
提起代码重构和单元测试,相信大家都不陌生,重构和单元测试也成为了大家开发中必不可少的一部分,但是您知道数据库重构(Database Refactoring)吗?您知道数据库单元测试(Database Unit Testing)吗?看看SachinRe是怎么说的。

.数据库重构(Database Refactoring

在《What is database refactoring?》这篇文章中,SachinReDatabase Refactoring作了如下解释:

Database refactoring is merely extending this concept of refactoring from the application code to your database code. Much in the same way, you can imagine a database rename refactoring would rename a database object and all of its references in the database. Similarly, an extract stored procedure refactoring would pull out a SQL fragment from a stored procedure and place it in its own reusable procedure.

.数据库单元测试(Database Unit Testing

在《What is database unit testing?》文章中,SachinReDatabase Unit Testing的解释:

How does this all relate to database development? The direct analog of application unit tests in the database world are tests of a database’s programmability objects. These include, for example, a database’s stored procedures, functions, and triggers.


DECLARE @CustomerId nchar(5)

SELECT @CustomerId = 'EASTC'

EXEC dbo.CustOrderHist @CustomerId

IF (@@ROWCOUNT <> 19)

RAISERROR('Actual Rowcount not equal to expected 19',1,1)


posted @ 2006-07-02 11:29  TerryLee  阅读(6693)  评论(9编辑  收藏  举报