exception handling of Python

#exception handling of Python
#how to do with the exception  just like java
#raising exceptions
#multiple exceptions
#geniric exception
#ignoring exception  how about pass

#raising excpetion
def readFile(filename):
    if filename.endswith('txt'):
        fh = open(filename)
        return fh.readinto()
    else: raise  ValueError('filename must be ended with txt')

# ignoring exception  how about pass

def ignorexce():
    counter = 0
       fh=open("file.txt")  #  here can give an example of file not exists ,and then the finally block will get counter equal 1  ,but now it will be 0
       print  'ignor'  # csn not printlog
        pass   # will not print anything of error log
        counter += 1
        print  "error" # print this error
    finally:  # the finally block
        print "all work was done by Ethan"
        print ('calculate the error times %s ' % counter)

def main():
    try :
        fh = open("file.txt")
        x = 1/0
    except IOError as e:
        print ('this my log :', e ) # if not found open file will print this log error in cousolut
    except ZeroDivisionError as e :
        print("u r divising by zero : ," ,e)
    except:   # this is call generic exceptions ,this will catch everything ,this will it called generic
        print ("unkown reasons")
        print("this will not print any way")
    print "all done " # from here can know the excpetion will not break donw the process ,it will goes on
        for line in readFile("filename.tx1t") :print line   # file not ended with txt will get raising exceptions
    except IOError as e1:
        print ('big eror :',e1)
    except ValueError as e :
        print ('this message from raising exceptions : ',e)


posted @ 2017-04-01 17:03  yuerspring  阅读(100)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报