 目的状语从句


(1)我会慢慢跑,那样你就能赶上我---i will run slowly , so (that)you can catch up with me.

(2)为了早点到那,我们坐的飞机---in order that we can get there early , we took the airplane.

(3)请你明天在提醒我下,以免我忘了---please remind me tomorrow again in case i forget it.

10 结果状语从句



(1)他太小还不能上学---he is so young that he can't go to school.(形容词)

(2)他吃了那么多西瓜,结果现在感觉不舒服---he ate so much watermelon that he does not feel well.(名词)

(3)这个男孩太小还不能上学---he is such a little boy that he can't go to school.


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