Python 连接db2 以及读取Excel 操作

import ibm_db
import xlrd
conn = ibm_db.connect("catalogdb",'username','passwd')

#Preparing and executing a single SQL statement in Python
if conn:
    sql = 'select * from DWDM2.tablename with ur'
    print "number of affected rows: ",ibm_db.num_rows(stmt)   #number of affected rows:  -1
    result = ibm_db.fetch_both(stmt)
    #description : fetch data from table ,result means one column
    #result from table:  3603 0 POPULATE 2017-07-04 22:24:05 2017-07-05 00:48:58 COMPLETED
        print "result from table: ",result[0],result[1],result[2],result[3],result[4],result[5]
        result = ibm_db.fetch_both(stmt)

    #Preparing and executing SQL statements with variable input in Python

    sqlwithvariable = "select * from DWDM2.SNS_PROCESS_STATUS where  row_id > ? and row_id < ? "
    statprepare = ibm_db.prepare(conn,sql)
    maxs = 3000
    mins = 2456
    # Explicitly bind parameters
    #ibm_db.bind_param(statprepare, 1, mins)   # not works
    #ibm_db.bind_param(statprepare, 2, maxs)
    param = maxs, mins,
    results = ibm_db.execute(statprepare,param)  #works
    if results:
        print "results from table with prepare: ", results

    #Fetching rows or columns from result sets in Python
    # description
    Fetch data from a result set by calling one of the fetch functions.
    Function 	          Description
    ibm_db.fetch_tuple 	Returns a tuple, which is indexed by column position, representing a row in a result set. The columns are 0-indexed.
    ibm_db.fetch_assoc 	Returns a dictionary, which is indexed by column name, representing a row in a result set.
    ibm_db.fetch_both 	Returns a dictionary, which is indexed by both column name and position, representing a row in a result set.
    ibm_db.fetch_row 	Sets the result set pointer to the next row or requested row. Use this function to iterate through a result set.

    we already have give an example about function fetch_both ,so will not give one in the blow example ,thanks
    print "hello new world"
    stmtfetch_assoc = ibm_db.exec_immediate(conn, sql) # can not uses the first stam defined above ,create a new one
    dictionary = ibm_db.fetch_assoc(stmtfetch_assoc)
    print dictionary
    while dictionary != False:
        print "the row id of table sns is :" ,dictionary["ROW_ID"]
        print "the action code of table sns is :",dictionary["ACTION_CODE"]
        print "the comment of table sns is :",dictionary["COMMENT"]   # get line by column nane ,not by the index of each line
        dictionary = ibm_db.fetch_assoc(stmtfetch_assoc)

    stmtfetch_tuple = ibm_db.exec_immediate(conn, sql)
    tuple = ibm_db.fetch_tuple(stmtfetch_tuple)

    while tuple :
        print "tuple the row id of table sns is :", tuple[0]
        print "tuple the action code of table sns is :", tuple[1]
        print "tuple the comment of table sns is :", tuple[2]
        tuple = ibm_db.fetch_tuple(stmtfetch_tuple)

    stmtfetch_row = ibm_db.exec_immediate(conn, sql)
    resullllt = ibm_db.fetch_row(stmtfetch_row)
    while ibm_db.fetch_row(stmtfetch_row) !=False:  # this place can not use resullllt to replace
        print "The Employee number is : ", ibm_db.result(stmtfetch_row, 0)
        print "The last name is : ", ibm_db.result(stmtfetch_row, "COMMENT")

data = xlrd.open_workbook("subidacq4.7.17.xls")
table = data.sheet_by_index(0)
table1 = data.sheets()[0]
#table2 =data.sheet_by_name("sheetname")

#get n rows and n colus
nrows= table.nrows
ncols =table.ncols
print table.row_values(12) ,ncols,nrows  #[u'ALFP0006', u'ALGO', u'2008-01-01', u'', u'', u'KMROSA', u'', u'JSPINELLI'] 8 23245

for rownum in range(nrows):
    print table.row_values(rownum)

#cell function
print table.cell(0,0).value
print table.cell(2,4).value
print table.row(0)[0].value
print table.col(1)[0].value

posted @ 2017-07-12 13:44  yuerspring  阅读(233)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报